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Review: Paige in Progress by Brighton Walsh

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Paige in Progress (Reluctant Hearts #3)
   by: Brighton Walsh

Publication Date: Jan. 19, 2016
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: e-ARC provided via BocciPR in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 378 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iBooks
My Rating: 4/5 stars

She wanted a one-night stand...and then he moved in next door.

Paige Bennett is more than content with her life and what she does—and does not—have in it. She’s got a supportive family, a great apartment, and the best friend a girl could ask for; so what if her relationships expire faster than a carton of milk? After a disastrous detour courtesy of poor judgment in the boyfriend department, her plan is back on track and her dream job is finally within her grasp. Nothing can make her lose focus now. Well, nothing except the one-night stand she had with her best friend’s surrogate brother. The one-night stand she can’t stop thinking about.

Adam Reid has always been reliable...the responsible son, the loyal friend, the steady boyfriend. Two years ago, he graduated Magna Cum Laude and is well on his way to making a name for himself at an accounting firm in Denver—a far cry from working as a helper in the Mom and Pop store his parents own in Michigan. But when said store starts failing, he’s the only one who can step in and help. So reliable Adam does what he always does, and he comes to the rescue.

Paige thought Adam was a safe bet because he lives halfway across the country. But then suddenly he’s moving back to their town, and then into her apartment building, and soon he’s worming his way right into her life. If she’s not careful, he might sneak his way into her heart, too...

When I first heard Brighton was writing Paige and Adam together, I seriously could not even contain my joy. I was so hoping they'd get together! Theirs is not an easy journey- Paige really makes Adam work for it and I was really nervous he was going to tell her deuces and be gone. Thankfully, Adam is AMAZING and a total sweetheart and he refuses to let this girl slip through his fingers.
As much as I liked Paige, she also drove me crazy. I just wanted to grab her and give her a good shake. I understand she has some commitment issues that stem from her past, but it's ADAM. He proves time and time again that he's a good guy and he isn't into one night stands. He's a relationship guy through and through, so it definitely bothered him that Paige didn't want that. However, he was desperate to have just a little of her, so he consented to friend dates just to spend time with her. Naturally, the two end up more than just friends, and Paige is sent in a tailspin because she really likes him, but she's quickly losing control of the situation she thought she had so carefully managed.
Don't get me wrong- I LOVED Paige. She reminded me so much of me. She is determined, ambitious, doesn't take shit, and isn't afraid to speak exactly what's on her mind- no matter how crass or crude. And Adam. Holy sexy, sweet, wonderful, beautiful Adam. I really loved his face for sticking with Paige. He has some decisions of his own to make in regards to his life and what he wants for the future. I liked seeing him figure out just what matters most to him at the end of the day. It's definitely a great match up between them.
They have sexy as hell chemistry though and I loved seeing it simmer and then explode between them. It definitely made for some passionate, sexy times!
I enjoyed getting time with the others as well. It was nice to see the gang all together and having fun. Paige and Adam keep their affair on the DL at first, but not much gets by Jason and Tessa! It was fun to see Paige and Tessa's friendship, as well as the boys'. I love books that not only have great romances, but such strong friendships as well.
This is just one series that I can't rec enough. I have really enjoyed all three books and I am not ready to let go of these characters. I would LOVE to see a novella or something of the sort because I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THE EPILOGUE. Hahaha. Way to go Brighton. Killing me with the unknown. Well, I have my ideas, but.... I digress. Just go read the book, okay?

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  1. I'm so glad you loved this one just as much as I did, Jess! I loved loved LOVED Adam for not giving up on Paige even though she refused to give in. I can definitely understand your frustrations towards Paige. She reminded me a bit of Winter in that area, but I think Winter was worst for me. Anyways, gosh, Brighton really knows how to write hot chemistry!
    And that epilogue, we should do a bet (with books) about who it is getting married. Haha! My guess is it's Jase and Tessa!
    Wonderful review, Jess!

    1. She sure does know how to write the sexy times! Whew! Haha.

      I think it's Winter and Cade! But I want it to be Jason and Tessa. haha.

  2. Paige kinda drove me crazy too... Adam kept proving himself and ugh I wanted to shake her but I love her. Their story was so good and I loved watching them work things out FINALLY. I also loved seeing Jason again cause *swooon*. Great review!

    1. Same! I wanted to shake her, but I liked her at the same time. I guess if Adam wasn't so freaking wonderful, maybe I wouldn't have felt that way. BUT HE WAS. LOL. Jason is my favoritest.

  3. I've heard good things about things about this book. But I think Paige would also frustrate me a bit because it sounds like Adam is wonderful. So glad you enjoyed this.

    1. I really love the series Quinn. They are great romances! Paige was frustrating, but I did love her sass!

  4. I've read that Paige frustrated quite a few people. LOL And Adam sounds like a guy I MUST meet. :) I really need to get back into this series. I really enjoy the first book.

    Lovely review!

    1. She did, but she's a good character too. The second book is my FAVORITE. I hope you can read it soon!

  5. GAH!!! I need to read Caged in Winter NOW!!!!! >.< Glad to see you loved this, and I'm not at all surprised. Brighton is incredible! :)

    1. You haven't read CiW yet?! LISA! What are you waiting for?! Hahah. I hope you'll enjoy when you get to it!

  6. Ooo wow this sounds really good! I really liked how you described Paige, I really think I'd love her " don't take shit attitude " and I love how Adam is the one who isn't into one night stands, and is actually the one who is fighting for the relationship. I'm definitely going to look into this one! Great review Jess :)

    1. I LOVED that the most about her! She was so balls to the wall! It was so refreshing. I am a huge trope reversal fan, so it was sweet to see Adam as the one who wanted more!

  7. I haven't read a lot of NA books lately but I may have to make an exception for this series - it sounds like you REALLY love it! This book, in particular, sounds like it has really multi-dimensional characters. Paige sounds just like my type of a heroine - fierce, strong-willed, and determined!

    (And I need me some books with sizzling chemistry!)

    Thanks for the great review, Jessica! :)

    Lyra @ Defiantly Deviant

    1. Lyra I really do love these! NA has been wearing on me lately, so it's nice to find some that I genuinely love and want more of!

  8. Oh I loved Adam. *swoony sigh* Hot, sweet guys in glasses are my kryptonite. I agree about wanting to shake Paige sometimes but I didn't get too annoyed with her. I actually really liked her. I just wanted her and Adam to get on with it. No clue how she resisted his amazing ass so long! :)

    1. YES! I want him cloned and brought over right now. LOL. I don't know how she did either and that what was frustrating. I was like, GIRL ARE YOU LOCA?!

  9. I really love Paige from the previous book, so I hope her stubborn act doesn't put me off too much. There's only so much of that I can take in a heroine.
    But Adam.. now he sounds exactly like my type of hero. I can't wait to read more about him. :)
    Great review, girl!

    1. I hope it doesn't either! I think I was just antsy for her to realize how good her and Adam could be if she let it happen. You are going to fall head over heels for Adam. Oh my goodness. He's so incredible.


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