
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Stacking the Shelves #117+Weekly Wrap-Up

By 11:16 AM ,

Stacking the Shelves is an event hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves.



The Year We Fell Down (The Ivy Years #1) by Sarina Bowen
(I saw Jen mention this one being on sale on Twitter!)
Something Like Normal by Trish Doller
Lady Thief (Scarlet #2) by A.C. Gaughen
Open Road Summer by Emery Lord
Send Me a Sign by Tiffany Schmidt
(I picked these up at the Boldly Bookish signing last night!)
The Lies About Truth by Courtney C. Stevens
(Thank you Harper!)
Physical Copies Received For Review:
Toxic by Kim Karr
(Thank you to NAL Trade for sending me this one!)
The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen
Joyride by Anna Banks
(I took my cousin's Sarah Dessen book, because I STILL have not read a Dessen book! Nick was kind enough to let me borrow her copy of Joyride. Thanks Nick!)

Saturday:                        Stacking the Shelves+Weekly Wrap-Up

Sunday:                          REVIEW: Revive by Tracey Martin (3 stars)

Monday:                        MUSIC MONDAY: Florence+ the Machine
                                       REVIEW: The Stars Never Rise by Rachel Vincent (5 stars)

Tuesday:                        TASTY TUESDAY: Chicken Parmesan
                                       MINI REVIEWS: Suddenly One Summer by Julie James, Vicious Cycle by Katie Ashley, and After the War by Jessica Scott (All 4 stars)

Wednesday:                   REVIEW: Blame it on the Kiss by Robin Bielman (3 stars)

Thursday:                      BLOGGING UPDATE

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  1. Great haul! Open Road Summer and Joyride are two that I really want to read. I hope you enjoy your books. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  2. Oh nice! These are mostly new to me reads! Hope you enjoy them all!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I really want to read Open Road Summer and anything by Sarah Dessen! I've heard some good stuff about Joyride! Have fun reading it!

  4. I heard The Year We Fell Down is fantastic! I cannot wait to read that one! Maybe we can try for a buddy read once I survive busy season?

    Happy reading!

  5. Lots of pretty books in your haul, Jess! Had you not read Something Like Normal before? It's one of my favorite books of all time. :)
    You'll have to let me know how Send Me a Sign is.
    And yay! I hope you love Joyride!
    Happy reading!

  6. I'm so excited for The Lies About the Truth and I loved Joyride so much. I hope you like it too Jess!

  7. I purchased The Year We Fell Down a few weeks ago when it was free! It sounds good! And yay for Toxic!

  8. Oh great! Now I'M going to be the only one in the world who hasn't read a Sarah Dessen book. Sigh. Haha. I think that's the one that I have on my Kindle as well for when I FINALLY join the cool kids and read one of her books.

    OMG The Year We Fell Down sounds SO good!! That's going on my Kindle the next time I buy books. And I can't wait until Nov for The Lies About Truth. I saw that one around somewhere within this past week and I'm so curious about it! I can't be bothered to figure out Edelweiss though. Besides, you know me, it's not like I need one more place to tempt me with books haha :D

    I hope you enjoy all of this girl!

  9. Ooooh lovely haul^^ I still need to read Scarlet myself but I finally own a copy so hopefully soon(-ish)! I've heard good things about Open Road Summer and well I love the cover for Joyride ♥ I hope you're having a great week end Jessica and happy reading!! :)

  10. I have been really interested in The lies about truth. Great week for you chica!

    I hope you have a great week! Happy reading :)

    Here's my weekly wrap up

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

  11. I still have NOT read a sarah dessen book! I have no idea why/what it is. I need to sometime! I really want to read something like normal! i own it too! so glad the boldly bookish tour was so much fun! :)

  12. I am reading Scarlet right now so hopefully I will be getting to the next books soon ;) I have yeard good things about Open Road Summer! Enjoy.
    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  13. The Lies About Truth caught me eye, it's looks really good! I must have skipped over it on EW but I think I'll go back and grab it now! :)
    I *think* I have Something Like Normal on my kindle and I know it has great reviews so I hope we both love it. I haven't actually read a Trish Doller book yet but I need to soon as I'm really curious about her.
    Have a great week Jess :)

  14. The Year We Fell Down! The Year We Fell Down! I love this series so hard. I think you will, too. The best part is, it just keeps getting better with each new book. I have The Lies About the Truth, Toxic and Joyride to read, too. I'll get to those one day. :)

    Happy reading, girl!

  15. I love Something Like Normal, Joyrdie, and The Truth About Forever, so great new haul. :) And I can't wait to read The Lies About Truth - I wish I had enough time to read it this weekend. ;)


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My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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