
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Waiting on Wednesday #5

By 7:23 AM

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights books whose releases we are eagerly awaiting!
The Girl with the Iron Touch (Steampunk Chronicles #3)
    by: Kady Cross
Harlequin Teen, 384 pages
To be released: May 28, 2013
When mechanical genius Emily is kidnapped by rogue automatons, Finley Jayne and her fellow misfits fear the worst. What's left of their archenemy, The Machinist, hungers to be resurrected, and Emily must transplant his consciousness into one of his automatons—or forfeit her friends' lives.

With Griffin being mysteriously tormented by the Aether, the young duke's sanity is close to the breaking point. Seeking help, Finley turns to Jack Dandy, but trusting the master criminal is as dangerous as controlling her dark side. When Jack kisses her, Finley must finally confront her true feelings for him...and for Griffin.

Meanwhile, Sam is searching everywhere for Emily, from Whitechapel's desolate alleyways to Mayfair's elegant mansions. He would walk into hell for her, but the choice she must make will test them more than they could imagine.

To save those she cares about, Emily must confront The Machinist's ultimate creation—an automaton more human than machine. And if she's to have any chance at triumphing, she must summon a strength even she doesn't know she has....
                                -goodreads.com description
Dear NetGalley, I will love you forever and ever if you would let me have an advanced copy of this book. Seriously.
I loved the first two books in this series and I CANNOT wait for this one. Especially after the end of the last book. I have to see how it plays out!!! And I need more Griffin in my life. Just sayin'.
I know not everyone is a fan of steampunk, but man I loved this series.
Anyways- what books are you guys on waiting on? Leave me a link to your WOW if you will, because I am always looking for new books to put on my radar!

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  1. I'm a huge fan of the series too! It's actually not available locally, so I just read the ebooks, but everytime I'm in the bookstore, I'm still looking for copies. Just in case!

    Do you know of other books like this?

    1. Cassie Clare's Infernal Devices are similar. And I've heard the Incarceron series is pretty good, but I haven't actually read it yet.

      Thanks for stopping by!

    2. Ughhh I'm so sad. I just realized that I want to read Infernal Devices but they're not being sold in the cheaper bookstores in our country. They're pretty expensive in the mainstream bookstores. :(

    3. Bummer! Do you have an e-reader or anything? Would buying e-books be cheaper?

  2. I have the first of this series but I haven't started it yet. I'm glad you think it's good, maybe that's enough incentive to get me to read it.

    My Wow

    1. I wasn't sure how I'd like it at first, but I fell in love with the characters and the storylines just grew on me.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Oh man, you DO love steampunk. (Saw your last week's WOW w/ the Legacy of the Clockwork Key). I haven't started this series (I know, I know...I stink). BUT, it sounds amazingggg.

    Axie @ Books are Bread

    1. LOL! I promise next week I won't have another steampunk book! :) You definitely should check this series out, though. I love it!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. This is one of those series that I listed as an honorable mention on my TTT list of series that I need to read yet haven't. I own the first two, but haven't read them yet. Thanks for visiting my WoW!

    My WoW "Waiting On" Wednesday (#2) Isla and the Happily Ever After
    LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA

    1. I saw your list! You had a lot of great books and honorable mentions. Start reading girl! LOL.

      Thanks for stopping by also!

  5. Niiiice! This one's up on Netgalley! I got me a copy already and plan to read it early April! A little overwhelmed at the moment with a challenge reading list!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I saw that in your STS and can I just say how jealous I am?! Harper/Harlequin isn't really sending me the love yet concerning e-ARC's. But, I hear ya. My reading list is huge at the moment. But for this one, I'd make room!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Awesome pick for this week! Happy Reading! Here is my WoW for this week!

    (New GFC Follower!)

    1. Thanks for the follow and for stopping by my blog! I followed you back also!

  7. I've been wanting to start this series for so :) I really need to get on that since I have book 1! Thanks for stopping by My WW!


    1. It's such a good series! Thanks for stopping by also!

  8. I'm really interested to start reading Steampunk books, I need to check this series out!

    1. This is a good one to start with. I've heard alot of people say steampunk can be hit or miss.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  9. I've been meaning to pick up this series--I have the first one. Definitely need to read it!

    1. Yes! Such a great series! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Man, I haven't gotten into this series, but I have had my eye on it. I hope you get it on Netgalley!

    Also, I love the name of your blog! It makes me giggle. :D

    1. Thanks! I hope so too! I'm glad you like the name! :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  11. I LOVE this series! I had no idea a third book would be written until a couple months ago, when I saw the cover. I am excited!

    Thank you for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  12. Holy MOSES! is this on net galley? /dies /revives /runstonetgalley. I LOVE Kady Cross and Finley Jane!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I kind of stumbled across a bunch of book tour organizers and started volunteering. Some require you have 200 followers for a blog tour, but others do not. Google Literary Quill promotions, Read Between the Lines, Entangled Publishing, Prism Book Tours, Xpresso Cafe.

    Those are the ones I'm signed up for so far! There's a ton out there and they are so much fun! Some are just cover reveals with a chance at winning something for hosting or participating in the rafflecopter. Others are full reviews with e-books! I KNOW Read Between the Lines aka Anna has spots open on her upcoming tours. http://www.rbtlreviews.com/p/tour-host-form.html

  13. I've been meaning to check out this series for a while now, great choice!

    1. It's definitely worth checking out! Thanks for stopping by!

  14. The Steampunk Chronicles is so amazing and I just want this NOW. NOW. I'm going to check if it's on netgalley >:D

    1. :) Good luck! I keep checking every day to see if it's come through! SIGH. Keeping my fingers crossed.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  15. I really want to get into this series!! Nice choice!!

    Thanx for visiting my WoW!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

    1. I LOVE this series! Definitely worth checking out! Thanks for stopping by also!

  16. Sci-Fi sounds cool! :D <3

    thanks for visiting my wow :D

    Camelle @ http://homeofabooklover.blogspot.com/2013/03/waiting-on-wednesday-02.html

  17. I'm not really a fan of Steampunk books, but this series looks good. :) The covers are gorgeous as well! :D Thanks for stopping by my WoW. ^.^
    Happy Reading! :D

    Tiffa @ The British Book Nerd

    1. I've heard steampunk can be pretty hit or miss, so I don't know how many other series I'll venture and try. Thanks for stopping by also!

  18. I love steampunk! This series will have to go on my TBR list. :) If you say it's so amazing, then I must read it too.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm now following you back.

    1. :) It's a good one! Thanks for stopping by also and following back!

  19. I haven't started this series but the cover looks great and the synopsis is interesting. I may have to check it out!

    Thanks for stopping by the blog.


  20. I've never heard of this series. It sounds really interesting. I haven't read any Steampunk. I think it's about time I try!

    Michelle :)
    Author, PODs available June 4th
    Visit Me!
    New follower.

    1. Yes! Definitely give it a shot. Thanks for stopping by and following! I am following you back also!

  21. Hmm... I'd never heard of this series before, and it doesn't seem quite my type, but it does look really cool, so I might just have to check it out! I really do need to try Steampunk sometime soon!

    My WOW.

    ~ Lynette @ Escaping Reality – One Book at a Time

  22. I've actually stopped reading this series because I didn't like the first one, but I hope you really enjoy it and thanks for visiting my WOW :)

  23. This sounds GREAT, oh my gosh. Thanks for sharing :)


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