
Lovin' los libros

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Blog Tour: His Reverie by Monica Murphy {Review+Giveaway}

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Welcome to my stop on the His Reverie blog tour hosted by InkSlingerPR!
Today I am excited to share my review as well as a giveaway with you all!

His Reverie
   by: Monica Murphy

Publication Date: July 28, 2014
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: e-ARC received from InkSlingerPR in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 249 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo
My Rating: 3.5/5 stars

I knew from the moment I first saw her she was the one. The only girl I could ever want.

The only girl I could ever love.

She is light.

I am darkness.

She is innocent.

I’ve done too much.

She is good.

I am bad.

She is my every dream.

I should be her every nightmare.

We come from different worlds. She’s…perfect. And I’m…


Somehow she wants me anyway. So we’ll grasp at what we can...

You never forget your first love.  The excitement,  anticipation, nervousness/fear of what's to come really defines it and sears it into your memory, changing you forever. Every touch, every emotion is heightened and it is intoxicating. What if your first love was a forbidden one? If it had to be kept secret because of who you were and what your family represented? Monica Murphy creates such a story in His Reverie. Told primarily from the male POV, we get to see these elements at work and the delicate foundation in which Nick and Reverie's relationship is built. 

I was very engaged and interested in this story. I enjoyed reading the book from Nick's POV, as it makes the book that much more raw and emotional. Every chapter interjects an entry from Reverie's diary, so where Nick's words are hard, Reverie's are flowery and wistful. Murphy does such a great job of capturing the thoughts and feelings of a naive 16 year old girl. I read Reverie's entries and flashed back to when I was 16, remembering crushes and that all-encompassing desire to fall in love for the first time. 

While I enjoyed this one, I felt something was missing for me.  I wasn't as invested as I would have liked. The story opens with Nick just getting released from jail for a crime he did not commit and is feeling extremely betrayed. The only person he can depend on is his mom and she is waiting with news that completely devastates him and brings his world crashing down around him. Getting a job working at the Hales is one Nick desperately needs. He never expects to meet a blonde angel while working there. Their first meeting is a flirtatious one and Nick can't stop thinking about the beautiful, sweet girl he met. He knows he should stay away from Reverie and really wars with himself over her. He knows he could never measure up and that he's not good enough for her. Reverie is a light in the darkness for Nick and he clings to that even though he knows letting her go would be the right thing. 

Nick, as I said earlier, has been betrayed by people he thought were his friends and now has no one to turn to. He feels less alone with Reverie, but he knows if she finds out his secret of serving time in jail she'll bolt and will lose the respect she has for him. 

Reverie is a sheltered, innocent girl that feels suffocated by her parents. Her father is a preacher, thus putting her in the spotlight, and being forced to watch how she acts and appears at all times. She loves her parents dearly though and is crushed when she doesn't meet their approval. She wants to be treated the same as any other normal girl and be allowed to wear a bit of make up and cute clothes. She has the naivety of a 16 year old girl and falls for Nick hard and fast. She wants him to be the one for her-he evokes all these feelings she never knew she could have and wants more. 

I have to mention Krista, Nick's ex. She's a real piece of work and is very manipulative of Nick. She is desperate for love and acceptance and fixates on getting what she wants from him.  She does not take too kindly to his brush offs and is willing to make his life hell to get her way...

Nick and Reverie's love story is one that you read while feeling like you're on the edge of a precipice. You are just teetering there, waiting for it all to come crumbling down around them. This book does end on somewhat of a cliffhanger and will leave your heart in emotional turmoil as you await the conclusion to their story. I am looking forward to seeing if Nick and Reverie can overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of their love or if the external factors will rip them apart for good.

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Monica Murphy is a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite. A wife and mother of three, she writes New Adult and contemporary romance for Bantam and Avon. She is the author of One Week Girlfriend and Second Chance Boyfriend.

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  1. I haven't read a Monica Murphy book in a while! I have this one and I'm looking forward to it, but I need a break from the innocent girl character...

    1. I hear ya Nereyda. I liked it okay. It wasn't my favorite from her though.

  2. I definitely want to give this one a try. I like the sound of the storyline and the characters. Lovely review!

    1. Thanks Magen! It was a cute, sweet read. I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next!

  3. This sounds like a good read and one I would enjoy. Still need to get started on this author. Great review!

    1. You haven't read any MM yet?! GIRL! You so need to! :D


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My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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