
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Cover Reveal: Not Your Fault by Cheyanne Young

By 1:00 AM , , , ,

by: Cheyanne Young
New Adult Contemporary
Release Date: Sept. 12, 2013
Cover Designed by: Clarissa at bookcoversale.com

Delaney has a job she loves and a boyfriend who loves her. Working the night shift at a local gym has given her buns of steel and enough endorphins to deal with the ninth anniversary of her brother's death. When a new owner takes over the gym, Delaney's forgotten past comes somersaulting back at her. Kris Payne isn't just her new boss, he's her ex-boyfriend from high school and he's got a smile that's as cocky as he is gorgeous.

Delaney has no business being attracted to the womanizing, muscular man from her past. She tries to ignore his flirtatious nature, and the fact that she has a boyfriend isn't the thing she feels guilty about. In fact, being in a relationship bothers her a lot less than it should. After all, she can always ditch the boyfriend, but she can't ditch Kris' involvement in her brother's death.


Cheyanne is a native Texan with a fear of cold weather and a coffee addiction that probably needs an intervention. She loves books, sarcasm, nail polish and paid holidays. She lives near the beach with her daughter, one spoiled rotten puppy and a cat who is most likely plotting to take over the world.

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  1. You know me and my love for NA so of course I'm interested in this one :-)

    1. Me too! And I really like Cheyanne's YA Motocross Me! So I'll definitely be picking this one up!

  2. Sooooo pretty! I love those colors and that steamy pose!

    1. Oh yes! I am such a fan of that picture! Whew! That guy! Steamy!!!

  3. I am in love with this cover!! And just plain sexy!! *sigh* They should really make posters out of some of these NA book covers...I know I would stare at them ALL freakin day! lol ;p Thanks for sharing, Jessica! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. RIGHT?! I would buy all the posters! LOL! This one was super hot! Love how low his jeans ride! LOL


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