
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Weekly Wrap-Up #52

By 6:51 PM

Whoa! This has been the craziest week ever for me! We had two ice days Monday and Tuesday, which was awesome because I got ALOT of internship stuff done.
Wait. What? Yes, that's right I think I can finally go ahead and tell you that I am interning right now for my favorite publishing company! :D It's been so much fun- I am loving every minute of it!
Our girls basketball team won their game Wednesday, as well as their game yesterday! Today they played in the state championship and WE WON! They are such a great group of girls and I know quite a few of them. This is such a huge deal for our school! Our boys will play in the tournament this Wednesday, which we are also hyped about!
Last week on the blog:
Sunday:                 Stacking the Shelves #56
                               Review: The Hazards of a One Night Stand by Alyssa Rose Ivy
Monday:                Music Monday: Rose Cousins
                               Blog Tour: Four Years Later by Monica Murphy
Tuesday:                Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Popular Authors I've Never Read
                                Entangled Teen Release Day Blast
                                Release Day Blitz: Sweet Little Thing by Renee Carlino
                               Review: Searching For Beautiful by Nyrae Dawn
Wednesday:           Waiting on Wednesday: The Perilous Sea by Sherry Thomas
                                Series Cover Reveal: Here and Now by Lexi Ryan
                                Review: Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott
Thursday:               Swoon Thursday: Waiting For Prince Harry by Aven Ellis
                                Cover Reveal: Stone Cold Touch by Jennifer L. Armentrout
                                Review: Better off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg
                                 Trailer Reveal: Last Second Chance by Caisey Quinn
Saturday:                 Chelsea & Jessica Get Brazen: Down for the Count by Christine Bell
                                 All of Court's Men: Cadmus
                                  Blog Tours:
                                  Best Kind of Broken by Chelsea Fine
                                  He Belongs With Me by Sarah Darlington
                                  Clipped Wings by Helena Hunting
                                  Daegan by Morgan Wylie
                                  Her Summer With the Marine by Susan Meier
                                  Alienated by Melissa Landers

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  1. We had ice on Monday and Tuesday as well, the roads were so bad that they even called a state of emergency, lol. I'm glad you got caught up on some stuff though :)

    1. Thanks girl! WOW- a state of emergency?! That's crazy!!! I'm ready for spring now.... this winter weather needs to GO.

  2. So busy girl! I'm so impressed with how much you get done. I have felt so behind with everything going on! I need to get back on my game. :-)

    1. Hahaha. Thanks chica. :) You'll get your mojo back!

  3. Congratulations on your internship! We had snow/ice days on Monday and Tuesday, too - which didn't do me any good because I work from home. Oh, well! :-) Have a good week!

    1. Thanks Lark! Aww, I think us teachers are the only ones who like snow days. Well, besides the kids. Haha.

  4. WOOT!! YAY on the internship!!! That's awesome news and so exciting!!! And you still manage soooo many posts, I don't know how you do it girl!!

    1. Thanks Amy!!! :) I'm pretty excited! And I don't know how I do it either. Well, I do actually- I have NO social life. Hahahaha!

  5. Congrats on your internship, and to your girls H.S. Basketball team Jess!!! Wow, you did have a crazy last week! How do you manage/juggle it all superwoman?

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Thank you Lindy! I am so proud of my girls! :) LOL- I don't even know how I do it. I guess being single and unattached really helps in that regard.


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