
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Weekly Wrap-Up # 51

By 6:21 PM

Hiya guys! Happy Saturday! This has been a really exciting week because something really big happened to me, but I'm still not sure if I can say what. LOL. So! You'll just have to wait and find out what it is! Hahaha. I'm evil, I know. But it's full of awesome!
This next week is going to be crazy in terms of school. Our girls basketball team is serious business. We are ranked number one in the state and number 5 in the COUNTRY. Our principal is AWESOMESAUCE and lets the students and some teachers go to the State games which are held in our town. So- depending on what time they play on Wednesday, we will be getting out of school to go. And when they win, they will also play again on Friday. Tuesday we give the ACT to all juniors, but everyone else takes a practice ACT, so I won't have any classes that day. Thursday is an early release day. SO. EASY WEEK AT SCHOOL! Heck yeah!
Last week on the blog:
Sunday:                 Stacking the Shelves #55
                               Mini-Review: Bitter Sweet Love by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Monday:                 Cover Reveal: Contradictions by Tiffany King
                                Entangled Bliss: Sampler Release Day Launch
                                Music Monday: The Wild Feathers
                                Blog Tour: Incinerate by Tessa Teevan
Tuesday:                Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books That Made Me Swoon
                                Release Day Launch: White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Wednesday:           Waiting on Wednesday: Take Me On by Katie McGarry
                                Excerpt Blast: Unconditional by Melody Grace
Thursday:               Swoon Thursday: Take a Chance by Abbi Glines
                                Release Day Launch: The Hazards Of a One Night Stand by Alyssa Rose Ivy
                                Blog Tour: Take a Chance by Abbi Glines
Friday:                   Excerpt Blast: Recklessly Royal by Nichole Chase
                                Blog Tour: On the Rocks by Sawyer Bennett
Saturday:                Jumble Your Genres Reading Challenge 2014: Urban Fantasy
                                Chelsea & Jessica Get Brazen: Game For Marriage by Karen Erickson
                                All of Court's Men: Dante Giliberti
                                Blog Tours:
                                Four Years Later by Monica Murphy
                                The Hazards Of a One Night Stand by Alyssa Rose Ivy
                                Searching For Beautiful by Nyrae Dawn
                                Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott
                                Better Off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg
                                Down For the Count by Christine Bell (Brazen Feature)
                                Clipped Wings by Helena Hunting      

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  1. Yay for your light week at school! This will definitely help with your busy blogging schedule. :-)

    1. Agreed! It was so great!!! And those two snow days rocked my socks off!

  2. You are such a tease...making us wait for the big news! Sounds like you've had a busy week. Thanks for taking time to stop by my blog!

  3. Oh, your week at school sounds fuuuun! LOL I KNOW THE BIG THING! muahahah

    1. We had a great week! I loved every minute of it! And YAY! You so do! LOL


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