
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Stacking the Shelves #96+Weekly Wrap-Up

By 9:52 AM ,

Stacking the Shelves is an event hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves.

Physical ARCs Received For Review:

The 27 Club by Kim Karr
(Thank you Berkley for this one!)

e-ARCs Received For Review:

Three Brothers by Nicole Williams
Fading Out (Living Heartwood #3) by Trisha Wolfe
(A big thank you to Nicole and AToMR Tours for these!)
The Invasion of the Tearling (Queen of the Tearling #2) by Erika Johansen
Leaving Amarillo (Neon Dreams #1) by Caisey Quinn
(Thank you Harper for these!)

Saturday:                        Stacking the Shelves+Weekly Wrap-Up

Sunday:                          Review: Make it Last by Megan Erickson

Monday:                         Music Monday: Bleachers

Tuesday:                         Tasty Tuesday: Italian Sausage and Pepper Pasta
                                        Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten 2014 Books I Meant to Read But Didn't Get To

Wednesday:                    Review: Last Call by Alice Clayton

Thursday:                       I Mustache You Some Questions!

Friday:                            Reviews: Wallbanger and Rusty Nailed by Alice Clayton

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  1. I just looked up The 27 Club on Goodreads, ooohhhhh, it sounds very creepy! Can't wait to see what you think of it. And I love the look of Caisey's new book too. Happy reading Jess and have a great week.

  2. I got Three Brothers and Leaving Amarillo this week, too! I can't wait to read them! Hope you have a great week, girl!

    My StS!

  3. The 27 Club sounds really good! I still need to try out Queen of the Tearling. I hope you enjoy them!

  4. Oh my! I forgot to put The Invasion of the Tearling in my post! Thank you for reminding me! LOL :D I'm not a huge fan of this cover, to be honest. Especially when you compare it to book one's cover. But oh well! I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous weekend, Jess :)

    Check out my STS post!

  5. I am so excited for Three Brothers. That book just sounds so damn good. And The 27 Club sounds really good too! Happy reading!

  6. Can't wait to see what you think of the second Queen of Tearling book! Hope you have a great week!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  7. OOoh nice! I need to read Queen of the Tearling! Hoping to get to it this month, but so far the future remains cloudy on that! LOL! Hope you enjoy your reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Nice haul, lady! I'm interested to see what everyone thinks of Invasion - I haven't read Queen of the Tearling and want to see how the romance plays out!
    Happy reading!!!!!

  9. I guess I have to read book #1 of the Tearling series, it seems everyone loved it! Happy reading :)


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