
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Weekend Read-a-Thon!

By 7:32 PM

Weekend Read-A-Thon!
Not only is my TBR a bit out of control right now, but I also didn't get much reading time in this past weekend. I thought it would be a good idea to do a read-a-thon from Saturday evening-Sunday evening! Danielle from Love at First Page is going to join me! See what she plans to read here.
I got a later start than I wanted today mainly because I went to lunch with my parents and then ended up going grocery shopping with my mom. I also cooked dinner, so I am just now starting.
I plan to read the following books in the next 24 hours:
Finish Summer Queen by Amber Argyle (17% done)
Read Nowhere But Here by Katie McGarry (buddy read with Danielle, Nick, and Wendy)
Read Claimed by Sarah Fine
Read Changing His Game by Megan Erickson

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    1. Ahhh I hope you got all the reading done! I read Changing His Game over the weekend and it was sooooo good! I adored Austin!

    2. Weeeellll we didn't quite do this weekend read-a-thon as planned LOL. So much for an all nighter lmao. BUT. Glad we read Nowhere But Here! And I hope you loooove Claimed and Changing His Game!


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