
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Tasty Tuesday #15

By 1:00 AM

Hey guys! I'm back again with another Tasty Tuesday!

I do alter my recipes to fit my own tastes, so please also feel free to refer back to the original recipe at the bottom of the post to see what I may have eliminated.

 Most of my recipes are Weight Watcher friendly, but don't let that scare you away. They are actually really good. I've also found some great websites like Skinny Kitchen and Skinny Taste that I use a lot too. Most of my recipes have some kick to them, so if you are not a big spicy person, adjust the spices to better fit your tastes. OH. And all of the meals I cook are really easy to prepare. I'm not big on difficult meals.
Today I am featuring:
Adobo Chicken with Salsa Verde
-1lb. Chicken tenderloins
-4 small tomatillos
-1 jalapeño
-1/4 onion
-lime juice
-salt and pepper
1. Preheat oven to 390.
2. Season chicken with adobo and cumin. Add squirt of lime to each tenderloin.
3. Cook in oven for 20 minutes on foil and baking sheet. (I sprayed my foil lightly with cooking spray to ensure chicken didn't stick)
To make salsa:
1. Peel and chop tomatillos.
2. Deseed and chop jalapeño.
3. Chop 1/4 onion
4. Blend
My salsa didn't quite come out the way I wanted it to and it could be because of a few reasons. I probably should have used smaller tomatillos for one. Second, it might have helped if I had broiled the tomatillos first to soften them. Third, I might have overblended. The salsa came out thicker and foamier than a salsa should be. It still tasted ok, but I will have to work on this!
I also paired this with steamed veggies.
Serving Size: 2 chicken tenderloins
Serves: 3
Cook Time: 20 minutes
WW+: 3-4 pts.
Recipe taken from the lovely Cassie over at The Casserole! See her original recipe HERE.

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  1. You're making me hungry! I'm going to bookmark this recipe for when I need a quick dinner!

  2. I can't make any form of salsa so kudos to you. These posts always make me want to start cooking more

  3. That looks so good! And now my stomach is growling.

  4. YUM!! I love adobo! My grandmother makes it all the time. I had some yesterday actually xD

  5. That chicken looks so good! I really shouldn't check your Tasty Tuesday posts before lunch time! ;)


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