
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Weekly Wrap-Up #47

By 6:53 PM

Tomorrow is my one year blogoversary! GASP! I can't even believe I've been doing this for a full year now! I've hit a few blogging and reading slumps, but this is definitely something I plan to continue doing! So be on the lookout for my blogoversary post tomorrow along with some pretty cool giveaways if I do say so myself! :D
Here's what last week looked like on the blog:
Sunday:               Stacking the Shelves #51
                            ARC Review: Avalon by Mindee Arnett
Monday:             Music Monday: Lucius
                            Cover Reveal: The Fine Art of Pretending by Rachel Harris
                            Blog Tour: Falling For Her Soldier by Ophelia London
Tuesday:             MK Brownlow Goes Indie!
                             Cover Reveal: Breathe Again by Rachel Brookes
                             Release Day Launch: Seeking Her by Cora Carmack
Wednesday:        Waiting on Wednesday: Breathe, Annie, Breathe by Miranda Kenneally
                             Cover Reveal Puzzle Piece: Five Ways To Fall by K.A. Tucker
                             ARC Review: Uninvited by Sophie Jordan
Thursday:            Swoon Thursday: Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
                             Excerpt Blast: Taking Something by Elizabeth Lee
Friday:                 Excerpt Blast: The Deep End of the Sea by Heather Lyons
                             Cover Redesign: The Kylie Ryans Series by Caisey Quinn
                             Chelsea & Jessica Get Brazen: Protecting What's His by Tessa Bailey
Saturday:             Jumble Your Genres Reading Challenge: Contemporary
                              Cover Reveal: He Belongs With Me by Sarah Darlington
                             Blog Tours:
                             Wish For You by Marquita Valentine
                             Break Away by Ellie Grace
                             Girl in Love by Caisey Quinn
                             Song of the Fireflies by J.A. Redmerski
                             Marine For Hire by Tawna Fenske
                             Staking His Claim by Tessa Bailey
                             This Time Around by Ellie Grace
                             Solving For Ex by Leigh Ann Kopans
                             Fighting For Irish by Gina Maxwell (BRAZEN FEATURE)

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  1. I didn't realize we started out blogs at nearly the same time! My one year blogoversary is on 2/4. Happy Blogoversary, Jess, and I look forward to reading lots more from you!

    Stephanie @ Inspiring Insomnia

    1. Oh wow Stephanie! That is awesome! I didn't realize either! Happy early blogoversary to you too girl! Same here! Here's to another year!

  2. Congratulations again, Jess, one year is awesome! I loved your blogoversary post. Where do you find all the fun gifs?

    1. Thanks Lark! I found them online, mainly from other people's Tumblr accounts.

  3. Dang girl! You were busy last week and again this week! Read your little heart out :-)


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