
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Stacking the Shelves #67+ Weekly Wrap-Up

By 1:00 AM ,

Stacking the Shelves is an event hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves.
Received For Review/Blog Tour:
Perfect Kind of Trouble (Finding Fate #2) by Chelsea Fine (A big thanks to Forever for this one! Tour Stop: 6/17)
Fall to You (Here and Now #2) by Lexi Ryan (A big thanks to AToMR Tours for this! Tour Stop: 6/2)
Crossing Stars by Nicole Williams (A big thanks to AToMR and Nicole for this one!)
Losing Control (Kerr Chronicles #1) by Jen Frederick (A big thank you to Jen for sending me this!)

Trial by Fire (The Worldwalker Trilogy #1) by Josephine Angelini
Cracks in the Armor (Clipped Wings #2.5) by Helena Hunting

(A big thanks to Macmillan and Gallery for these!)
Winterspell by Claire LeGrand
(A big thanks to Simon & Schuster for this!)

Whew! Busy week ahead! Between finishing up everything at school and packing for BEA, I will REALLY be MIA. I'm hoping to get some reading done this weekend and schedule some posts for next week. Otherwise, I'll only be around in a social media capacity. The goal is to meet bloggers, have fun, and get some books! I won't have a STS/WW post next week, but the one to follow will be a huge one!
Sunday:                         Stacking the Shelves #66+ Weekly Wrap-Up
Tuesday:                       Blog Tour: After this Night by Lauren Blakely
Wednesday:                  Blog Tour: A Matter of Forever by Heather Lyons
                                      Cover Reveal: His Reverie by Monica Murphy
Thursday:                     Cover Reveal: Final Call by Emma Hart
                                      Blog Tour: Where There's Smoke by Elizabeth Lee
Friday:                         Blog Tour: Whisper to Me by Christina Lee
Saturday:                    Review: Inflame by Tessa Teevan

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  1. OOh nice! These are new to me! Except for Trial by Fire! Currently waiting on my copy to arrive! So excited about it too!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Ohh pretties. I cannot wait to read Crossing Stars. I adore Nicole Williams. I'm gonna squeeze that in as one of my next me reads. I also really need to start that Chelsea Fine series. Happy reading Jessica!!

  3. Oooo, the Chelsea Fine book sounds fun! Definitely a you book. YAY for Trial by Fire and Winterspell! Have fun at BEA, lady! I'll (hopefully) see you next year!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Oh, I've seen Trial By Fire in several people's hauls today, and it looks good! I've requested Winterspell but I'm still waiting to hear. Edelweiss is funny; some publishers never do let you know, even to turn you down. Have a FANTASTIC time at BEA!

  5. Great Haul!! I loved Josephine Angelini's Starcrossed series. I plan on picking up a copy of Trial by Fire at BEA this week, so hopefully I get to her signing before she runs out of ARCs.

    I hope you enjoy all of your new books!! Thanks for stopping by my STS!!

  6. Nice books! I'm excited to read Losing Control. I adored Cracks in the Armor, and hope you like it too!

  7. Quite a few bloggers got Trial by Fire this past week. Its been moved up on my wishlist and it will be bought when it comes out.. enjoy


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