
Lovin' los libros

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Blog Tour: Every Second With You by Lauren Blakely {Review+Giveaways}

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Today is my stop on the Every Second With You blog tour hosted by InkSlingerPR!
Today I am excited to share my review as well as a giveaway with you all!

Every Second With You (No Regrets #2)
   by: Lauren Blakely

Publication Date: Feb. 10, 2014
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: e-ARC provided by InkSlingerPR in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 280 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo
My Rating: 4/5 stars

Every Second With You = Sex. Love. Addiction. Heartache. Pain. And Hope.

In the sequel to the bestselling THE THRILL OF IT, Harley and Trey face new challenges that will make battling blackmail, sex addiction, and a virgin call girl past look easy…

I used to think love was a lie. Now I know it’s real, powerful, and I don’t want to lose it…But my future scares me, and there’s no way this can be happening, especially since I’ve finally broken free from all the people who wanted pieces of me. I don’t even know how to start over, but I have to find a way. So when I discover what my mother’s been keeping from me, it doesn’t make me hate her. It gives me hope for a new life, outside of New York. But the ties that bind me to this city are so strong, sometimes they are chains. If only I could leave with…


I will do anything for her. She owns me, heart, mind and body. But when Harley tells me this, I am rocked to the core, and terrified of what happens next. Especially when this time it’s not her past that chases me, it’s someone from my own. And that someone is messing with my head when I’m trying to be strong for Harley. But all I really want is to escape with the girl I love…For the rest of our lives.

How can you move forward when the past keeps chasing you?

"Because it was mad love, crazy love, insane love. Because it was hard love, good love, true love. Because it was the real thing, and a love like that can't be stopped. A love like that is inevitable."
There's a reason Lauren Blakely is one of my favorite authors. She not only creates fabulous stories, but her writing is beautiful. The above quote literally took my breath away as it was so all-encompassing of Harley and Trey's journey of love together. I love that Lauren took this series in a new, darker direction creating two beautifully broken characters and putting them back together again by helping them embrace the 'ugly beautiful' of life.
Harley has grown so much as a character from when we first met her. After years of living her life as a call girl, she now has found a man who loves and cherishes her and would walk to the ends of the earth for her. Harley has never known true love before Trey, never believing herself capable of giving and receiving it. I am so proud of Harley for the woman she's becoming and how she is working hard to break the chains of her past. She still has moments of insecurity and struggles with whether or not she can truly break free of the addict life she once lived, but with Trey has her balance- the two can work through those insecurities.
At the end of The Thrill of It, Harley discovers something life-altering that could shatter everything she has worked so hard to build with Trey. This event plays a huge role in this book and while Trey does not handle it perfectly, I am glad he doesn't slip back into old comforts and temptations to deal. There was a moment where I was literally shaking my head, as if he had traveled down that road, I wouldn't have been able to forgive him. Enough about the what-ifs. Let's talk about fact: Trey is absolutely an amazing man for Harley. There is no better person to complement her and I love how protective and in love with her he is. He, like her, is also a recovering addict. He too harbors his own fears about his and Harley's future, but he doesn't let them control him. He did have another moment with Harley that made me want to hit him myself, because it was such a side to Trey we have never seen. It was definitely an uglier one but I was so glad Harley stood up and told him like it was. You go girl! The beautiful moments with Trey far outweigh the less than shiny ones though.
Harley's mom is back in this novel as well, and while she claims she wants to make amends with her daughter, Harley cannot find it in herself to forgive the woman who would hide things from her and be held part responsible for Harley's call girl days. Harley's mother has also kept something very important from Harley and when Harley discovers what it is, she is even more angry and hurt with her mother.
One of the things I love about reading a Lauren Blakely book is that you KNOW there will be sexy times. And in abundance! Trey and Harley have so much passion and love for one another and reading their sexy scenes was heart-stopping. Lauren knows how to bring the steam without making it seem too excessive or thrown in needlessly. Every time Harley and Trey came together was because of their absolute need to solidify and show their love for one another.
I absolutely adored the conclusion to Trey and Harley's story. I felt it was so fitting for them as a couple and we really get to see the full circle these two have come. I love that they are making decisions that are best for them and I feel they did exactly as they should have in the end. There are so many scenes that will bring a smile to your face in this book and your heart will be satisfied and full at the end. I can't wait for what Lauren does next!

Lauren Blakely writes sexy contemporary romance novels with heat, heart, and humor, and her books have appeared on the New York Times, USA Today, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iBooks bestseller lists. Like the heroine in FAR TOO TEMPTING, she thinks life should be filled with family, laughter, and the kind of love that love songs promise. Lauren lives in California with her husband, children, and dogs. Her novels include Caught Up In UsPretending He’s MinePlaying With Her Heart, and Trophy Husband. She also writes for young adults under the name Daisy Whitney.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Scavenger Hunt Giveaway:
This is a scavenger hunt for EVERY SECOND WITH YOU by Lauren Blakely. To play - all you have to do is track to down blogs where Every Second With You is featured during release week, and you can be entered to win a Kindle Fire.

You can find the key to the treasure on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LaurenBlakelyBooks and the key is a pinned post with a list of the blogs featuring the book.

Step 1: Visit those blogs and search for Every Second With You on them (you can go to the blog's web site or the blog's facebook page)

Step 2: Copy the link of each place you find EVERY SECOND WITH YOU featured on a blog and share it on your facebook page. Then, paste the links where you found the post and where your shared it in this form. (Keep a copy of the URL to this form so you can update it throughout the week.) Please number your entries. You get 1 entry for sharing the link where you found it and 1 entry for sharing it on your facebook page.

Step 3: Leave a message on the blog where you found my book featured for an additional entry.

The person who submits the most verified links/entries by Monday, 2/17/14 at 9 am US Eastern time (which means that you went and you posted on that blog, and shared the links on your facebook page) will win a Kindle Fire HD (or for international participants...the egift card equivalent in US dollars).http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CU0NSCU

Easy peasy!

Winner will be announced on Monday, February 17, 2014 at 9 pm US Eastern time
If more than one person has the same number of verified links a winner will be chosen randomly from those top contributors.

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  1. I gotta start this series! I love darker and edgier romances! I really need more hours in the day because I am so backed up on reads lol. Great review Jessica!

  2. Great review! This one does sound like a romance I would like to get into! :D Oh yes!

  3. great review!I loved this series

  4. I can't move this series any higher up my TBR list.....I guess I'm going to have to dig a tunnel through the snow to get out to buy these!

  5. Fabulous review girl! I adored this book and this series. So many feels and many times I was worried about the outcome but Lauren did not disappoint!


Leave me some comment love! And I will get around to commenting back!

My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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