
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Weekly Wrap Up: January 17-22

By 8:00 AM

Hello from snowy Tennessee! Wow, it's not very often I get to say that! In addition to MLK Day this week, I also got TWO snow days! Yahoo!

Wednesday was really more of an ice day, but today it snowed from 9 am until 5-6 pm! It was crazy to see! We definitely got some good inches. Ok, you Northerners don't laugh. I'm from NY. I know what "real" snow looks like! Those of you that are REALLY getting hit by Winter Storm Jonas, I hope you stay safe and have lots of great books to read!

I finally started my Series a Month, The Grisha trilogy by Leigh Bardugo! I'm really enjoying Shadow and Bone so far!

Monday:                           The Monday Musts: Everything, Everything; Kaleo; and the Chicago series
                                                REVIEW: The Veil by Chloe Neill (4 stars)

Tuesday:                           Tasty Tuesday: Grilled Rosemary Chicken and Red Peppers with Cucumber Relish
                                                REVIEW: Paige in Progress by Brighton Walsh (4 stars)

Wednesday:                   W...W...W...Wednesday: The Song of Achilles, Appealed, and You're Still the One
                                                REVIEW: Appealed by Emma Chase (5 stars)

Thursday:                        REVIEW: The Lies About Truth by Courtney C. Stevens (4.5 stars)

Friday:                               REVIEW: Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon (4.5 stars)

Other Posts That Caught My Eye:

Tonya and I have a new feature we are doing called Rec it to Me, where we pick a book for the other that will push us out of our comfort zone! See what we picked for each other here

For those of you that know my good friend Tonya of Lilybloombooks, you probably know she isn't into hyped books. So she is starting a new feature where you can convince her to read some of the hyped books that you love!

Danielle from What Danielle Did Next has a new feature on her blog called Chit Chat that she will be doing semi-regularly to keep us updated on all things Danielle!

Christy from Novel Ink swore she would never read this particular book but now she wants to! Go convince her it's a FABULOUS idea!

Rachel from A Perfection Called Books has written a great post on why it's important to blog your own way.

Nick and Nereyda from Nick and Nereyda's Infinite Playlist had so much fun with their Appealed review. They played Kiss, Kill, or Marry & Ship It or Sink It!

Nikki from Take Me Away talks about spoilers, excerpts, and chapter reveals and how she likes knowing nothing before going into a book!

Alexa from Alexa Loves Books has another edition of her Tunes and Tales, where she matches up songs from a particular album to a book! This time it's all Adele songs!

Bookish SQUEE! of the Week:

Thank you Atria! I am really looking forward to this one, even though it sounds like it's going to be quite emotional!

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  1. Boo to snow but yay for snow days. Our snow started last night and it is going strong and so windy. Just means not reading time!! So exited for the TJR book. I got it to and trying to wait until closer to read it!! Have a great week!

  2. Nice! That's totally new to me! Hope you love it!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I haven't heard of the book that you got. I hope you love all of your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  4. I live in Puerto Rico so there's no snow haha It's all tropical. I want to see snow though. I only say it once in 2003 and I want to experience that again. I hope you're safe and that it hasn't hit you hard. Atria Books has great books!!! I hadn't seen this one so I'll be checking it out :)

  5. Yay for starting your first series for 2016!! I have that one scheduled for the summer, so I'm definitely eager to see how you like it!

  6. I've heard lots of good things about Taylor Jenkins Reid so I'll have to read one of her books someday soon... Her covers are always gorgeous, it seems!

  7. I've never heard of that book before, but I hope you like it! :)

    Majanka @ I Heart Reading

  8. You lucky duck! That's awesome that you got all those days off, Jess! :)
    Wohoo for starting Grisha! I'm excited to hear your thoughts on the series overall.
    I read the summary for the Taylor Jenkins Reid book and OMG it sounds torturous in a really good way! I'd need to prepare myself emotionally for that!
    Happy reading, Jess! :)

  9. YAY FOR SNOW!! I wonder if I will like the rest of the series. I stopped after book one but i do own them all.hmm

  10. So much snow Jessica! Getting out of my apartment was horrendous and my car... Idk how I'm getting it out *sobs* but on the bright side it was an excuse not to go anywhere lol

    One True Love sounds really good. Hope you enjoy!

  11. Haven't seen that book, but looks good! No snow for me, but just a lot of cold cold wind. Hopefully you have a wonderful week.

    Happy reading!

  12. I'm really excited to see that you're reading the Grisha trilogy for your series a month because I just finished that series (the entire thing, for the first time) in one month last month and it was phenomenal! it's definitely one of those series where I could kick myself for waiting so long to start it!
    Have you read Six of Crows yet? I read that before the Grisha series and it was really good too! although i wish i could have read it after, because i think it would have helped clarify some of the world building elements for me a bit more.
    Emily @ www.rabbitholereviews.com

  13. A series a month sounds like a great idea! There's something really awesome about being able to binge read a series all together! I hope you'll love the Grisha, I have a lot of love for that series!

    And YAY for snow days as long as you keep power and electricity!! ;)


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