
Lovin' los libros

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Blog Tour: Teaching Roman by Gennifer Albin {Review}

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Teaching Roman (Good Girls Don't #2)
   by: Gennifer Albin

Publication Date: June 26, 2014
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: e-ARC provided by InkSlingerPR in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 175 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Jessica Stone has her life in perfect order until her perfectly boring boyfriend Brett puts things in perspective. So when she receives a call to action from her heartbroken best friend Cassie, she ditches her plans for Winter Break in gloomy Olympic Falls and sets off to Mexico for some fun in the sun.

Determined to use her oceanview to prep for her MCATS, she doesn't plan to run into anyone from Olympic State, least of all the cute communications prof she's been crushing on for a year. When he unexpectedly saves the day, the two are thrown together in a distinctly extracurricular activity.

Roman Markson doesn’t expect to run into anyone he knows from Olympic Falls while visiting his family in Puerto Vallarta, especially not a former student. Although Jess Stone has a way of catching men’s attention, a relationship with her is strictly off-limits. However, the rules feel less strict in Mexico, so they agree to a plan: one week in paradise and nothing more.

But avoiding each other back on campus is harder than they anticipated, especially when they can’t stay away from one another. Neither is sure what they have to learn—and lose—before life teaches them a lesson they’ll never forget.

After reading and LOVING Catching Liam last year, I couldn't wait to get my hands on Jess's story in Teaching Roman! Gennifer does such a great job with her characterization and it is one of my favorite aspects of this story. Even though this is Jess and Roman's novel, the side characters play such a central role in really making this story come alive. We are so invested in them and their relationships with one another and that is what really drew me in. I also adored Jess and Roman and boy do they have some serious chemistry together!
Pacing: Very fast paced. I read this in one sitting! In fact, I read it while I was the car dealership waiting and I was kind of mad when they announced I was good to go! I do think Jess and Roman fall for one another pretty fast, but it is important to note that both of them were crushing on each other for quite some time before.
Storyline: Dealing with the aftermath of her best friend's heartbreak and a failed relationship of her own, Jess does what any good best friend would do in that situation- go to Mexico for some sun and R&R! She never expects a certain very cute communications professor that she has been crushing on to be heading to the same location! Jess isn't looking for a hook up. She wants to be there for her friend and spend her time studying for the MCATS. However, Jess can't deny that she wouldn't mind one night with Señor Markson! However, the two opt for one week instead. After their week in paradise is up, they will go back to the way things were before.... The only problem? Neither one had any idea of how powerful their feelings for each other would actually run and now face the dilemma of what to do next.
I like the whole forbidden love trope. The fact that Roman is a professor at the same school Jess attends definitely ups the stakes too. Now before you think of an old stuffy professor, Roman is actually only 4 years older than Jess and is a graduate student instructor. Still, ethics does play a role in this novel and the two really battle over what's right and wrong. Matters of the heart are seldom ever easy....
Characters: I liked Jess. She's serious and driven and I'm glad she goes after what she wants. Her dedication to getting into med school is really awesome and I love that we got to see that play a role in her story. She has been with her boyfriend Brett for some time now, but he is the safe, predictable choice for her. She realizes that maybe things with them aren't meant to be and finds herself unwilling to take the next step in their relationship. However, Jess really opens up when she's with Roman. He ignites la pasión inside of her and she isn't Jess anymore, she's Jessica- the side of herself that isn't afraid to throw caution to the wind. I liked seeing her realize that yes, she can be both and still make it work. She did drive me a little crazy with her running away business that she likes to do though. She gets scared and that overanalytical medical brain starts going crazy and she runs away from who she should be running TO.
I really liked Roman too. He isn't perfect and is a bit more passive on some things than I would have liked, but he's a good guy and he's great for Jess. His relationship with his Aba is really sweet and I liked that she isn't afraid to offer advice to both him and Jess. Oh and did I mention that he cooks? Swooooon!
Final Thoughts: I enjoyed Jess and Roman's story and I love that I just get so sucked in to Gennifer's books! I'm super excited for Cassie's story next, as well as looking forward to finding out what's next for Liam and Jillian and catching back up with Jess and Roman.



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