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Blog Tour: Unrequited by Jen Frederick {Review, Excerpt,+Giveaway}

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Welcome to my stop on the Unrequited blog tour hosted by TRSOR Promotions!
Today I am excited to share my review, an excerpt from the book, as well as a giveaway with you all!
You can see the full tour schedule HERE.

Unrequited (Woodlands #4)
   by: Jen Frederick

Publication Date: Apr. 13, 2015
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: e-ARC provided via TRSOR Promotions in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 235 pages
Order Links:  Amazon | Amazon UK | B&N | Kobo | iBooks
My Rating: 4/5 stars

Winter Donovan loves two things: her sister and her sister's ex boyfriend. She's spent her whole life doing the right thing except that one time, that night when Finn O'Malley looked hollowed out by his father's death. Then she did something very wrong that felt terribly right.

Finn can't stop thinking about Winter and the night and he'll do anything to make her a permanent part of his life, even if it means separating Winter from the only family she has.

Their love was supposed to be unrequited but one grief stricken guy and one girl with too big of a heart results in disastrous consequences.

I really love this series by Jen Frederick! I have been waiting for Finn's book for awhile now (since I read Unbroken!) so I was thrilled to finally get his story. The book begins with Finn in a really bad place, having just lost his father to a heart attack. He is coping by drinking and sleeping around, though neither really do anything to assuage the hurt he feels from losing someone who meant a lot to him. It isn't until he runs into his high school girlfriend's little sister again that he sparks back to life again.
I really liked Winter. She was very sweet and has had a crush on Finn for years now. Meeting up again at a bar, she realizes the attraction to him is still very much there and while she can see he is grieving, wants to be the one to take away his pain. Even from the beginning, these two have incredible chemistry together. Jen writes some very sexy scenes and she writes the male POV so very well. She doesn't pretty her words up- sometimes it comes across as a bit crude, but damn if I don't love that. After that night at the bar, eight weeks go by for Finn and Winter, even though neither one has forgotten about the other. It takes some time for Winter to open back up to Finn, but once she does these two really work well with one another. I love how Frederick's boys go after what they want. They aren't pushovers for sure and they are quite persistent. Speaking of Frederick's boys... It made me really happy to check in with Bo, AM, Grace, Noah, and get a lot of quality time with Adam.
Things with Finn and Winter aren't quite picture perfect however. Ivy, Winter's sister and Finn's ex-girlfriend, ends up playing a pretty pivotal role in this book. I wasn't Ivy's biggest fan because of the way she treated both Finn and Winter, but I did feel bad for the girl. I think Frederick handled her storyline very well, even though I was terrified a huge mistake had been made that would have done some irreparable damage to the story and its characters. Ivy did really grate on my nerves though and I felt she took advantage of Winter and her love for her. That really didn't sit well with me because it was wrong of her to be so manipulative and controlling of a sister who would do anything to protect and take care of her.
Overall, I thought this was a great addition to the Woodlands series. I really loved Finn and Winter and I thought the epilogue couldn't have been more perfect for these two. I really like that Frederick ends her books with epilogues of the future. I am never ready to let go of my characters, so it's nice to get a glimpse of their futures. I can't wait to see who the next book will be about!

"Are you humming?" Bo asked.

I looked up from pulling on the dingiest carpet I'd seen in months. This house I'd picked up was vile, worse than usual. Bo had suggested it was a meth factory, given the needles, rotten egg smell, and burnt patches on the walls and flooring. It could have been, or it might just have been an ordinary addict's house, but there was shit everywhere.

If I was humming, I didn't realize it, but I was in a decent mood. I figured once I got Winter to just sit and talk with me, we’d work it out. That was something worth humming about. 

I just shrugged and went back to work. "Just trying to block out the god-awful music you choose to play. You've been up north here for almost a year. Can't you play anything but country songs?”

"I could." Bo paused to toss a handful of staples in the trash. "But I know it annoys the hell out of you. And that makes the music sound that much sweeter."

"Too bad you don't know shit all about constructing a house and you still have to hang on my dick until you can get it right."

"Which is why I play music you hate. It fits our dysfunctional relationship."

"I thought you were going to therapy to fix your problems."

"If by ‘therapy’ you mean having a ton of awesome sex with my girlfriend, then yes, I'm in therapy all night and random times during the day." I snorted but wisely said nothing. "But speaking of therapy," Bo continued. My response was a loud groan that I hoped would be hint enough that I didn't want to talk about whatever it was that followed. Bo ignored me. "How's your mom?"

"Well, she texted that she got up and had coffee today, so I count that as a win." I reached down to tug harder on the carpet. Did they glue it down instead of just stapling the edges?

"Mal says 'Paradise lies under the feet of your mother.'"

That made me stop. I gaped at Bo. He threw up his hands, one still holding a crowbar he was using to pull up the tacking strips, the long thin lumber pieces that held the carpet on the edges of the room.

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Apparently it means if you don't make your momma happy, you ain't gonna be happy."

"If I knew what would make her happy, I'd do it," I replied.

"I suck at this comforting thing." He pulled off his hat and scratched his head. "But maybe you outta talk to someone else?"

 "Like Lana?" I grunted. "No thanks. Between her and Mal, it sounds like I should be taking my mother on a date."

Jen Frederick lives with her husband, child, and one rambunctious dog.  She's been reading stories all her life but never imagined writing one of her own. Jen loves to hear from readers so drop her a line at jensfrederick@gmail.com.


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  1. Ivy was such a piece of work, wasn't she?! I really didn't like her at all. I'm glad you liked this as much as I did. It was fun and I liked Finn and Winter together a lot. I do admit that there were too many sexy scenes for my tastes, but that didn't really affect my enjoyment. And yes, checking in with the gang (BO! <3), was the best!
    Great review, Jess!

  2. This is yet another series I need to get started on! I grabbed book one recently so hopefully I can get my butt in gear. Great review!

  3. I was just telling Nick that I really need to read this series! I think it'll be my next NA books, after I get to Burying Water and its sequel lol.
    The sister story line sounds super annoying, but I do like what I've been hearing about the romance. Finn seems swoony - I love a boy that goes after what he wants!
    Great review, lady!


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