
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Weekly Wrap-Up #48

By 6:54 PM

This past Sunday I celebrated my one year blogoversary! YAY! I am really excited about my giveaways too! Head here to check them out! This week has been pretty stressful school-wise. I always seem to be frustrated with the kids at this time of year though, so I don't know why I expected this one to be any different!
I DID get to go see Jodi Meadows, Brodi Ashton, C.J. Redwine, and Myra McEntire last Friday night for a book signing! That was AWESOME! I got to hang out and chat with some fellow bloggers and just had an overall great time. Those four women are amazing and really fun to listen to!
Last week on the blog:
Sunday:              Stacking the Shelves #52
                            One Year Blogoversary Post!
                            ARC Review: Marine For Hire by Tawna Fenske
Monday:             February Brazen Blast
                            Entangled's 3rd Birthday Post
                            Blog Tour: Wish For You by Marquita Valentine
Tuesday:             Release Day Blitz: Girl in Love by Caisey Quinn
                            Blogger Spotlight Giveaway
                            Blog Tour: Break Away by Ellie Grace
Wednesday:       Waiting on Wednesday: Tempted By the Soldier by Nicolette Day
                            ARC Review: Staking His Claim by Tessa Bailey
                            Cover Reveal: Fifty First Times: A NA Anthology
Thursday:           Swoon Thursday: Girl in Love by Caisey Quinn
                            Cover Reveal: Unconditional by Melody Grace
                            Blog Tour: Girl in Love by Caisey Quinn
                            Swooning For Books Giveaway Hop
Friday:                Cover Reveal: The Hazards of a One Night Stand by Alyssa Rose Ivy
                            Blog Tour: Song of the Fireflies by J.A. Redmerski
Saturday:            ARC Review: Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi
                            ARC Review: Confessions of a Secret Admirer by Jennifer Ryan, Candis Terry, and Jennifer Seasons
                            Blog Tours:
                            In the Lyrics by Nacole Stayton
                            Run To You by Clara Kensie
                            The Deep End of the Sea by Heather Lyons
                            Wings of Arian by Devri Walls
                             Every Second With You by Lauren Blakely
                             Solving For Ex by Leigh Ann Kopans
                             Fighting For Irish by Gina Maxwell

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  1. Into the Still Blue review this week! I will check it out after I write mine, I have been avoiding all reviews so I can go in with no hints or anything :) I am loving it so far though!
    Congrats on the BLOGOVERSARY!!

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

    1. I don't blame you Ashley! I don't think I looked at any either! I'm so glad you're liking it! I LOVED it! <3 And thank you!!!


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My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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