
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Stacking the Shelves #28

By 1:00 AM

Stacking the Shelves is an event hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves.
Received for Blog Tour/Review:
Everything For Us (The Bad Boys #3) by M. Leighton (A huge thanks to KP@ InkSlinger PR and M. Leighton for allowing me to do a feature for this! Feature: Sept. 19th)
A Little Too Far (A Little Too Far #1) by Lisa Desrochers (A big thanks to Rockstar Book Tours and Edelweiss for this one! Tour Date: Sept. 8th)
American Girl on Saturn by Nikki Godwin (A big thanks to Dianne@ Oops I Read a Book Again and Nikki for this one! Tour Date: Oct. 2nd)
Good Intentions (Welcome to Paradise #2) by S.L. Scott (A big thanks to AToMR tours and S.L. for this one! Tour Date: Sept. 9th)
Unspoken (Woodlands #2) by Jen Frederick (A big thanks to AToMR tours and Jen for sending this one! Tour Date: Sept. 16th)
Tumble & Fall by Alexandra Coutts (A big thanks to Books and Sensibility for allowing me to be a part of the ARC Tour for this one!)
Blue By You by Rachel Gibson
Finding It (Losing It #3) by Cora Carmack

Thank you Avon and William Morrow for these two!

Fields of Elysium (Fields of Elysium #1) by A.B. Whelan
Breaking the Storm (Credence Curse #1) by Sedona Venez
Ruin (Summer in Winter #1) by C.J. Scott
Say When (Something More #1) by Tara West

A big thanks to Tara West, C.J. Scott, One Wish Publishing, and inMotion Capitol for these titles!

And I did not buy any books this week! GO ME!
What did you guys get?!


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  1. Lots of NA looking books! Good Intentions looks cute and fun! And I really like the look of Blue by You as well.
    Happy reading Jess :)

    1. I loved the first book Good Vibrations, so I can't wait to see where this one goes! And I think Blue By You is a novella, so I'm looking forward to starting that soon!

  2. I'm really interested in Tumble and Fall. Great haul this week.

    SP & STS
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

    1. I'm really excited to read it- even though it's gotten mixed reviews.

  3. What a nice assortment of books. The only one we have in common though is Tumble & Fall which is nearing the top of my review stack. Come see what I got this week at Inside of a Dog and Ms. Martin Teaches Media. Happy reading!

    1. Thanks Kathy! I'm looking forward to Tumble & Fall.

  4. I keep meaning to read M.Leighton but I haven't had the chance yet. Happy reading!

    Tsuki’s STS

    1. I've heard such awesome things about her! I can't wait to read her series!

  5. Wow, that's a great haul! I see some that I've wanted, so I'm really jealous! I'd love to read your reviews, so I'm a new Twitter & Bloglovin follower. Have fun reading!!

    Twitter @NookbksNmore

  6. American Girl on Saturn looks interesting. I cannot wait to read Tumble & Fall. Seriously, that cover is just so stunning. I saw that Finding It popped up on EW. Hope you enjoy all your new lovelies! Great haul this week!

    1. I've heard American Girl is super cute so I'm excited to read that one. And I love the Tumble & Fall cover too! I saw Finding It pop up and I seriously squealed. LOL.

  7. That is a great haul. I can't wait to start American Girl on Saturn. :)

    1. Thanks Jenea! I'm really looking forward to that one too. :D

  8. Great book haul! I'm reading Everything for Us and enjoying it. Cannot wait for Unspoken! And A Little Too Far!
    Enjoy your books!

    1. Oh I'm glad you're enjoying Nash! I can't wait! :D And Unspoken! I hope we get to see some of Noah and Grace too. :D

  9. You know, I was really excited for Tumble & Fall, and then I saw several negative ratings and reviews, and I read them, and I was like, AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT! Or at least, Alyssa don't got time for that o.O I can't read them all D: Unspoken sounds cool. And oooo, Good Intentions, I like that cover :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have an awesome week! :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. HAHAHAHAHA! I love that! And yeah, I'm a little apprehensive going into this one. I have to have it read by the end of the week so I will let you know what the verdict is. I am looking forward to Unspoken. Jen is awesome. :D And yes! Good Intentions has a super fun, cute cover. I want to go to Hawaii...

  10. Amazing haul! I can't wait for Tumble & Fall. It's one of my anticipated reads. I hope you enjoy all of your books! :)

    1. Thanks Krystianna! I hope Tumble & Fall is a good one! Fingers crossed!

  11. Great haul! I picked up Everything for Us and Unspoken too :-)

    1. YAY! Have you read Undeclared by Jen? It's super cute. :D

  12. Ooo I'm looking forward to checking out A Little Too Far & Everything For Us! I've read a couple of Rachel Gibson's books before and they were really good, I've haven't heard of the new one, but I might have to head on over the Edelweiss :) I almost requested Say When, I can't remember what stopped me, there must have been some reason, so I might wait & check out your review lol :D

    Thanks for stopping by earlier, can't wait to see what you think about some of these!

    1. I have heard nothing but awesome things about Rachel's books! I now have 2 ARC's for review, so I can't wait! And I am really pumped for A Little Too Far! Such a crazy blurb! LOL.

  13. Good Intentions and Say When look great! I hope you enjoy them all!

    My Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Michelle! I can't wait to dive in! :D

  14. Ohhh...soo many awesome goodies! I can't wait to see what you think of A Little Too Far and Everything For Us...and Unspoken and Ruin! lol ;p And that cover for Breaking the Storm...umm...HELLO HOTTIE!!! I'm adding that to my tbr...not cause of the cover...I kinda promise! ;p Awesome haul, Jessica! I hope you enjoy all your books!

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

    1. Hehehe. Thanks girl! I can't wait! And Breaking the Storm- I was drawn in by the cover too! You're not alone girl!

  15. You always have the bestttttt NAs, girl! I'm definitely exited to start A Little Too Far, Finding It, and Everything for Us. I hope you enjoy Tumble and Fall because I freaking hated that book so much, I can't even. Hopefully you'll like it way better than I ever did! Unspoken and Ruin sounds super good and you HAAAAAAAAVE to tell me what you think on those books!! Can't wait to read your reviews!!! missssss you lots!! <3

    1. Hahah, thanks chica! You know me and my NA's! And I'm so nervous about Tumble & Fall. I'm going to try and start it either tonight or tomorrow, so I'll keep you updated. And I will DEF tell you how i like those books! :D

  16. Rachel Gibson!!! I got that one too! Everything For Us and Unspoken looks really good!

  17. Finding it!!! =D And I zeroed in on Ruin because well, SEXY DUDE on the cover! Let me know how that one is. =) Sooo Fields of Elysium I kind of really didn't like at ALL. Let me know what you think about it!

    1. Hehehe. I zeroed in on Ruin for the same reason. I will definitely let you know how I like it. And booo. That sucks you didn't care for Fields. I will let you know once I get to it. And yeah. I saw Finding It and squealed. Like a little girl.

  18. Awesome haul! I got Tumble&Fall too but haven't gotten around to reading it yet. And I'm kinda jealous you've got Finding It ;) Losing It was amazing and I hope to get to my copy of Faking It soon.
    Happy reading, and thanks so much for stopping by :)
    P.S.: Italy was wonderful! The water of lake Lugano was just the right temperature :) If you come back to Europe, we should meet!

    1. Oh I loved Faking It! It was my favorite so far! And I'm really excited for Finding It- I saw it pop up and boom! I had to have it. Ah, so jealous of Italy! I would definitely love to meet someday! I need to come to Switzerland!

  19. You got Tumble & Fall and Finding It! I'm so jealous, I want to get my hands on those two.
    Enjoy all your lovely books & thanks for stopping by my STS Jessica! :D

    1. I am super pumped for Finding It and a little nervous for Tumble & Fall. The reviews have been scary.

  20. Finding It! How I would love to read this one. I hope you enjoy it. Happy Reading!
    Here are my newest additions.


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