
Lovin' los libros

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Review: Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

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Everything, Everything
   by: Nicola Yoon

Publication Date: Sept. 1, 2015
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Genre: Contemporary
Age Group: Young Adult
Source: e-ARC received via NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 320 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4.5/5 stars

My disease is as rare as it is famous. Basically, I’m allergic to the world. I don’t leave my house, have not left my house in seventeen years. The only people I ever see are my mom and my nurse, Carla.

But then one day, a moving truck arrives next door. I look out my window, and I see him. He’s tall, lean and wearing all black—black T-shirt, black jeans, black sneakers, and a black knit cap that covers his hair completely. He catches me looking and stares at me. I stare right back. His name is Olly.

Maybe we can’t predict the future, but we can predict some things. For example, I am certainly going to fall in love with Olly. It’s almost certainly going to be a disaster.

Oh my this book. Why oh WHY did I wait so long to read it?! I absolutely adored it and could NOT stop reading! I finished this is one sitting, it was THAT fabulous. I adored the format Yoon used. It fit so wonderfully with the theme of the book.

I really adored both Maddy and Olly. My heart ached for both of them, as they both have their own crosses to bear. Maddy cannot leave her house, for her own safety, as she is allergic to the world. However, when a new family moves in next door, Maddy can't help but be interested in them, especially the teenage son. Olly is everything I could have wanted for Maddy. They start out as friends and it progresses to more. It's so well constructed and I just swooned from the first moment they began interacting online. Olly's home life isn't the best and while he doesn't want to talk about it, Maddy stills witnesses what takes place next door. The two become each others' rocks and strength and I loved seeing that develop. Maddy and Olly have to be super careful because of her disease and while not many teenage boys would take the time to even bother with the sick girl next door, Olly does. Both of them are so vibrant when they are together and when they were separated my heart absolutely felt shredded.

While I read, I admit I felt a lot of anxiety at how everything would play out. Naturally, I wanted there to be a way for Olly and Maddy to be together, so it was hard not to rush through the book to find out how it would all end. Now that I know, I think I need to reread, so I can savor the wonderfulness and magic of this book.

I was able to predict this one, as I had read another book that had a similar idea, but it didn't really ruin anything for me. I won't say much more, but it definitely made your heart ache.

A beautiful, poignant story- Everything, Everything is not one that I will be forgetting any time soon.  

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  1. Yay, Jess! I'm so pleased you loved this one just as much as I did. It was truly a special little book and I adored the format too! It added an extra special something to the book. And I was swooning as soon as they started interacting too. They were freaking adorable together! <3 And I feel you about the anxiety while reading. I was so tempted to flip to the back, but I didn't and felt so proud that I didn't! Haha! :D
    Lovely review, Jess! I'm ready for a re-read. :)

    1. Haha! Nick, I didn't cheat either! *fist pump* It was hard not to though because I was SO nervous! I loved them together and I just wanted everything to WORK!

  2. Yay, I'm so glad you liked Everything, Everything. I thought it was amazing too. I especially loved the Little Prince references. I adore that book.

    1. Oh me too! I love The Little Prince! It was really sweet! I am so glad I picked this one up!

  3. I didn't pick this one up at BEA last year because I was 1. trying to control myself and 2. figured it wasn't my usual read so it made sense to pass it up - despite how hard it was with that beautiful cover XD Anyway, now that the glowing reviews are coming and keep coming though? I am kicking myself for not picking it up! Even though I don't read tons of contemporaries, I do want to read more and this one totally sounds like a must-read. Your praise here has convinced me Jessica :D GREAT review^^

    1. Aww! I think I probably would have grabbed it because I'm obsessed with pretty covers! Good for you on showing restraint though! LOL. And if it's not your normal read, why would you? But yes. I think this is an exception. Haha. SO good! It is contemporary but it's definitely different than your typical one!

  4. Yay!! Glad you enjoyed this one. I really loved it so much. Great review!!

    1. Thanks Grace! I knew going in so many people loved it, but I think that's what scared me. I'm glad I'm not the black sheep!

  5. Curious to see how the author handles things with Maddy being allergic to the world. I already feel sorry for poor Maddy.

    Majanka @ I Heart Reading

    1. Oh my heart absolutely ached seeing her watch everything outside at such a distance. I wanted nothing more than for her to go run free!

  6. I bought this during the week and as soon as it came I took a peek. I love the quirky formatting and having read your review now, I'm even more eager to read it. Next week for sure I'll be making a date with this book. I am nervous too now that you mentioned my heart will ache though!

    1. Oh I'm so glad you got it Trish! I can't wait to hear your thoughts! I hope for sure you love it! It's definitely difficult to read at times, but man it's SO worth it!

  7. I can tell how much you loved this one and you have definitely put it on my radar. Great review!

    1. YAY! Teresa, seriously, it's wonderful! I never would have thought this book would be so good, but it really surprised me!

  8. Yayyy!!! Jess, I'm so happy that you finally read this one!!! Totally amazing, right?! A-MAY-ZING!!!! I have so much love for this book. So freakin' much!!! <3

    1. YES! Lisa! OMG! Why didn't I make time for it sooner?! Hah. This book tugged at all my heartstrings and I don't regret a second of that pain! LOL.

  9. This book is still on my TBR list. Perhaps I will have to bump it up the list.

  10. Yeeees! Loved this book something fierce. It's so beautifully written and funny and romantic and Olly is EVERYTHING. Ugh, such a wonderful ship. I'm so happy you felt the same way, girl!
    Lovely review!

  11. I really enjoyed this one too, more than I actually expected although I felt like the ending was a bit like a cop-out? Not that it can't be realistic (we had a sort of similar case in our ward at the hospital when I worked in Neurology) but somehow it felt a bit like cheating for me... But I adored Maddy & Olly and their relationship too!

  12. I LOVE this book so much! Like, every bit of it was amazing. I loved all the little "extras" from Maddy, and Carla was AMAZING, and Olly was just adorable! I think I would definitely re-read it, it's one of the few books that I can say that about!! Great review :D

  13. I'm so glad you loved this too. Olly and Carla were perfect! I listened to the audio version, but I'm thinking about reading it someday, too. :)


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