
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Weekly Wrap-Up #40

By 11:24 PM

Weekly Wrap-Up #40
Well, nothing major to report except I got the flu last week! So, I had 3 unexpected days off of school to get some reading done. Next week is midterms, so providing I get my classroom back in order, I'll have time to read in the afternoons! Our school allows students to leave every day after their two midterms, provided they bring in a permission slip signed by their parents. Friday will be my last day of school (2 hour day). I can't wait!
I have lightened up considerably on blog tours for the remainder of the year. So I am going to be reading what I want over my Christmas break. Here are some books I plan to read: (Yes, it's primarily dedicated to JLA!)
The Covenant Series by JLA
Rereading the 1st 3 Lux books and the finally starting Origin by JLA
Bitter Sweet Love by JLA
White Hot Kiss by JLA
Be With Me by JLA
Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter
I will of course read more, but those are the ones I am DETERMINED to read no matter what!
Sunday:                  Stacking the Shelves #44 
                                Review Tour: Sweet Nothing by Mia Henry
Monday:                 Music Monday: Indie-Playlist
                                Blog Tour: On Solid Ground by MK Brownlow
Tuesday:                Release Day Launch: Unwrapped by Melody Grace
                                Blog Tour: Holy Frigging Matrimony by Emma Chase
Wednesday:           Waiting on Wednesday: Wish You Were Italian by Kristin Rae
                                Cover Reveal: Every Second With You by Lauren Blakely
                                Blog Tour: For Real by Chelsea M. Cameron
Thursday:               Swoon Thursday: Unwrapped by Melody Grace
                                Blog Tour: Class of '98 by A.L. Player
Friday:                   Review: A Beautiful Wedding by Jamie McGuire
                                Trailer Reveal: The Art of Falling by Jenny Kaczorowski
Saturday:               Blog Tour: That One Summer by C.J. Duggan
                          Blog Tours:
                          Only For You by Genna Rulon
                          Sweet Nothing by Mia Henry
                          April Fools by Karli Perrin
                          Storm Warning by E. Lee & C. Quinn
                          April Showers by Karli Perrin
                          Tangling With the CEO by Annie Seaton
                          These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner

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  1. I really need to catch up on all of JLA's books...I've only read one. I hope you enjoy your time away from school and happy reading!

    1. Thanks Michelle! I am looking forward to a much needed break! :)

  2. Yay for your JLA read-a-thon. So excited for you to read Covenant series. I'm gonna need update tweets! :-)


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