
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Stacking the Shelves #26

By 1:00 AM

Stacking the Shelves is an event hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves.
Received for Blog Tour/Review:
Playing With Her Heart (Caught Up in Us #3) by Lauren Blakely (A big thanks to KP over at InkSlinger PR and Lauren for this one! Tour Date: 8/24)
Cipher (Cipher #1) by Cindi Madsen (A big thanks to InkSlingerPR for providing this one for review!)
Keep Me Still by Caisey Quinn (A big thanks to Gutter Girls and Caisey for this!)
Jordyn and the Caverns of Gloom (A Daemon Hunter #2) by Tiffany King (A big thanks to KP at InkSlinger and Tiffany for sending this! RDL: 8/15)

False Memory (False Memory #1) by Dan Krokos (Got this one for $1.99! I have the sequel so I needed this one!)
A Shade of Vampire (A Shade of Vampire #1) by Bella Forrest (Also on sale this past week for $.99)
Silver Heart by Victoria Green (Jessierae raved about this one and that girl knows her books!)


Heartbeat by Elizabeth Scott (Thank you Harlequin Teen!)

Hover (The Taking #2) by Melissa West
Out of Play by Nyrae Dawn and Jolene Perry
Witchstruck (The Tudor Witch Trilogy #1) by Victoria Lamb
Countdown by Michelle Rowen
Deeper by Blue Ashcroft

That'll do it for me this week! What about you guys?!


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  1. A Shade of Vampire is amazing! The whole series is <3 I hope you love it! And omg I just finished Hover and Out of Play. Both totally blew me away. So I'm excited for you to read those! My review of Out of Play is up on the blog if you wanna check it out :P

    My IMM

    1. Yay! I can't wait to read it!! And I'm glad you loved both Hover and Out of Play! I will definitely be checking out your reviews!!

  2. I'm really excited for Heartbeat and the Jolene Perry contemporary! she's a fantastic author along with the other co-author

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

    1. I haven't yet read a book by Jolene or Nyrae, but I've heard awesome things!

  3. Silver Heart looks cute and I really like the look of Countdown and Deeper as well. Very interesting looking haul, enjoy Jess :)

    1. Thanks Trish! Deeper hasn't been getting very good reviews, but I'll give it a shot and see what happens! My friend Jessirae LOVED Silver Heart and she knows good NA's!

  4. Ooh nice haul! All new to me reads! Hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I haven't really heard of these but I hope you enjoy them. Happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

  6. Great haul. I think Cipher is going to be really good. Enjoy them all. Thanks for stopping by.

    1. I think it will be too. I can't wait to get started!

  7. Great Haul! I am so excited you got on the Playing With Her Heart tour! I can't wait for that book. I signed up but didn't get on it. Probably a good thing though since I am overloaded with tours this month as it is :-) Yay, you got Keep Me Still & Jordyn Too! Have you read the first book in the Jordyn series yet? Have you read Gravity? I can't wait to read Hover. You crazy girl and your NetGalley hauls! LOL

    1. I just started PWHH last night and it's cute so far! But it's a Lauren book and all of hers are CUTE! I haven't read either Jordyn or Gravity yet. I'm fail I know. LOL

  8. Witchstruck looks and sounds awesome! I'm pretty much always willing to read about the Tudors, plus it has such a pretty cover.

    1. That is what instantly drew me to it! I loved the colors in the cover! Then I saw it was about the Tudors and I had to get it!

  9. Nice haul! Definitely interested in Cipher. Witchstruck has a gorgeous cover. Happy reading and thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. I love the cover also! And I am hoping Cipher is great- it sounds really cool!

  10. Sooo many awesome looking books!! YES!!! Great Haul!! :)

  11. I'm excited to read Heartbeat. I really like Ms. Scott's books. I'm really curious about Witchstruck, too. Witches + the Tudors is an intriguing premise. I think Countdown looks interesting, but I'm pretty burned out on dystopian. I 'll still read one occasionally, but I'm trying not to request them. I'll definitely be on the lookout for your thoughts. Great haul this week, Jess!

    1. This will be my first E. Scott book so I'm quite excited. I have taken a step back from dystopians so I'm hoping it will be a good one!

  12. Ohh I have Heartbeat and Witchstruck too. They both sound so good and I cant wait to read them. Deeper looks awesome! Happy reading girl!

    1. Wooo! Reading party! I thought Deeper looked good too, but it's getting some not so great reviews. We'll see though!

  13. I'm on the tour for Out of Play - my post is on Wednesday! It's pretty good. I got Heartbeat about a month ago - but somewhere along the lines, I've lost my enthusiasm for it. Maybe when we see the cover... never mind.

    Hope you enjoy all of your lovelies, Jess! <3

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. Hahah! I know! I want to see that cover! I did see on Twitter you ended up loving it, so I am really excited now!

  14. WOW! You got great books for review. I have some of these on my TBR pile, and I barely found Deeper by Blue Ashcroft yesterday on Amazon :D! Can't wait to read your book review on this one!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog:

    1. Thanks Kassie! I'm excited to dig in! I need more time! LOL

  15. I so want to have Playing With Her Heart! I have Heartbeat and Hover too! And Cipher looks awesome! Hope you enjoy them a lot lot!

    P.S. I so bought A Matter of Fate because of you!

    Ally @ Book Fixation

    1. YAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYA. I hope you love A Matter of Fate and I don't let you down!!! Fingers are crossed!!

  16. Heartbeat is on my list this week too. I hope it's as good as it sounds!

    My STS.

    1. I've been hearing some great things so far- fingers are crossed! :D

  17. Ooo I didn't realise Out of Play was on Netgalley, I've been trying to stay away cause it's too easy to sign up for sooo many books!!! And how excited are you to read Keep Me Still, I've already started it and OMG..so many emotions right now...I can't even...arrhhh! Caisey knows how to shatter my heart - in a good way of course haha!! Enjoy your new books :D

    1. I know girl! I need to stay away from NG myself! It's SO hard!!! I can't wait for Keep Me Still! I really need a break so I can read it!!!

  18. AHHHH....you got so many awesome books that I am dying to read! Playing with her Heart, Deeper, Out of Play and Keep Me Still! They all sound fantastic! And I haven't read Gravity yet, but I am curious to see what you think of Hover! Hope you enjoy all your books, girly! :D Fabulous haul!

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. Thanks Maida! I'm super excited! I need more time to read!


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