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Review: Crossing Abby Road by Ophelia London

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Crossing Abby Road (Abby Road #2)
    by: Ophelia London

Publication Date: Mar. 31, 2015
Publisher: Entangled: Embrace
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: Adult
Source: e-ARC received via the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 159 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 2/5 stars

Todd Camford went from Marine sniper to owning a beachfront surf shop in Florida, and he couldn’t be happier. Unfortunately, the programming from his training hasn't quite been eliminated. His ex called him an unfeeling cyborg, but he's a free-flying, unfettered hawk, damn it. Relationships are out of the question...

And then she comes into his shop.

Everyone knows who Abigail Kelly is—mega rockstar, tabloid fixture. Still, nothing prepares Todd for Abby's smoky gray eyes or the swift breathlessness of their instant chemistry. He'd be an ass (or possibly insane) to think he can resist her. Just for today, maybe he'll keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't get mobbed. Because really, how much damage could one day with a super-hot, kick-ass celebrity really do?

It always saddens me when a book by an author I enjoy doesn't end up working for me. Unfortunately this is the case with Crossing Abby Road. Having enjoyed many of Ophelia's other novels, I immediately accepted this one for review. I did not realize this was the same variation of the first book, Abby Road, only in the male POV. I had thought it to be another couple's story, which is why I requested it and read the previous book a few weeks ago. I do not much care for retellings in the male POV, especially of the same story. While the two books are not identical, there wasn't enough of a difference to really grip me and keep me engaged.
I did think it was neat how London made this A Day in the Life kind of story with Todd. For the first half, I was enjoying Todd and Abby's banter, but after that I found myself skimming along to the end. I felt like there was so much inner dialogue with Todd and while it was nice to be in his head, I wanted to see him be more proactive. He could be a bit contradictory at times too and it was hard to condone some his decisions after meeting and knowing a girl for only a day.
Todd is a good guy though. I appreciated how he handled his family and how he treated Abby. He is protective of her even though they just met, realizing she doesn't want attention drawn to her and he tries to make their time together as normal and casual as possible.
Where Abby Road was Beatles themed, this one was all about Frank Sinatra, which I loved. That extra bit really added some more flair to the story. I am all about creative infusions!
While this one didn't quite work for me personally, I think I may have enjoyed it more had I not just read Abby Road. Sometimes I need more a gap in between retellings so I can look at the story with fresh eyes.

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  1. I'm sorry this was a disappointment, Jess and I know it's really a terrible feeling when a cherished author's book doesn't work for you. After Breakable by Tammara Webber, I've vowed to never read a re-telling of a book in another POV. They just don't work for me and I honestly don't see point of them. I'll have to try the first book though because you liked it so much.
    Lovely review, Jess!

  2. Ahhh alternate POV books are so hard! It has to feel new but the same. So sorry this one didn't work out for you!

  3. I hate when a book doesn't capture me or keep me engaged. Glad you did give this one a try, though it wasn't to your liking.

    Lovely review though :)


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