
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Stacking the Shelves #85+ Weekly Wrap-Up

By 11:24 AM ,

Stacking the Shelves is an event hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves.
e-ARCs Received For Review/Blog Tour:
First Position (Dirty Dancing #1) by Melody Grace (Thank you Melody and Rachel from Mark My Words Publicity for this one!)
Falling Away (Fall Away #3) by Penelope Douglas (Thank you Berkley!)
The Importance of Being Alice (Ainslie Brothers #1) by Katie MacAlister (Thank you Berkley!)
Forgive Me (Lost Souls #1) by Eliza Freed (Thank you Forever!)
Physical ARCs Received For Review:
You Were Mine (Rosemary Beach #9) by Abbi Glines
(A HUGE thank you to Bloomsbury and Atria for these two!)
(I know I shouldn't be buying books, especially since my birthday is in two weeks, but I HAD to get this one at sale price!)


Saturday:                         Stacking the Shelves+Weekly Wrap-Up

Sunday:                           Review: Someday Maybe by Ophelia London

Monday:                          Cover Reveal: The Librarian Principle by Helena Hunting
                                         Blog Tour: Breakdown by Ellie Grace

Tuesday:                          Top Ten Tuesday- Top Ten New Series I Want to Start
                                         Review: Light Her Fire by Samanthe Beck

Wednesday:                     Review: The Write Stuff by Tiffany King

Thursday:                        Series Cover Reveal: Dirty Dancing by Melody Grace
                                         Release Day Launch: The Collectors' Society by Heather Lyons
                                         Review: Escaping Me by Elizabeth Lee

Friday:                             Blog Tour: Finding You by Elizabeth Lee

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  1. Awesome haul of books. I like the cover for Emery Lord's new book. Great stack of books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

    1. Thanks Grace! She always has the most gorgeous covers!

  2. Forgive Me and The Start of Me and You seem very interesting. Enjoy your haul :)
    My STS

  3. First Position and Falling Away sound really good. Enjoy them! My STS

    1. Thanks Jillyn! I love Melody Grace's books and am a new Penelope Douglas fan!

  4. Very nice! All totally new to me but I hope you enjoy each and every one of them!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I cannot wait to get my hands on Falling Away! I adore that series! Looks like you had a good week!

    1. I still need to read Bully! But I'm afraid it will wreck me, lol.

  6. I hope you enjoy your new books!

    Come and check out OUaT's STS and if you're a TWITTER user don't forget to RT & Follow @Twilightsdance for a chance to win a Spooktacular Box of Books!

  7. I think I also got The Start of You and Me! It's at home though. I'm excited about that one! I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  8. Oh man First Position looks sooo damn good. And so does Falling Away... I seriously need to start that series ASAP. happy reading Jessica :)

    1. Yes! It was a total surprise they sent it to me after helping with the cover reveal! So excited because I love books about dance!

  9. The Start of Me and You! Jealous! I still haven't read her first one, but heard soooooooo many good things about it, so no doubt this ones just as! :) Happy reading!

    Here's mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

    1. Oh I LOVED Open Road Summer! It was such a great, cute read! Definitely read it when you can Kirsty! :D

  10. Ohhh a new Julie Cross book (for me anyway). I NEED that!

    Enjoy your books Jess, you have a great selection there. I look forward to your thoughts on Forgive Me as it looks great.

    1. YES! I love sporty books! I can't wait to find some free time to read it!

  11. I was in The Importance of Being Ernest in high school, so I kind of love the Alice book. Can't wait to see what you think of it! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction


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