
Lovin' los libros

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Review: The Avery Shaw Experiment by Kelly Oram

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The Avery Shaw Experiment
     by: Kelly Oram

Publication Date: May 4, 2013
Publisher: Bluefields
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: Young Adult
Source: Purchased for Nook
Page Count: 278 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 5/5 stars

When Avery Shaw’s heart is shattered by her life-long best friend, she chooses to deal with it the only way she knows how—scientifically.

The state science fair is coming up and Avery decides to use her broken heart as the topic of her experiment. She’s going to find the cure. By forcing herself to experience the seven stages of grief through a series of social tests, she believes she will be able to get over Aiden Kennedy and make herself ready to love again. But she can’t do this experiment alone, and her partner (ex partner!) is the one who broke her heart.

Avery finds the solution to her troubles in the form of Aiden’s older brother Grayson. The gorgeous womanizer is about to be kicked off the school basketball team for failing physics. He’s in need of a good tutor and some serious extra credit. But when Avery recruits the lovable Grayson to be her “objective outside observer,” she gets a whole lot more than she bargained for, because Grayson has a theory of his own: Avery doesn’t need to grieve. She needs to live. And if there’s one thing Grayson Kennedy is good at, it’s living life to the fullest.

Hello cutest book ever. I never ever wanted you to end! It's books like these that completely rejuvenate my reading soul. Seriously though. I read this book from start to finish with the biggest grin on my face. It's THAT cute! AND it's dual POV! *cue flailing*
How would I describe Avery Shaw in one word? Adorkable. She loves science and learning, but that doesn't make her a total nerd. She does not run with the popular crowds and is not considered drop dead gorgeous. Instead, she has this cuteness and sweetness about her. She's a bit shy and is a little socially awkward. She doesn't do well with change and she has been best friends with Aiden Kennedy since birth. The two have always been inseparable- doing everything together. Her and her mom are very close with the Kennedy family, so when Aiden drops the bomb that he needs some space from her on New Years Eve, she is wrecked. Not only is her best friend saying this, but the guy she has secretly hoped would confess he has more than friendly feelings for her.
Of all the people to run to, Grayson Kennedy, Aiden's older brother, is the last person whose arms she should seek comfort in. Everyone knows Grayson Kennedy's name. He's popular, good-looking, athletic, and a bona-fide womanizer. Don't let that fool you though. Deep down, Grayson is a GOOD guy. He hates seeing Avery hurting, so he does whatever he can to cheer her up and try to get her mind off his brother. He never expected to actually fall for the sweet, shy, science geek and he certainly never expected to help Avery with her science fair project. However, her project is one that intrigues him and one he thinks he could be extremely helpful with.
I loved watching Grayson help Avery navigate the seven stages of grief. He does so much more for her than just help her with a project. He helps her with her social anxiety, become more confident as a person, and makes her feel special and wanted. People might think there's a love triangle at work here, but honestly? There's no doubt in anyone's mind who the best choice for Avery is.
I thought Aiden was a coward. He really treated Avery poorly after so many years of doing everything together. He didn't have to reciprocate her feelings, but to let himself hurt her the way he did was really not fair. I get that he was under the influence of one Mindy Perez, but still. Man up Aiden! His character is not beyond redemption though. However, his and Avery's friendship will never be as it once was after everything they've gone through.
Grayson and Avery's friends were great in this book. I like the blurring of the social lines and seeing the jocks hang out with the nerds. Owen and Libby were hilarious together and really provided some great comedic moments.
If you're looking for a light, fun read, I highly suggest this book. You will fall in love with Avery and Grayson's characters, and be rooting for them to get together sooner rather than later. I love how sweet Grayson is and how he really likes her who she is, nerd and all.

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  1. This book sounds absolutely adorable! I remember Magen really liking this one too. I will deff have to add this one to the TBR. Great review!

  2. This is one of those books that I might not have given a second glance, but your review makes me want to read it right now! Sometimes a sweet, cute read like this is exactly what I want!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction


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