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Blog Tour: After this Night by Lauren Blakely {Review+Giveaway}

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Welcome to my stop on the After this Night blog tour hosted by InkSlingerPR!
Today I am excited to share my review as well as a giveaway with you all!

After this Night (Seductive Nights #2)
    by: Lauren Blakely

Publication Date: May 12, 2014
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
Age Group: Adult
Source: e-ARC provided by InkSlingerPR in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 282 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N | iBooks
My Rating: 3.5/5 stars

This is the conclusion of Julia and Clay's story that began in the New York Times Bestseller Night After Night.

"Why do you like me tied up sometimes?"
"Because the way I feel for you is so out of control that this is one way for me to feel in control again."

Their world was passion, pleasure and secrets.

Far too many secrets. But Clay Nichols can't get Julia Bell out of his mind. He's so drawn to her, and to the nights they shared, that he can't focus on work or business. Only her. And she's pissing him off with her hot and cold act. She has her reasons though-she's trying to stay one step ahead of the trouble that's been chasing her for months now, thanks to the criminal world her ex dragged her into. If only she can get out of this mess, then maybe she can invite the man who ignites her back in her life, so she can have him-heart, mind and body.
He won't take less than all of her, and the full truth too. When he runs into her again at her sister's wedding, they have a second chance but she'll have to let him all the way in. And they'll learn just how much more there is to the intense sexual chemistry they share, and whether love can carry them well past the danger of her past and into a new future, after this night...

Please note: This book is intended for 18+ due to dirty talk, light bondage, and lots of sexy scenes. 


Don’t miss the prequel novella, FIRST NIGHT, and the first full-length novel, NIGHT AFTER NIGHT, in the Seductive Nights Series!

Amazon ** iBooks ** Barnes and Noble 

Lauren Blakely is one of my go-to romance authors. She writes such likeable characters, creates fun and engaging storylines, and really knows how to bring the steam with her romance scenes. One of my absolute favorite things about Lauren's books is that they are all connected. Her books can be read as stand-alones, but those of us who have read Lauren's other books/series will recognize certain strangers and places in her books and I really loved that about this one especially.
Storyline: I was fortunate enough to read this book immediately after Night after Night, so there wasn't too much waiting involved for me in regards to Julia and Clay's story. While the first book didn't end on a cliffhanger per say, it did leave you a bit unsettled as to their future. Julia is unable to open up to Clay about the mess she's involved in and Clay refuses to let himself go down a path with a woman whose life is filled with secrets and lies. However, some connections can simply not be broken. The two have realized they both have so much more than just great sex. They enjoy one another's company and are coming dangerously close to falling for one another. However, if Julia cannot open up to Clay and trust in him completely, there is no hope for the two.
Characters: I really like that Julia is such an independent woman. She is protective of her family and friends and refuses to let her mess seep into their lives. However, when Clay enters the picture and she realizes the depth of her feelings for him, she should have sought help from him, as she really is in a potentially dangerous situation. I felt for Julia, as she has been screwed over by her ex and left to deal with the fallout, thus causing her to constantly be on her guard and looking over her shoulder. Her loved ones are threatened if she doesn't comply and she just feels trapped. Meeting Clay in her bar was never supposed to turn into what it did, but now that it has she can't help wanting to clear her debts so she can move forward.
I really liked Clay's character too. He is a man who knows what he wants and goes after it. And he wants Julia. But he wants ALL of her. He is frustrated and upset that she is keeping secrets, especially after what secrets and lies did to his previous serious relationship. He won't go down that road again and he makes it clear upfront that he won't tolerate evasiveness. As much as Clay's decision at the end of the previous book sucked, I totally get it and I can't say I blame him. He put his cards on the table and the ball really is in Julia's court.
Romance: I enjoyed Clay and Julia's romance, even though I didn't connect to them as a couple on the level that I would liked. They have a lot of steamy, sexy scenes and their chemistry is undeniable. I liked seeing their relationship progress from sex to more. They find themselves craving the others' presence and simply wanting to spend time together. There are several email interactions between the two in this book and I really loved reading those. They are sexy and fun with serious undertones and I really just enjoyed the flirtatious banter these two have going on.
Final Thoughts: I was very happy with the conclusion to Julia and Clay's story. I am glad we got resolution for these two characters and I loved seeing the other characters from Lauren's novels make an appearance- McKenna, Chris, Cam, Davis, as it just put a smile on my face.
I am really looking forward to Michele's story, as my heart ached for her. She also deserves happiness and love and I am looking forward to seeing that in the next book!
“I wish I were there wearing your clothes right now.”

He laughed. “That’s what you want to be doing? Because I’d like to be fucking you if you were here.”

“Well, that too. But then I’d put on your shirt.”

“You like that, don’t you?”

“I know you do too,” she said.

“I do. Seeing you in my shirt and your heels is my kryptonite.”

Oh, is that it? That’s your kryptonite?”

“Or maybe it’s just that you are,” he whispered, admitting more than he wanted to.“I think the same could be said here.”

There was a pause, and though they were three thousand miles apart, the silence was heady. He was in a drugged-out state tonight. This woman was his pill, and closeness with her was what he craved most even as he feared she would destroy his heart. Smash it to a million tiny pieces and eat it for lunch. But he had a built-in barrier in distance, and with no trips to San Francisco on his immediate calendar he saw nothing wrong with this temporary moment of relief from the pressure inside of him from wanting her. They couldn’t be together in any meaningful way, and he couldn’t get hurt if he didn’t actually see her. Right? Right, he answered for himself.

"What are we doing, Julia?” he asked, and he was sure she could hear the longing in his tone, but he didn’t care. There was no need to hide it after they’d just broken down and pleasured themselves together.

“I wish I knew,” she said, her voice wistful and full of yearning. “I really wish I knew.”

He heaved a sigh, trying to sort out his thoughts, but his brain was a mixed-up mess and he didn’t know how to untangle all the threads. Or if he wanted to remain tangled up with her instead.

“What are you going to do when we hang up?” he asked, changing direction.

“Read a book.”

“What are you reading these days?”

“A crazy story about a guy who treks across Antarctica.”

“That does sound crazy.”

“Yeah. He’s kind of hallucinating and talking to penguins right now,” she said with a small laugh.

“Can you blame him? I have to imagine if you’re stuck in the polar ice cap that talking to penguins might be a rare source of comfort.”

“As long as he doesn’t eat the penguins I’ll keep reading it.”

“Here’s to no penguin meals in the books we read.”

“What will you do?”

“I suspect I will fall fast asleep and dream of a beautiful redhead on the other side of the country.”

“She would like that dream very much,” she said in a sweet voice, the kind that worked its way beneath all the hard edges in him, and settled deep in his heart. “Will I talk to you again soon?”

He took a fueling breath, and put his armor back on, steeling himself. “I don’t know the answer to that.”

Lauren Blakely writes sexy contemporary romance novels with heat, heart, and humor, and her books have appeared on the New York Times, USA Today, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iBooks bestseller lists. Like the heroine in FAR TOO TEMPTING, she thinks life should be filled with family, laughter, and the kind of love that love songs promise. Lauren lives in California with her husband, children, and dogs. Her novels include Caught Up In UsPretending He’s MinePlaying With Her Heart, and Trophy Husband. She also writes for young adults under the name Daisy Whitney.

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  1. This sounds like a good series, and I know how much you enjoy this author. I also absolutely loved that excerpt. Great review!

  2. This sounds like a good series, and I know how much you enjoy this author. I also absolutely loved that excerpt. Great review!

  3. Julie and Clay sound like great characters, Jessica. I'm sorry you didn't really connect with them in the way you'd have liked though. I'm going to have to check out this series!


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