
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

W...W...W...Wednesday #20

By 12:00 AM

W...W...W.. Wednesday is currently hosted by Taking on a World of Words and has been slightly modified by myself to also include a book I'm waiting to read, whether it be a new release or just a book I've been waiting to get to.

What are you currently reading?
It's about time I started this! SO good so far!
What did you recently finish reading?
Oh I just loved Grumpy Griff! I really enjoyed this and can't wait to start Steadfast!
What are you waiting to read? 
I am so excited for this one! I got it from Lexie this past weekend in a trade so I can't wait to start it!

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  1. I'm so glad you liked Bittersweet, Jess! I looove Griff. So grumpy and adorable. :)
    I'm curious about A Shadow Bright and Burning, but you'll have to let me know how bad the love square is.
    Happy Wednesday!

  2. I adored Wicked and I'm super excited to finally get my hands on Torn, the sequel!!

    And I am also very excited to start A Shadow Bright and Burning but I'm saving it for ARC August! ;)

  3. Ahh yay Wicked! That book is so good and Tink is basically my favorite in the history of forever.

  4. I still haven't read Wicked, either. I bought the ebook, but, well, you know how it goes. I hope you love it! JLA is such a fun writer.

  5. I really enjoyed Wicked. I'm now reading the sequel and it's great so far. I hated to put it down to go to bed last night. Wasn't Grumpy Griff the best? I can't wait for you to read Steadfast. Jude. <3

  6. I am reading Bitterwseet right now and it's so good! ♥


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