
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Weekly Wrap-Up #54

By 8:10 PM

Happy Saturday everyone! Wow, it's been a busy week for me! I did go ahead and take Friday off though and I stayed home and got some beta reading done. And I may have watched Frozen. Again. :) I didn't read very much last week but the two I did gave me really big book hangovers so I haven't felt much like blogging. Hopefully I'll get back into the grind this week.

On the blog....

Sunday:                    Stacking the Shelves #58
                                                                      Review: Unbroken by Melody Grace

Monday:                 Book Spotlight: Upside Down by Lia Riley
                                Blog Tour: Unconditional by Melody Grace 

Tuesday:                 Many Sides of Medusa Blog Hop

Wednesday:            Cover Reveal: Out of Mind by Jen McLaughlin
                                Waiting on Wednesday: What I Thought Was True 
                                Cover Reveal: Boomerang by Noelle August

Friday:                   Chelsea & Jessica Get Brazen: Tempted By The Best Man by J.Lynn


                               Blog Tours:
                               Breathe Again by Rachel Brookes
                               Twisted by Emma Chase
                               If Only by AJ Pine


                               Faking Normal by Courtney Stevens 
                               Recklessly Royal by Nichole Chase
                               His Risk to Take by Tessa Bailey  
                               50 First Times: A NA Anthology
                               Poison Dance by Livia Blackburne  

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  1. I got my daughter Frozen, and she's seen it toms of times already! LOL I'm on the Twisted tour this week also! I really enjoyed the 50 First Times Anthology, and can't wait to see what you think about it :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  2. Frozen. I have seen this movie so many times I can recite the whole thing. Zachary watches it EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT. LOL

    I hear ya on the book hangovers! I have read some amazing books lately! Have a good week hon!


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