
Lovin' los libros

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Review: Need Me by Tessa Bailey

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Need Me (Broke and Beautiful #2)
    by: Tessa Bailey

Publication Date: Apr. 21, 2015
Publisher: Avon Romance
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: e-ARC received via Edelweiss in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 250 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4/5 stars

When Honey Perribow traded in her cowboy boots for stilettos and left her small Kentucky town to attend Columbia University, she never expected to find a dirt-cheap apartment or two new best friends. No stranger to hard work, Honey is completely focused on her medical degree … until she sees newly minted professor Ben Dawson, and her concentration is hijacked. Honey is fascinated by her gorgeous young English professor and vows to find a crack in his tweed-wearing, glasses-clad exterior.

At an off-campus party, an accident lands Ben in a dark, locked closet with a sexy-sounding Southern belle … and their chemistry is explosive. But when he discovers that the girl in his arms is the same beautiful student he can't stop thinking about, he is stunned. Student-teacher relationships are strictly forbidden … yet no matter how hard he tries, Ben can't stay away from Honey.

And when his attempt to fight their attraction nearly ruins the best thing that ever happened to him, Ben will do anything to prove how much he needs her.

I have been looking forward to Honey and Ben's story since Chase Me so I am so happy that this one worked for me! I had trouble connecting to Roxy, but I knew I would do better with Honey at the wheel. And Ben.. oh my. Having been a bit hot for teacher myself in college, I can definitely understand Honey's attraction! My economics professor was probably the same age as Ben and I wouldn't have minded some personal study sessions....
Honey was such a fun, sweet character. She is a caretaker and a nurturer for sure and her crush on Ben is really cute. I was really surprised their paths hadn't crossed prior to now with Roxy and Louis dating to be honest. It definitely made their first sexy scene together that much more intriguing with Ben not knowing who Honey was. Ben is in a precarious position with Honey. He's definitely attracted to her and not just physically either. He is attracted to her mind and intellect as well. Her papers have made an impact on him and I like that they are on the same intellectual level. However, not only could acting on that attraction jeopardize his career, but he has also seen firsthand the effects of dating a younger woman can have and he refuses to go down the same road as his father.
Ben was one uber sexy professor, that's for sure. He is also a dirty talker as well (but then again it's Tessa and I didn't expect anything less from her male lead!). He does make his share of mistakes in this book when it comes to Honey though. He's not perfect and there were times I really wanted to throttle him for being such a pain in the butt! He doesn't like hurting Honey and he feels like a douchecanoe after he does it, which leads to some sexy groveling. They have great chemistry together and I really loved watching them get to know one another.
I am beyond excited for Russell and Abby's story next because Russell is adorable and I liked that we got to see him come clean about his feelings for her. It's a classic case of him feeling like he's not good enough for her, so I'm looking forward to seeing the spin Bailey will put on that one.
This is a sexy story and I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I loved Ben's grand gesture at the end- it was so fitting for their story and had me in full swoon mode!

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  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed this, Jess! I really had a lot of fun reading it too once I ignored the fact that Ben was her professor (I'm so weird). I loved their chemistry too! And YES, Ben needed to be throttled quite a bit in this book!
    And wohooo! I'm so excited for Russell's book too. He was so cute. I mean, he killed a spider for her. I know I'm going to LOVE him. :)
    Great review, Jess!

  2. Ohh so glad to hear this is a good one! I can't wait to squeeze it in. I struggled with Roxy but I had a feeling Honey would work better for me and since that was the case with you, it'll probably be the same for me. Great review!

  3. Oh! Sexy professor. Color me intrigued ;) This one sounds like it was a sexy and fun read.

    Lovely review!

  4. I don't have a good track record with Tessa Bailey, but I might give this series a go. It seems fun and lighthearted.
    Great review, lady! Not a huge fan of student-teacher stories, but Ben does sound yummy. :)

  5. I love love loved BEN. I mean, I enjoy all of Tessa's books, but BEN. OMG. The tractor... *swoon* ... the grand gesture... *bigger swoons* I can't wait for Russell's story either. As much as I enjoy Tessa's Brazen books, I find myself LOVING her lighter-hearted new adult books just as much. Great review!


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