
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Weekly Wrap-Up #39

By 6:35 PM

Weekly Wrap-Up #39
Only 1 more week of instruction until midterms! Wooo! That means I get to start midterm review next week, so these next two weeks will be a breeze! YAY! Lots of reading time ahead! This was a huge week on my blog. I reviewed some AMAZING titles and was able to be a part of some great blog tours. I also bought a ton of books, which you'll see tomorrow! Next week is just as crazy busy! And then it will calm down again. LOL.
Sunday:                 Stacking the Shelves #43
                               Jumble Your Genres: Reading Challenge 2014
                               ARC Review: The Gift by Karli Perrin
                               25 Days of Book Boyfriends Tour: Jonah Whitecomb of The Fate Series
Monday:                Cover Reveal: Forever Loved by Deanna Roy
                               Music Monday: Snow Patrol
                               Release Day Launch: Bitter Sweet Love by Jennifer L. Armentrout
                               Blog Tour: The Thrill of It by Lauren Blakely
Tuesday:                Cover Reveal: First Chance Fling by Emma Hart
                               Blog Tour: Gabriel's Redemption by Sylvain Reynard
Wednesday:          Cover Reveal: Surrendering To Us by Chelsea M. Cameron
                                Waiting on Wednesday: Searching For Beautiful by Nyrae Dawn
                                Blog Tour: Crash Into You by Katie McGarry
Thursday:               Swoon Thursday: Crash into You by Katie McGarry
                                Book Blitz: Stir Me Up by Sabrina Elkins
                                Cover Reveal: Savor by Monica Murphy
                                Blog Tour: Breathless by Rachel Brookes

Friday:                   Cover Reveal: All I Ever Wanted by Lexi Ryan, Caisey Quinn, Rhonda Helms, and Marilyn Brant
                                Blog Tour: Before We Fall by Courtney Cole

Saturday:               ARC Review: Holiday For Two by Maggie Robinson and Elyssa Patrick


                            Blog Tours:

                            Sweet Nothing by Mia Henry
                            On Solid Ground by Michelle Kemper Brownlow
                            Holy Frigging Matrimony by Emma Chase
                            For Real by Chelsea M. Cameron
                            Class of '98 by A.L. Player
                            That One Summer by C.J. Duggan


                            A Beautiful Wedding by Jamie McGuire


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  1. So many great reviews you did this week! I am going to try and write my review for Before We Fall tomorrow so I can come back and read yours. My post isn't until Wednesday though and I am an epic procrastinator so we'll see :-) I can't wait to see your review of For Real. I really enjoyed that book. Have an awesome week!

    1. Yay! I loved your BWF review! For Real was a fun read! I need to go back and read yours now that I wrote mine! LOL.

  2. Sometimes I get exhausted just looking at your schedule! I don't know how you do it girl :) I giggled when I saw this "Holy Frigging Matrimony"

    Have a good week!

    1. Haha! I get exhausted looking at my schedule too. I won't lie. I don't know how I do it. I basically have NO social life that's all. NBD! LOL. Hahaha, isn't that a great name for a book?!


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