
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Weekly Wrap-Up #17

By 9:42 PM

Weekly Wrap-Up #17

What's been happening on the blog this week?

Sunday:                              Stacking the Shelves #21
                                           Review: Protector by Joanne Wadsworth
                                          Review: In the After by Demitria Lunetta

Monday:                             Cover Reveal: Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout
                                           Music Monday: Kacey Musgraves 
                                           Review: Romancing the R.A. by Ashelyn Drake 
                                           Guest Post: Heather's Top Ten Books To Take on a Desert Island

 Tuesday:                           Cover Reveal: Girl on Tour by Caisey Quinn
                                           Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Most Intimidating Books 
                                           Blog Tour: Motocross Me by Cheyanne Young  

Wednesday:                        Waiting on Wednesday: Of Darkness and Crowns by Trisha Wolfe
                                            Review: A Matter of Fate by Heather Lyons 
                                            Blog Tour: A Matter of Heart by Heather Lyons 

Thursday:                          Cover Reveal: Veiled Shadows by Morgan Wylie
                                           Blog Tour: To My Hero by Danielle Sibarium 
                                           Swoon Thursday: A Matter of Heart by Heather Lyons 

Friday:                                Feature and Follow Friday: Favorite book with War or Overthrow of Government

Saturday:                          Review: Trophy Husband by Lauren Blakely

Next week:

                             Blog Tours:
                              Just Breathe by Rachel Brookes
                              Off the Record by Sawyer Bennett
                              The Disappearing Girl by Heather Topham Wood

                              Undeclared by Jen Frederick
                              Taste the Heat by Rachel Harris
                              Right of Way by Lauren Barnholdt
                              The Impact of You by Kendall Ryan  


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  1. You were freaking busy this week! It's gonna take me all day to catch up on your posts :-)

    1. LOL! I never think I've been busy until I do these posts at the end of the week. And then I go- damn! I guess I was!


Leave me some comment love! And I will get around to commenting back!

My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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