
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Tasty Tuesday #14

By 1:00 AM

Hey guys! I'm back again with another Tasty Tuesday!

I do alter my recipes to fit my own tastes, so please also feel free to refer back to the original recipe at the bottom of the post to see what I may have eliminated.

 Most of my recipes are Weight Watcher friendly, but don't let that scare you away. They are actually really good. I've also found some great websites like Skinny Kitchen and Skinny Taste that I use a lot too. Most of my recipes have some kick to them, so if you are not a big spicy person, adjust the spices to better fit your tastes. OH. And all of the meals I cook are really easy to prepare. I'm not big on difficult meals.
Today I am featuring:
Cilantro Chicken Salad
-leftover chicken breast
-2 tbsp. mayo with olive oil
-1 tsp lime juice
-pinch of cumin
-salt and pepper
-pinch of chile powder
-pinch of garlic powder
-chopped cilantro, 1 tbsp.
-low sodium chicken broth (optional)
1. Combine chicken, cilantro, lime juice, and mayo.
2. Season to taste with salt, pepper, chile powder, garlic powder, cumin. (Can add 1 tbsp. chicken broth if chicken seems too dry.)
This was SO good! I had leftover chopped chicken from a local BBQ place here in town, and it wasn't really enough to put in a full blown recipe, but just enough to make myself a sandwich for dinner!
I found this recipe from Skinnytaste and because I didn't quite have 7oz. chicken like she used (or I don't think I did anyway) I ended up not using as much of the ingredients as she did.
Serving Size: 1
Serves: 1
Cook Time: N/A
WW+: 4 pts.

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  1. These posts always make me hungry lol This sounds delish.

  2. Oh! That looks really good!! Now I'm hungry!

  3. Ooooh, this sounds like a great spread to use for sandwiches, I'll save this one to try for a party!


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