
Lovin' los libros

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Review: Zack by Sawyer Bennett

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Zack (Cold Fury Hockey #3)
    by: Sawyer Bennett

Publication Date: June 9, 2015
Publisher: Loveswept
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: Adult
Source: e-ARC received via NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Page Count: 325 pages
Order Links: Amazon | B&N
My Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Rising star Zack Grantham has been stuck in a downward spiral of grief ever since the car accident that left him a single dad and put his career on hold. Back on the road with the Carolina Cold Fury and still crippled by emotional baggage, he’s in need of some serious help with his son. But while the nerdy new nanny wins his son’s heart, Zack isn’t sure he’s ready for a woman’s touch—even after getting a glimpse of the killer curves she’s hiding under those baggy clothes.

Kate Francis usually keeps men like Zack at a distance. Though his athlete’s body is honed to perfection, he refuses to move on with his life—and besides, he’s her boss. Still, the sparks between them are undeniable, tempting Kate to turn their professional relationship into a personal one. But before she makes a power play for Zack’s wounded heart, Kate will have to open him up again and show him that love is worth the fight.

I know I've said it before, but I feel it needs to be said again: I just love this series by Sawyer Bennett. Each book follows a different Carolina Cold Fury player and we get to see how their lives are affected by their career, their pasts, and their new loves. I have become so attached to these characters and I could seriously read a book about every player on this team.
We've met Zack in the previous two books, but it is in the last book where Zack's life has been forever changed due to tragedy. I was absolutely heartbroken for him, so naturally I wanted to get his story and see him work past his grief and his guilt and find happiness again.
I won't lie. I cried during this book. I mean, tears streaming down my face kind of crying. I was surprised by this, but my heart just ached for Kate and the way Zack would treat her. He doesn't intentionally want to hurt her, but some of his actions and the things he says just dug really deep. Kate is so patient with him and has such a big heart, so I think that's why it slayed me every time she was hurting.
Kate has been hired by Zack's sister to nanny his five-year-old son, Ben (who is OMG adorable!), and naturally that doesn't sit well with Zack. He knows he needs the help, but he can't help but feel he is hiring someone to take the place of Ben's mom, Gina. He really struggles to accept Kate and let her into his life, but he knows its a necessity. Zack has been trying to feel something, anything really, in the months since Gina's death. Kate is the first woman who stirs him back to life with her nerdy, dorky humor. I loved that. She always tries to make him smile by creating these ridiculous nicknames for him and Ben, and while he resents that at first, he starts to come around. He even finds that she is the one that is bringing all these dormant feelings back to life.
Once he and Kate give in to their attraction he makes it clear that this can only be what it is: sex. No attachments, no feelings can be involved. He doesn't have those kinds of things to give and he wants her to understand that from the start. Of course, the lines get blurred and both of them are falling hard for one another, but Zack's guilt really creates a huge barrier for him to move past.
Kate has never really had a lot of close girl friends growing up, so I loved her friendship with Sutton. It killed me when Zack would treat her as just an employee and not the woman he was befriending and falling for, because he would make it clear that she didn't belong in their hockey circle and that hurt. Thankfully, Sutton is a no-nonsense woman and doesn't let any of these guys boss her around! We also get quite a bit of Ryker, the Cold Fury's backup goalie, and we learn a little about his past- an ex-wife who wants to give him full custody of their two daughters- and how he's going to deal with raising two little girls on his own. I'm really looking forward to his story next.
All in all, Zack was a great addition to the Cold Fury series and I loved seeing him and Kate fall for one another and tackle what it's like to move on after a loved one has passed. Bennett has evoked all the emotions in me and I have no doubt she will do so again in the next book.

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  1. I've seen mention of this series around quite a bit and especially advance reveiws of this have been great. I love sports romances and the single dad/single mom trope doesn't get enough attention in romance books IMO so this sounds like one to check out! Lovely review hon! Have an amazing time at YA...something lol! Too many acronyms, I can never remember which one but yeah that YA thing in Nashville with all the girls ;)

  2. Sigh. The first two books are sitting on my Kindle. Mainly because, let's face it, the covers haha! But I've really gotten into hockey related books too. Knowing how much you're loving this series makes me more excited to finally start it and I know I'm gonna have to get this one as well. The streaming tears part was the big seller for me. I'm a bit twisted no? Haha

    Lovely review! :)

  3. Oh this one sounds like it really messes with your heart. I have been meaning to start this series because I love swoons and I love hockey. Great review Jessica!

  4. Oh wow! This book seemed to have made you so emotional, Jess! I already want to throttle Zack for how he treats the MC, but I also think I'm going to love him from the sounds of it.
    I need to read this one soon. I skipped book 2 because I refuse to read books with that thing, but I like Sawyer's writing so much.
    Lovely review!

  5. Not only do I love a book that can make me cry, I need one for the Coyer Scavenger hunt. I will give it a go if it doesn't need to be read in order. What do you think? Thanks for the great review.


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