
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Weekly Wrap-Up #23

By 10:05 PM

Weekly Wrap-Up #23
I survived my first week back to school! Yay!!! But that also means I barely got any reading done. Sadface! I'm glad I decided to cut back on tours for the end of the month because I'm also trying to get some NetGalley books knocked out!
Sunday:               Stacking the Shelves #27
                            Review: Jordyn by Tiffany King
Monday:               Music Monday: The Civil Wars
                              Cover Reveal: Daughter of Isis by Kelsey Ketch
                              Blog Tour: No Reverse by Marion Croslydon
Tuesday:                Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Favorite Books in a College Setting
Wednesday:          Waiting on Wednesday: Crash into You by Katie McGarry
                               Cover Reveal: Teaching Roman by Sophia Bleu
                               Blog Tour: Off Course by Sawyer Bennett
Thursday:             Swoon Thursday: Off Course by Sawyer Bennett
                              Release Day Launch: Jordyn and the Caverns of Gloom by Tiffany King
                              Cover Reveal: Trust in Me by J.Lynn
Friday:                  Review: Come What May by Faith Sullivan
Saturday:              Review: Jordyn and the Caverns of Gloom by Tiffany King
Next week:
                             Blog Tours:
                             Going Under by S. Walden
                             Playing With Her Heart by Lauren Blakely
                             False Memory and False Sight by Dan Krokos
                             Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover
                             Stay With Me by Elyssa Patrick

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  1. Going Under!? ahhhhhhhhh. Can't wait to see what you think of that! :) Glad your week was good! :D

    1. :D I've read the first two pages. LOL. I will keep you updated.

  2. So glad your first week back went well. I'm looking forward to your reviews, especially Going Under.
    Have a great week!

  3. I saw your cover reveal for Teaching Roman, and I thought you would be the FIRST person to say something about what I'm reading next! It's "CATCHING LIAM!" I'm pretty sure I will be DM-ing you on Twitter to fangirl about it!

    1. Hahaha, I hope you do! I love that book to pieces!

  4. Great week! You have some good reviews coming next week too. Can't wait to check them out :-)


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