
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Stacking the Shelves #22

By 9:25 AM

Stacking the Shelves is an event hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves.

Received for Blog Tour/Review:

A Tale of Two Centuries (My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century #2) by Rachel Harris (Eeep! Thanks so much to Heather at Entangled and Rachel for this!)
Addicted To You by Colina Brennan (Thanks to Xpresso Tours for this one! Tour Date: Aug. 27th)
Undertow (Dragonfly #2) by Leigh T. Moore (Thanks to Kelly at Inkslinger and Leigh for sending this one! Tour Date: July 23rd)

Come Back To Me by Coleen Patrick


Pivot Point (Pivot Point #1) by Kasie West (Only $1.99 and it's our next #GwB read!)
Charade (Games #1) by Nyrae Dawn (This was $.99 and I had to get it since I have Facade!)
Catalyst (Tethered #1) by Jennifer Snyder (Also $.99- learned about it over at Alyssa Rose Ivy's blog!)
Entwined With You (Crossfire #3) by Sylvia Day (Thanks to a $10 GC, I could finally get this!)

Book Signing #2

Last Sunday Michelle Leighton, Samantha Young, Jessica Sorensen, and Addison Moore were doing a signing up at the Nashville B&N... so of course I had to go!

The Wild Ones (The Wild Ones #1) by M. Leighton
Down To You (The Bad Boys #1) by M. Leighton x2
On Dublin Street (On Dublin Steet #1) by Samantha Young
Someone to Love (Someone to Love #1) by Addison Moore

And that's it! I'm officially putting myself on a book buying ban! NO MAS! What'd you guys snag this week?

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  1. Haha, thats funny. Do you how many times I put myself on a book ban....then I get the Rock Report in my email...! I should probably remove that! Great haul....I am excited to see your review for that Undertow by Leigh T. Moore. I loved The Truth About Faking!

    1. I know. I'm sure I'm going to fail miserably at banning myself, but it's worth a try! Haha! I can't wait to dive into Undertow!

  2. Wow, what a big haul! I love the cover for Catalyst - never heard of that one before! And I really need to get Pivot Point as well :)
    Enjoy your new reads!

    My StS

    1. :D Thanks! I first heard about Catalyst on another author's page and I loved the idea so I couldn't resist it! And I'm going to start Pivot Point next weekend. I've heard some great things about it!

  3. YAY For the signing! Did you have fun?!

    I think I have Catalyst.. The cover looks familiar but I have so many ebooks I forget which ones I have! :D

    Awesome haul :)

    Weekly Wrap Up + STS

    1. Oh it was so much fun! I went by myself, but ended up chatting it up with a woman who came in for the UtopYA conference, so that was cool. Catalyst was one that I discovered on another author's webpage and I need more paranormals in my life!

  4. PIVOT POINT!!!!!!! LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED :D I really hope you enjoy this one (I'm sure you will). Nice haul! Happy reading!!

    Thanks for stopping by :)
    Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

    1. YAY! I'm SO glad to hear you say that1 I know I've seen some mixed reviews, but I definitely trust your judgment!

  5. OOh nice haul! Lots of these are new to me but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Dying to know what Addicted to You is like! Awesome haul hon!

    1. Thanks! I will let you know as soon as I get to it!


    Of course, we'll tell ourselves that, and then... ;)

    Anyway. YAY for Pivot Point! And A Tale of Two Centuries! I'm jealous that you got to meet Michelle. Perk of living in the South ish! :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Jess! <3

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. HAHA! RIGHT?! I'm all I'm going to be good this week. And then I'm not. Every. Time. LOL. Michelle was so sweet! I was so glad I got to go see all of them! And I'm glad to hear you liked Pivot Point! I know it's gotten some mixed reviews!

  8. You have to let me know what you think of Addicted To You. I am so so curious about that one. I love that you got Down To You and On Dublin Street. Both of those are on my favorites list. On Dublin Street was my fave of 2012. Can't wait to discuss those with ya. Happy reading!

    1. I will definitely let you know how it is! I probably won't get to it for a few weeks, but I'll remember to keep you updated! And I'm so excited to read both DTY and ODS! After seeing you loved them, I knew I had to!

  9. Nice haul! I got all 3 of those for blog tour/reviews too :-) I can't wait to read Pivot Point next weekend. I forgot to add A Tale of Two Centuries to my Sunday Post.

    1. Wooo! That's funny! I literally looked at Sheri's Weekly Haul and was like, Huh. We have the same three books at the top of our post. LOL. So it's cool we can all kind of read them together! And yes. Pivot Point will be a good break from NA.

  10. Great book haul :D! Some of these books are on my TBR pile :). I still haven't read the Crossfire series by Sylvia Day, but I think I am going to have to start it soon. Hope you enjoy these books :).

    Here's mine:

    1. Oh Kassie! I love the Crossfire series. I didn't think I would, but I really really did. It has a lot more depth than I thought. I've been dying to read them again before I start this third one.

  11. Ha, I feel like book buying bans make you want to buy books even more, just because you're not allowed to! ;)

    Enjoy your haul! I want to read Pivot Point and On Dublin Street, as well. Thanks for stopping by! :D

    1. Haha! I am afraid of that happening Erica I won't even lie! I've got to stand strong though! :D

  12. Got it, got it, got it, need it, got it, need it, dunno it, need it, need it, need it, need it, need it. (Had to do that). I can't wait for Pivot Point next week. *dances*

  13. Yay, excited for Pivot Point! =) I really liked Charade too! =) And yay for the signing! Looks like fun!

    1. Woo! I am glad we're taking a bit of a NA break! And yay! I've heard Great things about Charade!

  14. What an excellent haul! How amazing was it to meet such great authors in Nashville! I love M. Leighton, and Jessica Sorenson. Plus, I have been dying to read the On Dublin Street Series! Im on the tour for Undertow too, and am so excited! I can't wait to read your review on it, and compare our opinions :) Thanks for sharing Jess :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Thanks Lindy! I was so happy to see KP's tweet about M. Leighton and all of those gals! I never seem to be up on the signings and appearances! I definitely can't wait to check out your Undertow review!

  15. Pivot Point sounds so amazing! I've heard great things about Kasie West's books. Thanks for sharing and I hope you enjoy!

    1. Thanks Krystianna! I'm so excited about Pivot Point. It's been on the TBR for awhile!

  16. JESSSSSSSICAAAAA!!! I LOVE YOUR HAUL! CAN I HAZ IT?! lololol. I am soooo jealous you got to meet M. Leighton!! Down to You is one of my all time favorites!! AHHH. AND OMG you have to tell when you're going to start Charade because I want to know your thoughts on it!! (: I need to check out the rest of your haul (besides Pivot Point) because I don't think I recognize the rest!! Happy reading!!! LOVE YOU LIKE NO OTHER!! <3

    1. ROFL! Sure you can haz! You'll have to jack my Nook from me though! AH! I will tell you! I'm hoping to start Charade this week. We'll see how crazy the reading schedule gets! I LOVE YOU LIKE NO OTHER MOTHER OR BROTHER! Yeah, I don't know. It's late and I've had wine.


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