
Lovin' los libros

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Review: Hopeless by Colleen Hoover

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Hopeless (Hopeless #1)
   by: Colleen Hoover

Publication Date: Dec. 19, 2012
Publisher: Atria Books
Genre: Contemporary
Age Group: Mature Young Adult/ New Adult
Source: Purchased for Nook
Page Count: 327 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 5/5 stars

Sometimes discovering the truth can leave you more hopeless than believing the lies…

That’s what seventeen-year-old Sky realizes after she meets Dean Holder. A guy with a reputation that rivals her own and an uncanny ability to invoke feelings in her she’s never had before. He terrifies her and captivates her all in the span of just one encounter, and something about the way he makes her feel sparks buried memories from a past that she wishes could just stay buried.

Sky struggles to keep him at a distance knowing he’s nothing but trouble, but Holder insists on learning everything about her. After finally caving to his unwavering pursuit, Sky soon finds that Holder isn’t at all who he’s been claiming to be. When the secrets he’s been keeping are finally revealed, every single facet of Sky’s life will change forever.

Oh boy. I don't even know that I can form a coherent review. This book shattered me. It seriously eviscerated my heart and I am still reeling over this book. Books like this don't come along very often. In fact, I can only think of two others that made my heart hurt this badly: Ten Tiny Breaths by K.A. Tucker and The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay. Everyone has been talking about how amazing this book is and how I need to hurry up and read it already! I had bought it earlier in the year, but never got a free moment to read it. Until this past weekend. I wanted it to be my last summer read before school started and wow. I'm still blown away. I loved Colleen's Slammed series, so I had no doubts I would enjoy this book also. Let me just say, as heartbreaking and difficult this book was at times- there is such a powerful, underlying message of hope. Which is ironic, considering the title. But it's true.

Sky is our main character and I took a liking to her instantly. I really felt for this girl because one of the first things we learn about her is that she uses making out and fooling around in order to NOT feel. She is completely numb when it comes to guys. Even though she's been home-schooled, she has earned quite the reputation already at the local high school. Her best friend Six is also in a similar situation, but for their senior year, Sky is going to attend public school and Six is going to be in Italy. These two are inseparable, so having Six gone for the first and last year of her high school career, will be a challenge for Sky.

I really liked Sky's personality- she doesn't let hateful insults get to her and she ends up befriending Breckin, a gay Mormon kid. Their friendship is beautiful and I love the way they care for each other and watch out for one another. He doesn't hesitate in offering the hand of friendship to Sky, which is good since she doesn't have anyone else.

Sky was also adopted at age 5 and doesn't remember much beforehand. This will end up playing a pivotal role in the story, so get your tissues ready folks.

And then there's Dean Holder. What can I even say about him? At first, this guy had me freaked out. I didn't know what to make of him. I almost thought he was bipolar to be quite honest. His first meeting with Sky was strange and he is just so complex and confusing. Sky didn't know which Holder she'd be dealing with- she has seen so many different sides to him. One minute he would be sweet and kind and the next he'd be angry and withdrawn. Their relationship was a complicated one.

However, there is a reason for all of this. And oh my freaking heart. The way Hoover pulls everything together and unravels Sky's life and history is absolutely horrifying. Yet, I never saw any of it coming. But once it does, OMG. My hands were shaking as I tweeted some of the #GwB girls.

As complicated as Holder and Sky's relationship is, he wants to take things slow with her. He is the first one who has made her feel anything. His touch doesn't numb- it ignites. This book takes them to the gates of hell and into the pits of darkness, yet they end up saving each other. They will probably never live their lives without struggle or pain, but they are determined to survive as long as they have each other.

Dean isn't perfect though. He loses his shit on Sky, resulting in them not speaking for a month. He won't apologize because he said he doesn't want to be forgiven. He offers no explanation, but later we do learn why he acted the way he did.

He is careful with Sky though. He never once pushes her into anything she doesn't want and he knows when to pull back and let her be. Honestly, he is the shining beacon of light in this book. It does get very dark and you wonder how anyone can come back from the things Sky has to endure and go through.

This is such a moving, emotional read and I highly recommend it.

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  1. Okay where to begin. First this is a fantastic review!!!

    I adore Sky and Holder. Both of them found each other when they most needed it. Then Breckin!! Love him. Everyone deserves a Breckin in their life. Gahh HS would have been much better if I had a Breckin lol.

    Just wait until you read from Holders POV and see what went on in that head of his. Especially during their time apart and just wait until you see what makes him come back. Okay I'll stop rambling. Awesome review!

    1. Aw thanks Teresa! I wrote it and knew I could never convey what I wanted so that means A LOT. And now I desperately want to go read Losing Hope after that! Hopefully I can get to it this weekend.

  2. It's about damn time that you read it! Your review it making me want to drop what I'm reading a re-read this one again! Totally agree with you on Holder, that guy was creepy at first! But now he is one of my top book boyfriends! You gonna read Losing Hope?? Lovely Review Jessica!

    Ally @ Book Fixation

    1. Hahaha. I know. I can't believe I waited so long. And I agree- Holder tops my list too. And YES! I'm going to read Losing Hope (hopefully) this weekend.

  3. Great review! I just read and reviewed it recently and loved it too(:

    1. Yay! Thanks Jackie! I'm glad you loved this one too! So many emotions!

  4. This was soooo good. Glad you enjoyed it.

    1. Thanks Jenea! I loved it! And it was awesome!

  5. Absolutely awesome review! I am totally with you on this book. It freaking drained me emotionally but I loved it. I can't wait for you to read Losing Hope.

    1. Thanks Chelsea! I was seriously a mess and really mad none of you guys weren't there to sob to. LOL. I can't wait for LH either!

  6. Yay, you finally read it! Sorry I missed those tweets, I love to fan girl abut this book. First NA I ever read and nothing comes close it. Colleen Hoover broke me!

    1. Aw, no problem chica! It was your first NA?! OMG! I didn't know that! Yeah, nothing will top that I bet, LOL.

  7. Oh my! This book definitely took my heart! Stole it good!! Colleen Hoover is amazing! Sky and Holder were just absolutely wonderful and their story!! *happy sigh* An emotional roller coaster!
    It really is a moving and emotional read! :)

    I loved your review!! YES!!

    1. Thanks Magen!!! I seriously was floored when everything unraveled. I was like... HOLY CRAP!

  8. This is one of those books that almost hit my really hard. I just felt like I couldn’t breathe the whole time, it was intense and heartbreaking. My heart hurt, it freaking hurt for Sky and Holder. I felt so numb after reading this and the books I read after were so blah. I adored this book so much and I will never ever forget it. So happy you finally had time to read it!

    1. Yay! Absolutely Nereyda! I couldn't help but shed quite a few tears over this one. And yes- my heart was completely broken for Sky and Holder.

  9. A beautiful review for a beautiful story. Awesome job!

  10. I have to pick this up!!! You know what I'm going to the bookstore this weekend and just getting this. I have heard nothing but amazing things about this, and I can't wait to meet Sky and Holder. I want to know how their relationship develops and I just love emotional stories....and and....*sigh* I just this book! lol ;p I'm so glad to see you enjoyed this, Jessica! Fabulous review! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. YES. GO GET THIS NOW girl! LOL. Seriously- it's amazing. I know I say that about a lot of the books I read (because I try not to read books I know won't be less than stellar), but this one is for serious. When you read it, we are all here for you on Twitter to deal with the emotions it will cause you!

  11. AGH! I have this book. I need to read it. Why have I not read this?

    I also need to read Ten Tiny Breathes.

    1. Oh read it Ashley! I do not think you'll be disappointed at all! And I loved Ten Tiny Breaths also!

  12. The character of Holder is such a surprise, isn't he? You're right, Jessica. You don't often come across books like these, and you have to treasure them when you do :-)

    P.S. She had me at the meaning of the tattoo, how about you?

    1. Yes! I had no idea what was going on! And OMG, that meaning! I nearly lost it Faith! And I agree- these books are few and far in between, but gosh I was emotionally gutted. I'm glad you liked this one too!

  13. If this book wasn't already on my radar for as soon as I kick this everlasting contemporary slump I've been on, your review would have sealed the deal! Funny thing is the other books you mentioned there that tore up your heart are all on the list too! Thanks so much for the beautiful review Jessica ♥

    1. Aww bummer for the contemp slump! I feel you though. I had to take a mini break myself. I've been reading a couple of sci-fis that I've been loving!


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