
Lovin' los libros

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Review: Getting Lucky Number Seven by Cindi Madsen

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Getting Lucky Number Seven
    by: Cindi Madsen

Publication Date: Apr. 28, 2015
Publisher: Entangled: Embrace
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: e-ARC received via the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 270 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4/5 stars

What's your lucky number?

Lyla Wilder is done being the shy, chemistry nerd extraordinaire. While every other college student is out having fun, Lyla is studying. With her cat. Well, she's played it "safe" quite enough, thank you. So she creates a "College Bucket List"―with item #7 being a night of uninhibited, mind-blowing sex...

But she needs some help from her man-whore best friend.

Hockey player Beck Davenport thought Lyla's transformation would be subtle. Man, was he wrong. With every item she ticks off, Beck finds himself growing seriously hot for his sweet, brainiac best friend. And if he's not careful, he'll end up risking their friendship in order to convince Lyla that he might just be her lucky #7...

Being a big fan of Cindi's, I knew I had to get my hands on this one. Not only do I love her writing style, but she writes some swoonworthy romances! Getting Lucky Number Seven was such a win for me. I loved Lyla and Beck's characters, the way their romance developed amidst a friendship, and seeing both of them come out of their shells to finally go after what they want.
Lyla was such a great character. I loved her nerdy side. Her chemistry jokes are so bad they're funny, and the obsession with her cat and taking cat photos cracked me up. (It's ok Lyla, I do the same with my dog- I just don't send them to people.) She studies hard and wants to do well in school. Unfortunately, she does them at the expense of her social life. She's not really a social butterfly as it is, and is a bit on the awkward side, not knowing what to say when it comes to finding a guy. After being forced on a group date and being hurt by overhearing a conversation she shouldn't, she flees to the one person who always makes her feel better, super sexy hockey player, Beck.
I loved her friendship with Beck. It's comfortable and sweet. He looks out for her and I really liked that he would stop whatever (or whoever) he was doing to take care of Lyla. Neither one has ever really thought about the other in more than a platonic way, so watching them take off the blinders and really see the other was so worth it. Beck tries to convince Lyla that a few hurtful words aren't worth changing herself over, but Lyla is determined to follow through with her new 'college bucket list'. Yes, that stupid boy may have sparked the idea, but Lyla ultimately follows through because SHE wants to work through her fear. She's in college and she deserves to have a little wild and crazy fun.
She recruits Beck to help her and by spending so much more time together, the two realize there might just be something more to their friendship. Beck realizes he doesn't like helping Lyla find another guy to make out with, even though he doesn't do relationships and could never be the type of guy she needs. The tension between these two is so palpable and I was going crazy for them to kiss already! It's a slower burn as both are two afraid to take the first step. Beck knows he can't go there with her and she is afraid of ruining their friendship, especially considering how important it is to her.
I definitely enjoyed this one and loved Beck and Lyla together. Beck might tease Lyla about her cat pictures, nerdy jokes, and love for chick-flicks, but let's face it- he so loves all of that. Which proves that he is a good guy but the circumstances of his past have made him wary, having seen firsthand the hurt that relationships and love can cause another person.
If you're in the mood for a fun, sexy, sweet read you definitely need to pick this one up!

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  1. I have to read this one! I don't even know what it is specifically, I just know I need to read it. It sounds soo good. Great review!

  2. Lyla tells bad chemistry jokes? That's a girl after my own heart!! :)
    I like the sound of this one a lot, Jess, especially the slow burn part of the romance. I like that they are friends before they are in a relationship.
    Lovely review, Jess!

  3. I love opposing characters falling for each other an I love reads about friends fall in love as well! I definitely have to pick this one up! The sound of the characters makes me want to meet them :)

    Lovely review!

  4. I really liked this one too, Jess! I thought it was really well done the way they went from friends to more. Their chemistry was just fantastic, and they made such a cute pair.
    Great review, lady!

  5. I still need to read this one... eeep. Maybe this weekend... I'm glad to see you liked it though! That's reassuring. :)

  6. I really liked this one too. Glad you enjoyed it as well. Lyla cracked me up too with her chemistry jokes.

    Great Review!

    Michelle @ Book Briefs


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