
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Stacking the Shelves #53

By 1:00 AM

Stacking the Shelves is an event hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves.

Received for Blog Tour/Review:
Incinerate (Explosive #2) by Tessa Teevan (A big thanks to Love Between the Sheets for this one! Tour Stop: 2/24)
The Hazards of a One Night Stand (Hazards #2) by Alyssa Rose Ivy (A big thanks to InkSlingerPR for this one!)
Four Years Later (One Week Girlfriend #4) by Monica Murphy (A big thanks to InkSlingerPR for this one also! Tour Stop: 3/3)


Open Road Summer by Emery Lord
Better Off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg
Where Silence Gathers (Some Quiet Place #2) by Kelsey Sutton
Third Degree by Julie Cross
Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1) by Pepper Winters

A huge thank you to Bloomsbury USA, Scholastic, Flux Books, Random House Flirt, and Pepper Winters for these amazing titles!


Dark Days by Kate Ormand
On the Fence by Kasie West
In the End (In the After #2) by Demitria Lunetta
Collide (Collide #1) by Gail McHugh
Pulse (Collide #2) by Gail McHugh
Strange and Ever After (Something Strange and Deadly #3) by Susan Dennard
Manic (Rook & Ronin #2) by JA Huss
Panic (Rook & Ronin #3) by JA Huss

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  1. I really want to read Open Road Summer, On the Fence and Dark Days! I had never seen Dark Days before seeing it on Edelweiss but it sounds really good :)

    1. I think I remember seeing Dark Days a while back on a WOW and I was intrigued! When it popped up on EW, I couldn't resist! And I am so excited for Open Road Summer and On the Fence! I am loving my contemporary right now! :D

  2. OOh nice! These are pretty much all new to me! Hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I love the books you got this week! I have heard good things about JA Huss but those covers, whew LOL

    I was going to get In The End but held off. So, I will wait to see what you think before I do :)

    1. LOL! I couldn't resisting picking up Huss's books since they were on sale and Chelsea loves them. LOL. I will definitely let you know what I think of In the End! I liked In the After okay, and I probably could have done without this one, but you know how I am with resisting books.

  4. That's a pretty good haul! I got On the Fence too. I just loved The Distance Between Us, and I still need to read Pivot Point. Enjoy your new books!

    SP & STS
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

    1. Thanks Sandy! I've heard nothing but great things about Kasie, so I'm really excited to start my first book by her!

  5. Better Off Friends, I'm actually really looking forward to it. I downloaded On The Fence and In The End as well (though haven't included since my stacks just physical ones this week) Hope you enjoy them! Thanks for stopping by, too. :)

    1. Thanks Kirsty! I can't wait for On the Fence! And Better Off Friends looked too cute to pass up!

  6. What a nice collection of books! I saw some of them at Edelweiss and passed because they were second books in series I haven't started yet. I do hope you enjoy all the ones you chose. Come see what I got at Ms. Martin Teaches Media and Inside of a Dog. Happy reading!

    1. Thanks Kathy! I probably should have held off on the sequels also, but I'm really bad at restraining myself!

  7. I got Strange and Ever After too and I'm soooo excited! I'm dying to see how that story concludes. Happy reading!

    1. Yay! I have the first two and I'm excited to start that series!

  8. Open Road Summer!! ON THE FENCE!! Great books!! I think I have the first in the JA Huss books but haven't read yet.

    1. Thanks girl! I cannot wait for those too! And I have the first Huss book also, but haven't gotten to it yet. Someday... LOL.

  9. Oooh some excellent titles there! Will be keeping an eye out for your reviews, Jess :)

  10. Wheee, lots of goodies here! You've got a little bit of everything! I also got Where Silence Gathers and On the Fence - I can't wait to read Where Silence Gathers in particular, because Some Quiet Place was EPIC :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog! I hope you have an awesomesauce week! :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I agree! Loved Some Quiet Place! Kelsey really blew me away with her originality! I loved that!

  11. Very nice haul, Jessica! I love the Rook and Ronin series by J.A. Huss! I hope you'll enjoy it, too. You have some true beauties on your list this week, I'm curious about all of them.
    Thanks for stopping by earlier. I hope you had a great weekend.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Oh yay! I've heard nothing but great things about those books Lexxie!

  12. Great haul! I am desperate to read Open Road Summer, it looks amazing! I hope you enjoy all of your books :) My STS.

    1. Thank you! Open Road Summer has been on my TBR for some while now, so I can't wait to start it!

  13. Yay!!! So many awesome goodies this week Jess! I'm so excited for Four Years Latter, and The Hazards on a One Night Stand looks so good! I've been eyeing Collide and Pulse! Netgalley and Edelweiss are two of my weaknesses! It's so tough trying to stay away!!! Happy Reading my Awesome Friend :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Thanks Lindy! I need to stay far, far away from NG and EW too. I am overloaded with books as it is! LOL.

  14. Nice books! I'm hoping to start the Rook & Ronin books soon. I've heard good things. Enjoy your books!

    1. Thanks Andrea! I can't wait to check those out too! So many people love them!

  15. On the Fence, Better Off Friends and Open Road Summer were soooo sooooooo good! I really didn't like Tears of Tess, curious about your thoughts on that one. Enjoy!

    1. YAYYAYAYYA! I want to read those 3 so much! I can't wait to get to a point in my schedule to fit them in! I am definitely leaping out of my comfort zone with Tess, so I will let you know. LOL.

  16. I loved Better Off Friends! I hope you enjoy that one. Open Road Summer looks really fun, too. I can't wait to read On the Fence. Great haul this week!

    1. Yay! Better Off Friends looks adorable and I waited so long for them to approve me! I can't wait to start it! :D


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