
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Cover Reveal!

By 6:16 PM ,

Expected Publication Date: Nov. 19, 2013
In The Indigo Spell, Sydney was torn between the Alchemist way of life and what her heart and gut were telling her to do. And in one breathtaking moment that Richelle Mead fans will never forget, she made a decision that shocked even her. . . .

But the struggle isn't over for Sydney. As she navigates the aftermath of her life-changing decision, she still finds herself pulled in too many directions at once. Her sister Zoe has arrived, and while Sydney longs to grow closer to her, there's still so much she must keep secret. Working with Marcus has changed the way she views the Alchemists, and Sydney must tread a careful path as she harnesses her profound magical ability to undermine the way of life she was raised to defend. Consumed by passion and vengeance, Sydney struggles to keep her secret life under wraps as the threat of exposure—and re-education—looms larger than ever.

Pulses will race throughout this thrilling fourth installment in the New York Times bestselling Bloodlines series, where no secret is safe.
-goodreads.com description
The cover was revealed yesterday and I am so excited already! And I haven't even read the Indigo Spell.... YET. I have it downloaded to my Nook ready and waiting! Richelle Mead is one of my favorite authors and I am so excited that I got an e-ARC of the first book in her new series!

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  1. I'm really enjoying this series.

    Thanks for stopping by. Love your blog name. New follower :)

    1. Thanks for the follow! I love this series too. I purchased Indigo Spell, but haven't had a chance to read it yet!

  2. Hi Jess! Thanks for following my blog. Followed you back :) Love the cover, btw. And the title! Adrian + Sydney = SWOOOON!

    1. LOL. Thanks for the follow back! I definitely need to read Indigo Spell so I can get more of those two together!


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