
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Blogging Update!

By 10:46 AM

Hi guys!
I just wanted to touch base, as I feel like I haven't been very active socially and I wanted to explain why. I've had quite a few blog posts the last couple weeks, but I just hadn't gotten around to doing much commenting or interacting as much on social media.
I've been staying with my parents since last Thursday and had only planned to stay a day or two, but then things would keep coming up so I just stuck around. I despise using my laptop to do bloggy things, so while I've made do, I'm not super excited to use it. LOL. We had some family stuff happen this past Saturday night, so instead of going home as planned, I decided to stay and just act as a source of comfort and sanity for my mom. (It's nothing life threatening, so no worries there.) 
Yesterday I moderated the Boldly Bookish Tour for Bloomsbury in Memphis (which is 3 hours from me), so we went to that. It was so awesome and I had the BEST time hanging with those lovely ladies.
(Will post more pictures and shenanigans from the stop later.)
Starting today through Sunday, I will be attending the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival in Manchester, TN.
I am beyond excited to see Billy Joel, Mumford & Sons, Florence + the Machine, Hozier, Bleachers, Tove Lo, Ben Harper, Guster, and so many more!
I get two days to recuperate before the girls (Danielle, Wendy, and Tonya) get here for UtopYA Con here in Nashville, TN! I also get to see my Heather, Rachel, and SO MANY MORE!
UtopYA runs next Thursday through Sunday, so I will be pretty busy spending time with everyone and showing them around Nashville!
Since I don't have many blog posts scheduled, I have a feeling the blog will be pretty quiet the next week or so. I doubt I'll get much reading done either, but I'll do the best I can!
So yeah! I just wanted to give y'all a heads up and didn't think I dropped off the face of the planet!

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    1. You've had/have so many exciting events to go too! I can't wait to hear ALL about them! <3

    2. JESS, I GET TO SEE YOUR FACE SOON. I'm so freaking excited!

    3. I hope things are better for your family! I hope you enjoyed Boldly Bookish, moderately sounds super exciting! Have fun! :)

    4. Oh man you have so much excitement coming up! I cannot wait to see all of the pics and hope you have a wonderful time!

    5. You have been busy! I had toyed with going to UtopYA Con and can't wait for it to be over with so I can stop second guessing myself. :)
      I hope that you have a great time and will be looking forward to hearing about it.

    6. I SEE YOU IN THREE DAYS I'M SO EXCITEDDDD. So happy you got to moderate at that tour, that's so awesome! I hope you've been having a great time at bonnaroo and rest up! ;)

    7. Your life sound so Fun Jess! And sometimes I just feeling like spending a few days with my parents. I love just hanging out at their house and eating all the food :)
      Have fun!

    8. I'm so jealous! I don't think that event came anywhere near me. :(

      I hope all is well on the home front. I'll be thinking of you and your family. :)

    9. What an exciting June! I'm so sad I won't be at UtopYA. :( I know you girls are gonna have an amazing time there!

    10. Ahh have fun at the music fest!! ooh sounds like fun to moderate a panel, I'm sure you nailed it ;)

    11. Glad to hear that nothing life threatening is going on with the family!
      And YAY for all the things happening!! Music festival!! Bookish Con with bookish friends!! Have a blast Jessica!


    Leave me some comment love! And I will get around to commenting back!

    My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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