
Lovin' los libros

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Review: Contradictions by Tiffany King

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Contradictions (Woodfalls Girls #3)
    by: Tiffany King

Publication Date: Jan. 6, 2015
Publisher: Berkley Trade
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: ARC provided via the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 304 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo
My Rating: 3.5/5 stars

When everything starts spinning out of control . . .

Three years into college, Tressa Oliver’s life is a nonstop party. She’s skating by in her classes, and there’s no shortage of drinking, dancing, and general hell-raising. The only aspect that hasn’t been much fun: She can’t shake the toxic jerks that always seem to gravitate toward her.

It will take someone totally wrong . . .

Trent Lawson is the classic anti-bad boy: smart, boring, and way too serious. To a wild girl like Tressa, there’s no way in hell they’re compatible—especially since Trent seems to see straight through her defenses.

To set her right.

When a college prank goes terribly wrong, Tressa starts to suspect that her partying ways are leading nowhere fast. Now she has to turn to the last person she ever thought she’d ask for help—and quickly discovers that there’s more to Trent than meets the eye . . .

As a big fan of the Woodfalls Girls series, I was thrilled to finally get Tressa's book. Having briefly met Tressa in the previous two novels, we know she is incredibly loyal to her friends and is also a bit of a wild child.
My favorite part of the novel is watching Tressa's development from a straight up partier to more of a straight edge focused on her studies. Unfortunately for Tressa, she had to hit rock bottom before realizing her life is not as easygoing as she once thought. It isn't easy for Tressa to completely change who she's always been and the routine she's known for the last few years. Her friends don't understand the sudden change in her and her closest friend Cameo, is really upset with Tressa, having felt she abandoned her and their partying lifestyle. The one person who embraces Tressa's new lifestyle is the last person she ever expected to get close to: uber nerdy and very very sexy Trent James. Also hailing from Woodfalls, Trent has had a crush on Tressa for quite some time now, but Tressa has always made it very clear she's not interested. Watching the two of them work together and see her start to see Trent for more than just the geeky guy who has a crush on her is my favorite part of the story. Their chemistry is both sexy and sweet and I loved watching Tressa fall for him.
Tressa's character is definitely a bit rough around the edges and has a bit of an in your face personality. Her voice initially took some getting used to, but as the book progresses as does her relationship with Trent, she does soften up a bit. I adored Trent's character. Mad props to Tiffany for making him a sexy nerd! He was such a fun character. He's geeky and Tressa calls him on it often, but he isn't ashamed of who he is and what he likes. I love how he can be vulnerable and shy one moment and then have this adorable confidence the next. He is persistent in his pursuit of Tressa, even when she blows him off and refuses to go out with him. She nicknames him Clark Trent, which is so fitting for how he's nerdy, but built like a rockstar with gorgeous blue eyes.
Overall, I really enjoyed this one. I did feel the beginning had a bit of a slower start and I did feel some scenes to be a bit heavy on the details, but other than that the storyline and romance really worked for me. I really love new adult books with a college setting and this one did a great job of showing us all aspects of college life- frat parties, hazing, studying, tutoring, romance, and friendship.

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  1. I am really looking forward to getting started on this series. It sounds perfect for me. I also love that Trent is a nerd! I am loving that guys like that are showing up more and more in books. Great review!

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed this one! Though I haven't heard of the series before, I love watching characters develop and grow. Tressa sounds like a character that really went through a transformation and I know I would enjoy that!

    Lovely review!


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