
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Stacking the Shelves #45

By 1:00 AM

Stacking the Shelves is an event hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves.
Received for Review/Blog Tour:

Surrendering to Us (Surrender Saga #2) by Chelsea M. Cameron (A big thanks to InkSlingerPR for this one!)
Give Me Something (Give Me Something #1) by Elizabeth Lee (A big thanks to KP and EL for this!)
Pieces For You (For You #2) by Genna Rulon (A big thanks to Literati Author Services for this one!)
Tell Me When by Stina Lindenblatt (A big thanks to InkSlingerPR for this one!)
A Beautiful Wedding (Beautiful #2.5) by Jamie McGuire (A big thanks to Valerie and Atria Books for sending this to me!)
#scandal by Sarah Ockler
Savor (Billionaire Bachelors Club #3) by Monica Murphy

(A big thanks to Simon Pulse and HarperCollins for these two!)
A big thanks to Katertot of A Belle's Tales for this awesome package! She was my Secret Santa this year! <3
Dare You To (Pushing the Limits #2) by Katie McGarry
Finding It (Losing It #3) by Cora Carmack

A big thanks to one of my fellow #GwB and blogging besties Wendy for my Christmas present!
Altered (Altered #1) by Jennifer Rush
A big thanks to another fellow #GwB and blogging bestie Chelsea for my Christmas present!
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
Remy (Real #3) by Katy Evans
First Night & Ever Afters by Lauren Blakely
The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus #4) by Rick Riordan

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  1. I got A Beautiful Wedding too and I cannot wait to make time for it! I love to get frustrated with Abby and Travis haha.

    Ahhhh I got Altered recently too! We both need to read it so we can talk about it and love it together!

    Also, you know this already, but I love that fairy princess pen! Katertot is the sweetest! I know how much you love Ryan so I'm glad you have a hardcover to hug and love.

    Happy reading Jessica!

    1. Yay! Hahaha! Abby and Travis definitely frustrate me, but I love it! Yes! Let's read Altered together! Everyone is loving that book!

  2. So many christmas goodies! Most of the books you received are on my TBR, so I look forward to seeing what you think of them!

    1. Thanks Michelle! :) I am looking forward to chatting about them with you!

  3. OOh nice reads! These are new to me! Hope you enjoy them all! Thinking next year I might do this Secret Santa! Of course that means I will have to save a few titles for people to buy! I think that's why I didn't do it this year! There were no other books people could get me since I preordered a bunch! Happy Reading!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Haha! Trying to think of books for my Secret Santa to get me was REALLY hard. LOL. But, yes! Definitely do it next year! It was alot of fun!

  4. OOh Great books this week! I love your package from your Secret Santa! :)

    I have seen a lot of people reading #scandal. Be sure to tell me whatcha think!

    1. Thanks love! I will definitely let you know once I get to it!

  5. Such a nice assortment of books! I hope you enjoy all of them. Dare You To was a favorite of mine this past year. Come see what I added to my stacks at Ms. Martin Teaches Media and Inside of a Dog. Happy holidays and happy reading!

    1. Thanks Kathy! Oh, I love Dare You To SO SO much! :)

  6. Nice reads. Some of these are new to me. Not all of them. I really enjoy Katie McGarry's books a lot. Come visit me as well.

    Books of Love

    1. Thanks Grace! Katie McGarry is one of my favorites!

  7. Awesome haul girl! I finished Give Me Something last night! I can't wait to read Pieces for You this week!

    1. Wooo! THAT'S RIGHT! We're reading Pieces of You!

  8. YAY for #scandal and Dare You To and Finding It and ALTERED OMG YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! You must read Erased, and love it. But read Altered first, and love that one first :D I loved My Life Next Door! It's such a great contemporary romance novel. YAY BOOKS! :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Jess! Have a fantastic week! <3

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. Hahaha! Alyssa I know how much you love Altered- youre the one that got me so hyped about it! So naturally I can't wait to read Erased too! And I'm SO glad to see you loved MLND! I've been wanting to read that one for so long!

  9. Great haul! You have some amazing friends, those are some great books that they sent you. I've got #scandal myself and I really want to read that one, it looks so good. I also really want to read Altered, have heard lots of great things. I hope you enjoy them all :) New follower. My STS.

    1. :) Thanks chica! I am so blessed with all the blogger friends I've made this year!

  10. Great book! I read Give Me Something in the Spring and loved it! A Beautiful Wedding was really good. And I'm looking forward to Savor. Enjoy!

    1. Yay! I loved GMS! It was a great read! Andrea- have I mentioned how much I love we enjoy a lot of the same books?!

  11. Yay for all the new books!! =) Will be reading Pieces for you next week! =)

    1. Wooooo! I can't wait for that one! Sam is going to break my heart!

  12. Oh! I enjoyed My Life Next Door soo much!!! :D Such a great read! I really need to get to Altered!! I've had it forever now!

    Surrounding To Us, oh my! That one looks like it'll be good!!

    So many awesome books in this post!!!

    1. Yay! I've been looking forward to MLND for SO LONG now! I'm so glad you loved it! And I am super excited about Surrendering to Us!

  13. That's an awesome Christmas this year! Hope you enjoy all of these :)

    Check out my STS this week!

    1. Thanks Ellie! It's definitely been one of my favorite Christmases so far!

  14. Fab haul. I really want to read My Life Next Door. And yay Pieces for You, I'm scared/excited about this one!

    1. I am SO scared for POY!!!! Genna is going to kill us. LOL.

  15. Omg I love your haul this week, Jess! Especially your secret santa package. DYT is amazing <3 And Altered was one of my fave books this year, hope you love that one! And EEP Remy <3 So much awesomeness :D

    1. Yay! Thanks Richa! I was so happy to get my Secret Santa present! <3 And I know I'm going to love Altered, just because you guys ALL love it too! :D


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