
Lovin' los libros

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Blog Tour: Four Years Later by Monica Murphy {Review, Author Interview, + Giveaway}

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Welcome to my stop on the Four Years Later blog tour hosted by InkSlingerPR!
Today I am excited to share my review, an interview with Monica, as well as a giveaway with you all!

Four Years Later (One Week Girlfriend Quartet #4)
   by: Monica Murphy

Publication Date: March 4, 2014
Publisher: Bantam
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: e-ARC provided by InkSlingerPR and the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 320 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 5/5 stars

New Adult bestselling author Monica Murphy winds up her sensational series with this sexy story of two college kids with nothing in common but a bunch of baggage and a burning attraction.

Over. That about sums up everything in my life. Suspended from my college football team and forced to cut back my hours at The District bar because of my crappy grades, I can’t keep turning to my sister, Fable, and her pro-football playing husband, Drew, to bail me out. I just can’t seem to find my own way. Weed and sex are irresistible temptations—and it’s messed up that I secretly hand over money to our junkie mom. A tutor is the last thing I want right now—until I get a look at her.

Chelsea is not my type at all. She’s smart and totally shy. I’m pretty sure she’s even a virgin. But when she gives me the once over with those piercing blue eyes, I’m really over. But in a different way. I won’t deny her ass is killer, but it’s her brain and the way she seems to crave love—like no one’s ever given her any—that make me want her more than any girl I’ve ever met. But what would someone as seemingly together as her ever see in a screwed up guy like me?

When I first heard Monica was writing Owen's story I was ecstatic! We first meet him at age 13 and he already has his own set of problems. He has no father figure, a worthless mother, and only his sister to keep him on track. Fable is so busy working to provide for the two of them, that Owen is left on his own quite a bit and has no stability in his life. He believes deep down his mother loves him and just doesn't know how get a handle on things. However, the day she packed up all of their things and blew out of there, Owen is left stunned and heartbroken.
I love how good of a sister Fable is to Owen. She believes in him and refuses to let him destroy his life like their mother did. We got a little taste of adult Owen in Drew+Fable Forever and it's nice to see him grown up and striving to be better. He absolutely idolizes Drew and when his coaches compare the two, he feels such a surge of pride because he knows what a good man Drew is and all that he's had to overcome to get to where he is. Owen likes making him proud and hates disappointing both him and Fable. But lately, things just haven't been working out for him. He's making some pretty bad choices with drugs and grades and now his spot on the football team, the one thing he loves doing, is being threatened unless he gets his act together.
Owen wants to do what is right, but he is being pulled in two totally different directions and feels he's living a double live: one where he's a good brother and the other where he's being a good son. Owen's mother is back in the picture and uses him for money and drugs. He can't bear to turn her away- she's his mother and no matter how much he hates and resents her for being the kind of woman she is, he can't say no to her. He clings to the idea of her as a mother, but realizes she's never going to change and she's only going to bring him down with her. He knows if Fable ever found out she would be incredibly upset and hurt.
Chelsea Simmons is hands down one of the best things to ever happen to him. She is the good amidst the tainted and he finds himself drawn to the innocent, sweet girl. He is attracted to her and even though he claims she's not what he wants he is drawn to who she is and the goodness that surrounds her. Owen needs more positive influences in his life, and since Drew, Fable, and Autumn live away from him, Chelsea is good for him. His friends Wade and Des, are also into drugs and partying and don't help when it comes to getting clean. I will say, Wade does end up being a good friend to Owen, but it took a while to see that. He rags on Owen about Chelsea and is angry that Owen told Des not to come around the house anymore.
I couldn't help but feel for Chelsea. She has grown up watching her father hurt her mom over and over again and really resents him for all of his back and forth. She isn't interested in dating or having a relationship for fear she'll give herself to someone, only to have them do the same thing as her dad- taking all the good parts of her and just walking away. She claims she doesn't need a man to define her, but the moment she meets Owen all bets are off. She doesn't want to be attracted to this hard-edged boy, but she can't help it. She feels safe with him and bit by bit trusts him enough to give him her heart. Placing your trust in another person is always risky and this is no exception. Owen wants to prove he's worthy of Chelsea and her trust, but still has some obstacles in his way.
There were moments I wanted to scream at Owen for being so stupid and immature- he finally has a good thing going but he lets his weaknesses control and consume him. Owen is such a good guy who has just been dealt some really crappy hands in his life. He has great people who support and love him and now he just needs to figure out how to let go of the things that bring him down and embrace those who build him back up.
Overall, I loved this conclusion to Monica's series. We got to see Drew and Fable and how much those two have evolved from when we first met them, we briefly hear how Jen and Colin are doing, and above all we got to see the lost 13 year old kid grow into a man who has found a good woman to keep him happy and love unconditionally. I am sad to let this series go, but I am so happy that Monica really did her characters justice and took them in the direction she did. Even the most broken of people can find happiness and freedom to live their lives the way they want and deserve.

Hey Monica! I'm so excited to have you on the blog today! I am such a big fan of the Drew and Fable series, so I am thrilled we are getting Owen's book in Four Years Later!
So glad to be here Jessica! Thanks for having me!
Was Owen's story one you always wanted to write or did it come as a surprise to you?
Originally, I created Owen to give Fable someone to love. She has a terrible mother, an absent father, a bad reputation and a chip on her shoulder. She needed someone to soften her hard edges so I created Owen.
By the time I finished SECOND CHANCE BOYFRIEND, I knew I wanted to write Owen's story. So yeah... I guess his book came as a surprise to me. :)
How would you describe Four Years Later in 10 words or less?
Sweet, sexy, messy, emotional, funny, filthy, hopeful love.
What was your favorite scene to write in the book?
So many because FYL was such a joy to write! The characters both really spoke to me. If I had to choose one scene in particular that was a favorite, I'd have to say the first time Owen and Chelsea kissed.
Oh, I loved that scene! So many feels! You've written Drew, Fable, Jen, Colin, and now Owen. Which character was your favorite to write?
I have serious mad love for Fable. I love how loyal and feisty and protective she is. I'd say she's my favorite of them all but I hate to say that because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Ha ha ha.
If could cast Owen and Chelsea- who would you cast them as?
Such a tough question because I don't really see any actors, etc. in my head while writing them. They're just... there. In my head, which might be a scary place to be.
Is there a song that comes to mind when you think of Owen and Chelsea's relationship?
I have an extensive playlist on Spotify and there are so many songs that remind me of Owen and Chelsea! This was a book that was definitely musically driven. There's a song by the 90's band Candlebox called Blossom that reminds me of Owen and Chelsea every time I hear it. I even mention the song in the book. You can check out the entire playlist here:

What books have you read lately that you think everyone should know about and read?
Okay I was just on vacation and read two books that I thought were amazing. RECONSTRUCTING AMELIA by Kimberly McCreight is not my usual read. I'd call it women's fiction, part thriller, part mystery, part YA and totally awesome.
Second book I read was BEFORE JAMAICA LANE by Samantha Young. I love the Dublin Street series and this book doesn't disappoint. So hot and romantic.
How would you describe yourself in 5 words or less?
Wife, mom, daughter, and friend.
If you could live anywhere in the world- where would you live?
The vacation I just mentioned was in Maui and oh my word, I'd move there in a heartbeat!
What is one of your guilty pleasures?
As I answer your questions I'm munching on smokehouse almonds. I have to put them in a tiny bowl so I don't eat too many. LOVE them.
I also love purses. A lot. My husband would say too much. :)
You've wrapped up your Billionaire Bachelor's Club series, as well as this series- what's next for you?
Ummm, I might NOT have wrapped up my Billionaire Bachelor's Club series. There just might be one more novella coming out some time in the early summer, letting all the readers know what happened to those smokin' hot non-bachelors and the ladies who love them. More details coming soon.... 
(FLAILS!!!!!! YES! I was so hoping for that!)
I also have a few things in the works. Secret projects I hope I can announce sooner rather than later.
Thanks so much for chatting with me today Monica!
And thank you for having me! It's always a pleasure. :)

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Monica Murphy is a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite. A wife and mother of three, she writes New Adult and contemporary romance for Bantam and Avon. She is the author of One Week Girlfriend and Second Chance Boyfriend.

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  1. Ahhh, I'm so excited for Owen's story. I'm holding off on this a bit because I am burned out on NA but still want to read this :)

    1. Aw! YAY! I can't wait until you read it! And I'm so proud of you for stepping back and focusing on other genres! You go girl!

  2. Thanks for the giveaway! :D
    I'm a huge fan of Monica Murphy. I love Drew + Fable since the first time I read One Week Girlfriend.
    My fav part in this series is when the two of them texted "Marshmallow" to each other <3
    Thanks to this novel, marshmallow will never be the same anymore now XD
    I hope I can win this contest this time! ;)

    1. Aww! I loved that too! And I agree- I will never look at marshmallows the same! That Drew- he's a good one!

  3. AH! I sooo need to get back into this series! I really did enjoy the first book! And to get Owen's story! That is soo cool! That interview was so much fun! :D

    Great review!!

    1. Yes! The series is so great! It's definitely topping my favorite list! :D And thanks! I had a blast interviewing her!

  4. I'm very excited to read Owen's story. I think that poor boy has so much to tell! I'm happy Monica got the chance to write it. Nice review, I'm happy you loved FYL.

    About the interview, I love the answers for the recent books she's read. Before Jamaica Lane is gorgeous and I loved Reconstructing Amelia.

    1. I agree Andrea! He has not had it easy that's for sure! I really need to start Young's series and now I'm really curious about Amelia!

  5. Eeek I just started this series this week! I didn't know Owen was getting a story but I'm so glad he does. I can already tell he's going to be such a great character. No I can't wait to read the rest of the series so I can get to Owen quicker ;)

    1. YAY! I'm so excited you're reading it! You will feel so many feels for little Owen!

  6. I'm so glad that you loved this one Jess! I get to read Owen's story next week, and I am sad to say goodbye to this series, but happy that it ended on a good not! Wonderful Review!!! I can't wait to see Owen turn his life around, and meet Chelsea! Excellent Review and Great Interview! I can't wait to read about Owen and Chelsea's first kiss, and am looking forward to a Billionaire Bachelor's Novella!!! Yay!!!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Yay! I can't wait till you read it so we can chat about it! I am also happy with the way it ended- she really wrapped everything up well and I am satisfied! When I saw her say that in the interview about a BBC novella- I nearly DIED! I was so hoping we'd see how those crazy kids turned out!

  7. I haven't read it yet!!! It seems like it's permanently stuck in the to read pile xD If only I had my own copies.....
    Happy reading


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