
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Top Ten Tuesday #53

By 8:19 AM

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.
Top Ten All-Time Favorite Books From the Past 3 Years
A Court of Thorns & Roses by Sarah J. Maas
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
 Stir Me Up by Sabrina Elkins
Defiance by C.J. Redwine

Incarnate by Jodi Meadows

Golden by Jessi Kirby

Before I Wake by Rachel Vincent

Hourglass by Myra McEntire

Dare You To by Katie McGarry
Don't Look Back by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Honorable Mentions:
The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay
Ten Tiny Breaths by K.A. Tucker
The Crown of Embers by Rae Carson
If You Leave by Courtney Cole
Miss Me Not by Tiffany King
A Matter of Truth by Heather Lyons
Searching for Someday by Jennifer Probst
Risking it All by Tessa Bailey
Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover
Before You Break by Christina Lee
Make it a Double by Sawyer Bennett
Unfixable by Tessa Bailey
The Deal by Elle Kennedy

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  1. I know I could have included ACOTAR on my list! This was so hard and I appreciate your honorable mentions. I also read The Sea of Tranq. this year and almost included that one. I have Incarnate and Golden on my list so seeing them on your top ten makes me even more excited to read them!

    1. Yes! I don't like being limited to a certain number when it comes to favorites! It's too hard for me! LOL. Oh my. Katie. I can't even wait for you to read Incarnate and Golden! I think you'll really like them! (Or at least I REALLY hope you do!)

  2. I need to read Incarnate still and I need to finish the Hourglass series. There is no possible way this could have been 10. Nope...not happening!

    Great list.

    1. Right?! 10 is impossible. I don't know how anyone else did it. I love Incarnate, so I hope you will too. I also need to read the last Hourglass book, but I think I'll do a reread of the other two first.

  3. A BIG OLD YES FOR ACOTAR! I will love you forever for loaning that to me! And I almost put Before I Wake too! That one is actually my favorite of the series but I couldn't remember if it fell within the three year time period of not so I went with WAMS to be safe lol Oh Sea of Tranquility, Ten Tiny Breaths and so many others I considered for my list too. I love your list!

    1. Oh you are so welcome hun! I'm glad I was able to do so! I'm pretty sure I read Before I Wake in 3 years... I've been blogging for 2, and really started reading YA a year before... lol.

  4. I haven't read any of these, but SEVERAL of them are on my TBR list. I just finished my first Colleen Hoover book last month (Slammed) and loved it. I have several more of her books that I plan on reading soon. Katie McGarry, Sarah Maas, and Jennifer Armentrout are three others I really want to read.

    Here is my TTT: http://jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2015/03/top-ten-tuesday-favorite-books-from.html

    1. Oh yay! I love Colleen Hoover! She does such a great job with her angst and writing! I hope you get to read some Katie, Sarah, and Jen soon! They are all fabulous authors!

  5. Woah these are a lot of books Glad you enjoyed them. new GFC follower.
    Top Ten Tuesday!

  6. So basically when I look at your list my brain says "Okay, I need to buy that one...and that one...and that one..." because, you know, you're like my bookish guru :D I ended up with 3 lists because if I hadn't my honorable mentions list would have been longer than yours lol BUT we do have My Life Next Door in common because that made it on one of my lists! Make me stop getting review books so that I can get some of these read!! Haha

    1. HAHAH. I feel honored to be your bookish guru! I love that you made 3 lists though! That was awesome! I'll make you stop getting review books if you do the same for me, mmk?!

  7. ACoTAR definitely deserves a spot! It was such an EPIC re-telling. Literally, so unique and the chemistry was SIZZLING

    1. YES! I thought I was going to pass out from the swooning. Seriously. It was SO SO hot. I was like, holy crap- did I just read that? Let me read it again. And again. HAHA.

  8. Yessss to so many of these! I'm loving how many lists ACOTAR is on because I can't freaking wait to read it. LOVED The Deal so so much and can't wait to hear who the second book will be about. My Life Next Door and Golden were absolutely fantastic, and Ten TIny Breaths and The Sea of Tranquility are unreal.

    Crown of Embers made my list too :) LOVED it!
    Great list Jessica!

    My Top Ten

    1. YAY! I am so happy you loved The Deal! I love how much attention this book is getting! It makes me so happy! I can't wait for you to read ACOTAR either Aly! You will love it! Yay for Crown of Embers twinsies!

  9. Great list! I read The Deal last week and it was really good!!

    My TTT

    1. OH YAY! Every time someone tells me they read and enjoyed The Deal I want to do a happy dance. LOL.

  10. All the ACOTAR I am seeing today are killing me! Simply killing me! Makes me more upset with NG that the ARC is there but not available for requesting! Especially since I am on auto approve with the publisher! EEK!

    LOOOOOVED Rachel Vincent's Soul Screamers though! And Hourglass! Still need to read the last one in that trilogy and naturally Don't Look Back is another fave of mine! JLA is amazing!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I know! That's crazy it's still not available for request! I hope it becomes available soon! I need to read the last Hourglass book too! I want to do a reread first, I think.

  11. Awesome list! Incarnate and Hourglass are really great reads, though I still have to continue on with the rest of both of those series! I should really check out Defiance sometime soon! Have a great week.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. Thanks Krystianna! Me too on Incarnate and Hourglass! Haha, I am so bad at finishing series. Yes! You like dystopian, so I think you'd really enjoy Defiance! It's a favorite!

  12. I really really enjoyed Don't Look Back, it was my first JLA book! I am tempted to read Incarnate, it is on sale right now and seeing that it is a favorite is giving me a push to buy it! I cannot wait to read ACOTAR. Defiance is great, I need to finish the series though.
    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

    1. Don't Look Back was a great way to introduce you to JLA! I hope you read more by her! She's such a great writer. I am thrilled to the moon you bought Incarnate! I also need to finish the Defiance series. I have all the books, but just suck at finishing series.

  13. So many great books on this list, Jess! My Life Next Door, Golden, Dare You To (Ryan is my fave!!!), The Sea of Tranquility, Accidentally Married on Purpose... love all of those! I think Tonya and I are reading the Defiance trilogy at some point this year, so yay. :D

    1. Thanks hun! Oh man! Let me know when you guys read Defiance! I'll reread with you all!

  14. I'm really excited for ACOTAR!! I have an e-arc, but I'm waiting a little to read it. I loved Incarnate! I really want to reread it and finally move on to Asunder soon. :) I'm adding a few of those NAs to my Goodreads!

    1. Yay Kaitlin! I hope you love ACOTAR! I can't wait to get mine back from circulating so I can reread. :) Agreed- I want to reread Incarnate too, so I can finish out the series!

  15. Incarnate by Jodi Meadows - LOVED THIS BOOK TOOO. haha I knew you would ass ACOTAR :P

    1. You knew I would ass it huh? Bahahaha. Sorry there's no edit button on here. I freaking love it.

    2. LMAO - I can't believe I did that. My typos are getting ridiculous

  16. I have read a few of these, but not all in your top ten (even though I own quite a few of them!) Others are new to me, so thank you for the recommendations. My favorite in the Pushing the Limits series is Crash into You, I also love anything by Colleen Hoover, the Sea of Tranquility and the Soul Screamer series. Great list!

    1. Oh I really did love Crash into You too. Isaiah was so great. Ryan just steals my heart a bit more, probably because he reminds me a bit of my HS boyfriend. Thanks for stopping by girl!

  17. I've read most of these! Not the NAs of the honorable mentions, but mostly the YA. I need to read The Deal, apparently.

    Fantastic list, Jess!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. You so do Alyssa! We all loved The Deal! I hope you do too if you decide to check it out!

  18. I haven't read any of these books yet! I AM DYING for ACOTAR! I am so excited that it is on your favorites list! There are several on here that I have and really hope to read this year!
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my TTT post! :D

    1. Ahhh! I need you to read ACOTAR! Like NEED. LOL.


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