
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Feature and Follow Friday #23

By 1:30 AM

The Feature & Follow is a weekly event that allows bloggers to get to know each other, and gain more followers! It is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.

Leave me a comment and let me know how you followed so I can follow you back! You can also follow me on Twitter- because I love tweeting about books!

Q: How do you handle a book you don’t like? Do you DNF or do you power through?

I've been very fortunate to not come across many books I haven't liked while blogging. I actually haven't even DNF'd a book before- but I have come close. I've always felt like I have to power through less than stellar books, but now I'm coming to the realization that....

So. I'm going to start reading until about 30-40% and then if I'm really struggling I'm going to call it a day.

What about you guys? What do you do?

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  1. I've only DNF'd a few in my reading days. It does take quite a bit for me to DNF one, but it's happened on rare occasions!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Jessica! I think it'll have to be a really bad book for me to DNF.

  2. That's what I usually do as well. :) At least you're giving the book a try.

    My FF :)

    Jackie @Jackie's Book World

    1. Exactly! That way we can't say we didn't at least give it a try!

  3. Time is a serious problem right?! Why are there only 24hrs a day...who needs sleep anyway, not us book bloggers! I try to choose books carefully so I don't end up reading something I won't like - but there are a couple that sneak through my screening system! Happy Friday :)

    1. Hahaha! Seriously! Sleep?! BAH! I also try to be quite choosy, but you're right sometimes some slip through!

  4. bahahah love the gif!

    I have no problem DNF a book. And it honestly doesn't take much for me to either. Especially if I am offended by the content or bored. :/

    1. :D I thought the gif would be a hit! Hehehe. I've been really lucky to not come across a whole lot of books I haven't liked. But it's good that I have a plan in place now for those that I do come across.

  5. Maybe I should start doing the same but I just feel so guilty when I don't finish a book! Sometimes I think it's better to put it down for some time and then trying to get back to it some time later.
    New follower! :)

    Joana @ Joana In The Sky With Books

    1. I know! I do too Joana! I have done that also- put it down and come back to it when I'm in a different mind set.

  6. hahaha. I love it. ain't nobody got time for that! I agree! :)

    New follower via Twitter, Bloglovin, g+ & GFC

    My FF
    Fantastical Booksih Reviews

    1. Hahaha. I love that gif. I couldn't resist for today. :D

  7. Love the GIF. I try really hard to not to DNF a review book but life it too short and my TBR is too long for me to waste time reading a book I just can't get on board with. I mean, I don't get paid for this :-)

    1. Haha thanks Chelsea! I agree, our TBR's are insane! And you're right- we don't get paid.

  8. I always continue through on books though I'm starting to regret it. I'm a bloglovin follower. :b

    1. I hear you Krystianna! I just don't have time anymore to power on. I'm going to have to be more choosy.

  9. LOVEEEEEE that gif! And song! I'm going to have that stuck in my head... but I understand where you coming from. I just couldn't see myself NOT finishing a book. Maybe when I'm off at JHU, I'll realize, I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THINGS!

    Hopefully not, though ;)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. Hahaha! I always get that song stuck in my head too! Hahaha. I know- I don't want to not finish a book. It goes against my very being! But if it's bad enough I might not have a choice.

  10. This is EXACTLY how I felt when I started blogging! I always thought it wouldn't be fair that I didn't finish, but like the gif said, "Ain't nobody got time for that!" I have over 1,000 books on my TBR I might LOVE one of those and I'm not about to miss out on it because of this ONE that I don't like!

    1. Absolutely! I agree 100%! If my TBR weren't overflowing crazy, maybe I wouldn't be so quick to toss aside a book.

  11. You definitely have an awesome GIF too! :) I hate DNF-ing...but really, why waste valuable reading time if you don't have to?

  12. LMAO! I love that gif! That is exactly the voice that plays in my head every time I think about bad books.

    1. Hahahaha! I saw this a LONG time ago and my friend recently reintroduced me. She's from Costa Rica and to hear his say this CRACKS ME UP!


Leave me some comment love! And I will get around to commenting back!

My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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