
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Weekly Wrap-Up #21

By 7:15 PM

Weekly Wrap-Up #21
Well folks, this was my last weekend of freedom. I start school again on Monday, so I won't be able to read my days away anymore. Bummer. I am looking forward to getting back into a routine though.
So here's what my past week on the blog looked like!
Sunday:              Stacking the Shelves #25
                            Review: Lost & Found by Nicole Williams
Monday:             Cover Reveal: Searching For Beautiful by Nyrae Dawn
                            Music Monday: Jason Mraz
                            Blog Tour: Waiting For The Storm by Marie Landry
Tuesday:            Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Memorable Beginnings/Endings in a Book
                            ARC Blog Tour: Near & Far by Nicole Williams
Wednesday:       Waiting on Wednesday: Finding It by Cora Carmack
                            Blog Tour: The Liberator by Victoria Scott
Thursday:           Cover Reveal: Torch by Cambria Hebert
                            Surprise Release Event: Keep Me Still by Caisey Quinn 
                            Book Blitz: You Are Mine by Janeal Falor
                            Swoon Thursday: The Liberator by Victoria Scott
                            Review: Perception by Lee Strauss
Friday:               Cover Reveal: Not Your Fault by Cheyanne Young
                            Feature and Follow Friday: To DNF or Not?
                            Cover Reveal: Safe With Me by Kristen Proby
                            Review: Take Me Now by Faith Sullivan
Saturday:            Book Blitz: All in by Marta Brown
                            Review: The Marriage Merger by Jennifer Probst
Next week:
                          Blood and Snow (The Complete Set) by RaShelle Workman
                          A Tale of Two Centuries by Rachel Harris
                          Crave by Monica Murphy
                          Come What May by Faith Sullivan
                          The Deepest Night by Shana Abé
             Whew! No blog tours next week. I should be able to knock out some NG/EW books!

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  1. I can't wait to see what you think of Crave and A Tale of Two Centuries! Everyone seems to be liking that one! =)

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

  2. You are always so busy! HAHA My review of The Deepest Night does up this week too! (I LOVED IT)I'm looking forward to your review of Blood and Snow. Have a good week! WAIT! You're reading Hopeless!? *Hands over tissues*

    1. HAHAH! Well girl, after this week it'll probably start to go downhill. I would guess. Hahaha. I am so glad you liked Deepest Night! That ending! I am like what?!!?!

  3. Busy, busy, busy. Good luck with your classes!

    1. Thanks Andrea! Luckily I won't get students until the end of the week, so WHEW!


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