
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Stacking the Shelves #44

By 1:00 AM

Stacking the Shelves is an event hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves.
Received For Review/Blog Tour:
Unwrapped (Beachwood Bay #2.5) by Melody Grace (A huge thanks to KP @InkSlingerPR! This was a huge surprise in my inbox today! Review Date: 12/10)
The Queen's Choice (Heirs of Chrior #1) by Cayla Kluver
The Ever After of Ella and Micha (The Secret #4) by Jessica Sorensen
Believe (True Believers #3) by Erin McCarthy
A big thanks to Harlequin Teen, Forever, and Penguin for these!

Wicked Games by Sean Olin
The Last Best Kiss by Claire LaZebnik
Fan Art by Sarah Tregay
After the End (After the End #1) by Amy Plum
Sleep No More by Aprilynne Pike

A big thanks to Harper for these!
Into the Deep (Into the Deep #1) by Samantha Young (*tackle hugs* to my girl Teresa from Readers Live a 1000 Lives for my Christmas present! Love you girl!)

Sanctum (Guards of the Shadowlands #1) For some reason Amazon was crazy awesome and let me pick one book for $.99 as promotional credit. This was one of the options- and I LOVED this book.
Bitter Sweet Love (The Dark Elements #0.5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Last Hit (Hitman #1) by Jessica Clare and Jen Frederick
Allegiant (Divergent #3) by Veronica Roth
On Christmas Hill by Nichole Chase
Christmas Catch (The 12 NA's of Christmas) by Chelsea M. Cameron
If I Return (The 12 NA's of Christmas) by Sawyer Bennett
A Season for Hope (The 12 NA's of Christmas, Fairhope #2.5) by Sarra Cannon
All For You (The 12 NA's of Christmas, Boys of the South #2.5) by Marquita Valentine
Warmth in Ice (The 12 NA's of Christmas, Find You in The Dark #2.5) by A. Meredith Walters
Find You in the Dark (Find You in the Dark #1) by A. Meredith Walters
Light in the Shadows (Find You in the Dark #2) by A. Meredith Walters

(The 12 NA's of Christmas novellas were $.99!)



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  1. You had a great week. I hope you love all your new books. Your books look fantastic. Unwrapped looks like a very christmasy read.

    Books of Love

    1. Thanks Grace! Unwrapped was adorable! I loved it!

  2. You got some great books! I'm currently reading Bitter Sweet Love. I've been wanting to read Find You in the Dark as well. Hope you enjoy your haul. =D

    1. Thanks Erica! Ahhh! I need to make time for BSL! I have been dying for it! And a fellow blogger told me about Find You in the Dark awhile ago, so I'm hoping it lives up to expectations! :)

  3. OOoh very nice! I loooove Allegiant and Bitter Sweet Love! Hoping to get approved for After the End as well, but not holding my breath. Edelweiss says no more to me than Netgalley does. Great haul and Happy Reading!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Thanks Jessica! Oh Yay! I'm glad to hear you liked Allegiant and BSL! Fingers are crossed you get After the End!

  4. Hehe I got excited with the Harper titles too! I somehow restrained myself to the ones i really really wanted! That cover on Wicked Games though.... I had no shot resisting that one!

    I am sooooo glad you like your gift girl and I cannot wait for you to read it!

    AND OMG ALLEGIANT! I know you know the ending already, but girl that book is amazing! I so loved it!

    Happy reading my lovely friend!

    1. I can't restrain myself. Teresa. Help. No, really. It's bad. And I can't wait to read Allegiant! I know it's been getting a lot of flack, but if you like it, I know it's gonna be good!

  5. So many books! The 12 NAs of Christmas are really awesome. $.99?! I don't think you can really go wrong with that.

    1. I couldn't pass them up! I'm hoping to squeeze one in at least every week until Christmas!

  6. What a book haul!! Yay for Find you in the Dark series!!! *Squeels* I FREAKING love those books!! I am so excited that you got them right now!! I got The Ever After of Ella and Micha too but I just got approved so it won't go on my Sunday Post until next week. That was so sweet of Teresa. I have that book on my Kindle but I haven't read it yet. Woohoo, I loved Unwrapped too! Holy crap girl, so many good books. I could just go on and on.

    1. I know you do friend! That's why I bought them! When I got the novella I had to go back and get the other two first! Yay for Ever After of Ella and Micha! I never read the second book, Forever of Ella and Micha, so I'm debating if I should read that one first, or just jump into this one.

  7. Some great titles there Jess! I love all the Harper books but have resisted for now. I know I'll cave someday soon though and grab the lot! I just want to get through some of the review books I have first so I don't feel too guilty. The 12 NA books all look great, I'm really enjoying Christmas novellas this year. A great way to get an injection of smexy Christmas cheer!

    1. Thanks Trish! I have no restraint when it comes to Harper books. SIGH. I want to get through my review books too, but I am so bad.

  8. Omg love your haul this week, Jessica! I got almost the same Edelweiss HC titles :D
    Bitter Sweet Love is so amazing. You have WHK don't you? So jealous :P
    I need to get those 12 NAs of Christmas titles soon as well.
    Happy reading, girl <3

    My haul

    1. Thanks Richa! YAY for us getting the same books! LOL. I do have WHK, but I was waiting to get BSL before I started it. Now that I have it, I guess I need to get my butt moving! LOL.

  9. YAY for The Queen's Choice! I got that one last week - I'm really excited to start on a new fantasy ish novel. I decided against the Wicked Games - after reading the summary, I was like what BS (but that's just me lol). YOU FINALLY GOT SANCTUM WOOHOO! And I loved Bitter Sweet Love (as I'm sure you did/will too)! I hope you enjoy your new books, Jess! Where are you going to find the time to read all of them!? lol

    Check out my STS post!

    1. I enjoyed Cayla's other historical fiction series, so I am hoping this one is just as good! I'm hoping Wicked Games isn't crap, but... you never know. LOL. And yes! I've read Sanctum before, but I borrowed from library. It was time to own it! I have NO idea when I'm going to find time. Thats an excellent question. LOL.

  10. WoW! You got a lot of awesome books this week! YAY for Sanctum! I think I might buy Last Hit, that book sounds really good!

    I might on to EW tonight and be naughty with downloading. :P

    1. When am I not naughty with EW? LOL. Do itttttt! Chelsea liked Last Hit, but I saw Dani didn't. So.... I don't know. LOL.

  11. Great book haul! I loved If I Return and All For You. I hope you enjoy all your books!

    1. You are the reason I bought those two!!! Hehehe! Thanks girl!

  12. I so need to check out Sanctum. Everyone seems to love it! You got a great deal too! I also need to check out some of those Harper titles. Not sure which I want the most yet. Enjoy your new reads!

    1. Oh I LOVED Sanctum. It's SO SO good! I think you'd really like it!

  13. Ok, I think I need to make a trip to Edelweiss! I'm like a little kid in a candy shop when I go on NetGalley and Edelweiss. LOL The Last Kiss and After the End look good! I hope you enjoy Bitter Sweet Love! It's a quick read, and I can't wait to read the sequel! I got a few NA's of Christmas too!

    Here's my Haul:

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. ME TOO! OMG. Lindy. EW/NG is so bad. I have GOT to stop going on there!


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