
Lovin' los libros

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Review: Make Me by Tessa Bailey

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Make Me (Broke and Beautiful #3)
    by: Tessa Bailey

Publication Date: Aug. 11, 2015
Publisher: Avon Impulse
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: e-ARC received via Edelweiss in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 192 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4/5 stars

Construction worker Russell Hart has been head-over-work boots for Abby Sullivan since the moment he laid eyes on her. But he knows a classy, uptown virgin like her could never be truly happy with a rough, blue-collar guy like him. If only she'd stop treating him like her personal hero—a role he craves more than oxygen—maybe he could accept it.

With the future of her family's hedge fund on her shoulders, Abby barely has time to sleep, let alone find love. And her best friend Russell acting like a sexy, overprotective hulk any time their Super Group goes out in public definitely isn't helping her single status. But after a near-tragedy lands Russell in her bed for the night, Abby's suddenly fantasizing about what he looks like shirtless. Chest hair and tattoos—who knew?

As Russell struggles to keep Abby at a safe distance, she begins to see through his tough-talking exterior—and acknowledge her own feelings. Now she's ready to turn the friend-zone into foreplay…and make him lose control.

I have been looking forward to Abby and Russell's book ever since they first met one another back in the first book. Abby was always a little oblivious to Russell's attraction to her, but all of their friends could see it coming from a mile away. One of my favorite parts of this story was seeing just how important their friendship was to one another. We got brief glimpses of it in the other books, but I had no idea just how close the two were. However, Russell has deep feelings for Abby but has friend-zoned her because he doesn't feel worthy enough of her. That was my one pet peeve about this book. I didn't like that Abby got caught in the crossfire of his vulnerabilities and feelings of unworthiness.
Don't get me wrong, Russell isn't a bad guy, but he does a few things that make Abby feel less than and that really wasn't cool with me. She is such a sweet person and is going through a lot, what with trying to run a billion dollar hedge fund in her father's absence. Her friendship with Russell is important to her and now that the lines have been blurred between them, she doesn't want to lose him either way. She can't ignore the fact that he stirs feelings within her she didn't know existed and now that their attraction is out there in the open, there's no going back. I wished he had been more open and honest with her, but I get that his pride got in the way. He is a proud guy and he wants to better himself for her- prove that he's worthy of her and able to provide and take care of her. While I love that he's chivalrous, his protectiveness bordered on obsessive and that was another thing I didn't quite like. Of course there is a reason for this and it definitely broke my heart because Russell has known loss and he can't lose Abby. Only, he came pretty damn close several times because of his stubbornness.
I really liked how intense their scenes were together. This was definitely a sexy book, but was pretty low key on the sex scenes for a Bailey book. That ended up working for me because the build up and the teasing was so poignant and made their time together that much hotter.
I admit, I was a bit surprised by the ending. I didn't see it going in that direction, but I liked it. I am going to miss these characters quite a bit. I loved the friendships between the girls and the guys and together as a group. It was nice to see everyone find their person and Bailey did a great job of wrapping up the series. I still think Ben and Honey are my favorite, but I really did enjoy Russell and Abby.

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  1. I'm really glad you enjoyed this one, Jess. Russell could be bone-headed at times, but he was such a sweetheart underneath. I agree that this was pretty low key with the sex scenes, but it definitely worked for me as well.
    Great review, Jess!

  2. This sounds interesting and intense. I like books that have a lot of build up.

    Majanka @ I Heart Reading

  3. I really liked Make Me, too, but I know what you mean about Russell's issues. I think my favorite in the series was Chase Me, but this was a close second.

  4. I hate that I can never get into Tessa Bailey's books because she's so popular, but of all her newer releases I thought this sounded like the one I'd enjoy the most... now I'm not so sure. I mean, I probably wasn't going to try it, but I don't like the sound of Russell very much. :/
    Sorry this didn't completely work for you, hon!

  5. I have to get caught up on this series! I really want to see how it all goes for this group. Great review!


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