
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Feature and Follow Friday #4

By 10:33 PM

The Feature & Follow is a weekly event that allows bloggers to get to know each other, and gain more followers! It is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.
If you are a new follower, I thank you! I'm looking to do a follower giveaway very soon. Leave me some comment love and let me know so I can follow you back! If my reviews and blog looks like your cup of tea, follow me on Twitter for updates and upcoming giveaway info.
Q: What is your guilty pleasure as far as reading? Is it a genre or a certain type of book?
Within the last year I have become addicted to New Adult contemporary romance. I definitely love the steamy, swoon-worthy scenes. Some of my favs. are S.C. Stephen's Thoughtless series, Cora Carmack's Losing It, and Tammara Weber's Easy. I am also addicted to urban fantasy/ and paranormal books. Jeaniene Frost's Huntress series, Charlaine Harris's Sookie Stackhouse series, and Karen Marie Moning's Fever series are all guilty pleasure reads for me.
OH. And my best friend pointed out that I have a thing for love triangles. I was in serious denial when she said that, but after a few moments of reflection, I realized she was right. I have a love/hate relationship with them, that's for sure.
What about you guys? What's your reading guilty pleasure?

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  1. I haven't read much of this genre, but I read Pushing the Limits and LOVED it, so I guess I should read more. Great answer! :D Old follower via GFC. Happy Friday!
    My FF

    1. Ooh, I went to a book signing with Katie last weekend and now I definitely need to push her book up on my TBR list! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. hmm...new adult contemporary? i haven't heard of that. must check it out soon!
    trish - my follow friday

    1. I love it. I think I secretly long to go back to my college days, where life was so much simpler! LOL. Thanks for stopping by Trish!

  3. Yes Yes Yes me too! :) lol
    The Thoughtless trilogy is a definite favorite of mine and I like urban fantasy as well.

    Old Follower:

    1. I still need to get my hands on Reckless! I need more Kellan Kyle in my life! Thanks for stopping by Marissa!

  4. LOVE New Adult! It's my newest booky addiction. :) Thanks for stopping by Cherie Reads! I'm your newest follower.

    1. And what a good addiction to have! Thanks for stopping by also and following too!

  5. I love the New Adult Romances too! Blushing and swooning! I haven't read any of those yet but they are going on my TBR! Thanks for stopping by my FF!

    Chelsea @ Starbucks & Books Obsession

    1. They are definitely great reads! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Hopping through. I haven't read much new adult. I keep meaning to. So many people love the genre.
    My Hop

    1. It's not for everyone but I definitely think it should be tried at least once! It's a fun one.

  7. I'm not into love triangles much! And I've also been meaning to read some New Adult books to find if it's to my liking.

    I followed you back on bloglovin' :)

    Old follower blog hopping :)

    My guilty pleasures

    Goldie @ My Book Musings

    1. Goldie- I think it's all about finding the right one. Some can be really irritating, but others can be so well done. Thanks for following back on Bloglovin' (I must admit, I like it so far!)


    New follower via GFC.

    Click The Soul Sisters for my FF post.

    Louisse @ The Soul Sisters

    1. Thanks Louisse for stopping by and following! Yay another fellow new adult reader!!

  9. With Thoughtless you really do have a love triangle! New Adult is slowly growing on me, but I hate the name they've given it. I adored Easy!

    Jessica @ Literary, etc
    (old follower)

    1. Which is funny, because I thought that love triangle was going to be the death of me. That book hurt my heart SO much. I agree, the name 'New Adult' is kind of lame.

  10. Nice blog!

    New follower via GFC!
    Bieke @ Bookaddict Bieke

  11. Ooh I love the Night Huntress series!

    Thanks for visiting my FF!

    1. Sigh. I need more Bones in my life. I'm still not so patiently waiting for the most recent book to come to my e-library! Thanks for stopping by Jessica!

  12. Swoon worthy- I'm right there with you.
    Old follower.
    My FF

  13. I am so confused with genres!!Which books are the New Adult?
    Old follower.
    Here is my FF http://goo.gl/P6ToX

    1. New Adult is really just that most of the characters are college age. I prefer new adult romance, so think in between YA romance and Adult romance. I'm probably explaining it badly. LOL.

  14. I also have a love/hate relationshipe with Love triangles, sometimes I hate them, but other times I love them. I guess it depands on the book.
    old follower
    my F&F

    1. It definitely depends on the book. I've read some where I feel like the author just threw in another character just because. I don't like those types.

  15. I haven't gotten a chance to read any new adult books yet, but it definitely sounds like I need to start! I'm trying to figure out what my guilty pleasures would be. Maybe the House of Night series, lol.

    1. Yes! They are alot of fun to read. I love reading about college life! I think it's because I miss being on campus myself!! I haven't read House of Night yet. I was planning to start this summer. Thanks for stopping by Kelley!

  16. I really want to read the Sookie Stackhouse books but I've just not gotten around to it yet!
    Thanks for stopping by! I'm an old follower :)
    My FF

    1. You SO need to!! I love them! Though Sookie can drive me a little crazy. LOL.

  17. I absolutely loved Losing It, so yeah.. New Adult is DEFINITELY a genre that's one of my favorite as well :)

    Old follower :)

    My F&F

    1. Yay! Someone else to chat with about New Adult! I love it! Thanks for stopping by!

  18. I've only read a few New Adult books, but I really liked them. Have you read J. Lynn's (Jennifer L. Armentrout) Wait for You. That was fantastic!

    I actually hate (with a passion) love triangles. I just don't get them. That's just me, though :)

    1. I haven't read Wait For You yet. I have it on my Nook though!! I was saving it for a fun Spring Break read. Love triangles are not for everyone. Sometimes it's nice just having the book just focus on the two people and the buildup of getting together.

  19. Contemporary books aren't my thing, but I'm glad that you enjoy them! :D I used to look forward to love triangles, but after reading so many of them, my excitement for them has died down a little bit. I don't vehemently hate them with a passion, but I don't exactly like them either. xD

    Thanks for stopping by! New Follower. :D
    Daphne @ Reading Until Dawn

    1. I can definitely understand where you're coming from! I've read a few books recently with no love triangle and I remember thinking how refreshing it was for a change. Thanks for stopping by and following!

  20. Both New Adult and PNR are high up on my list of pleasures when it comes to books! I'm an old follower via Bloglovin and Google+.

    Here's my FF post for this week.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  21. haha I have a love-hate relationship with love-triangles too (when they're done well!) I also REALLY want to get into Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress Series - I actually own book 1 :D Oh and I mentioned KMM's Fever series too ♥!

    Fab answer, have a great week end
    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

    1. Yay! The Fever series rocked my world. I loved it. And you definitely need to read Night Huntress! SO good!

  22. I don't think that I've read any books that would be considered New Adult but like you learned on my blog, YA does it for me.

    Following you back on bloglovin' and had already followed you on Twitter.

    Fun blog!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Dana! I'm glad YA works for you! It's such a great genre to read.

  23. I agree the New Adult books are tons of fun to read. I go through spurts where I read a lot of them. Right now I'm in one of those phases. Thanks for visiting my FF.

    1. Thanks for stopping by also! I'm about to go through a spurt myself over Spring break!

  24. I haven't read any New Adult books yet, but I have a few on my TBR that I plan on getting to hopefully some time soon. I have to agree Kat & Bones and The Fever Series are both guilty pleasures of mine too :)

    Following back on GFC

    1. Yay! Another fan of two of the best series out there!! I hope you enjoy New Adult when you get to read it!

  25. I get a bit tired of love triangles sometimes. But if they're done right, then I like them. Thanks for stopping by my FF, I'm following you back via GFC.

    1. There are definitely some books where I feel the author just threw it in for the heck of it, and that definitely irritates me. Thanks for stopping by and following back!

  26. I really like good swoon-worthy scenes too! Definitely a guilty pleasure... :)

    Thanks for stopping by my FF, Jessica!

    Emily @ Fluttereal Reads

  27. Thx for finding my FF , following you now via GFC!

    1. Thanks for coming by Una and following back!

  28. Thanks for finding my FF @ Moringoreviews !

    Currently following you too! :D
    And will definitely check out the books you mentioned in your FF answer!

    1. :) I hope you end up liking them if you check them out! Thanks for following back!

  29. I haven't ventured into New Adult yet just because it seems primarily romance and I tend to shy away from that. I'm actually hoping that it'll expand to include other genres like fantasy and dystopias like you get with Young Adult. If that was the focus, with romance tossed in, then I wouldn't mind at all! ;)

    Thanks for the follow. Following back via BlogLovin!

    1. I would also like for it to venture into the different genres and mix it in with fantasy and whatnot. Those would be awesome to read! Thanks for following back!

  30. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :D
    I haven't read any of those books, but this whole 'New Adult' thing confuses me, I'm not sure what is classed in it or not. I've seen comments above about Katie McGarry's Pushing the Limits books which I have read and LOVED, but I still counted them as Young Adult.
    Am I the only one lost? Probably! Is it like YA for slightly older readers? Like the comment above though, I'm really not into the heavy romance scenes.
    Oh well, I'll carry on happily in my own little world. :D

    Have a great week.

    1. Yes. I would say it is YA for slightly older readers- typically New adult focuses on the main characters being in college or around college age. I have not read Pushing the Limits yet, but my signed copy is waiting for me to read it! Hopefully soon!

  31. I do have to read more New Adult contemporary. My library is finally getting them.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF :)

    1. Ooh, I'm glad your library is getting them! I haven't really checked my library out for NA, but they have a killer YA selection, luckily for me.

  32. This genre is becoming very popular for me of late!
    Followed back!

    1. Thanks Brittany for stopping by and following back! I'm glad you also like this genre- if you ever have suggestions send them my way!

  33. I haven't read much Sookie Stackhouse but I just bought the first book and am excited to read it :) My best friend loves the TV show so I thought I'd give the books a try before checking out the show. Another one of my guilty pleasures I forgot to add is Pretty Little Liars. I have to admit I got hooked into the TV show before reading the books but now I have the first one so I can start that, too :) happy reading!

    Old GFC follower and new Google+ follower :)

    1. Yes, definitely check the books out first. The series, although great, doesn't really follow the books very well. I never did get into PTL, but I'd like to at some point! I hope you like the first Sookie book!!


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My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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