
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

Tasty Tuesday #47

By 1:00 AM

Hey guys! I'm back again with another Tasty Tuesday!

I do alter my recipes to fit my own tastes, so please also feel free to refer back to the original recipe at the bottom of the post to see what I may have eliminated.

 Most of my recipes are Weight Watcher friendly, but don't let that scare you away. They are actually really good. I've also found some great websites like Skinny Kitchen and Skinny Taste that I use a lot too. Most of my recipes have some kick to them, so if you are not a big spicy person, adjust the spices to better fit your tastes. OH. And all of the meals I cook are really easy to prepare. I'm not big on difficult meals.

Today I am featuring:

Skillet Chicken Cordon Bleu


-4 thin, boneless skinless cutlets, 4 oz. each
-1/2 tsp. salt
-1/4 cup flour
-1/2 tsp. butter
-1 and 1/2 tsps. olive oil
-2/3 cup reduced sodium chicken broth
-1 tbsp. lemon juice
-1/2 tbsp. Dijon mustard
-4 thin slices low sodium deli ham
-4 slices light Swiss cheese


1. Season chicken with salt and pepper, to taste.

2. Place flour in a shallow dish and lightly dredge the chicken with flour on both sides, shaking off the excess reserving the flour.

3. In a small bowl, combine the chicken broth, lemon juice, Dijon mustard and 1 tsp. of reserved flour and whisk until smooth.

4. Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Melt the butter and add 1 tsp. olive oil and half of the chicken.

5. Cook 2 minutes on each side, until slightly golden, then transfer to a dish. Add remaining 1/2 tsp. of olive oil and remaining chicken and cook 2 minutes on each side. Set aside with the other pieces of chicken.

6. Reduce the heat to medium-low, add the chicken broth mixture. Whisk scraping up any bits stuck to the pan then simmer 2 minutes to reduce slightly. Return chicken to the skillet, top each with a slice of ham and a slice of cheese.

7. Cover the skillet and simmer medium-low for 3-4 minutes until the cheese melts.

8. To serve, use a spatula and transfer the chicken to each dish, spoon the remaining sauce over each piece.


- I would forego the salt next time. It was a bit salty to me.

- I also should have pounded the chicken out a bit thinner.

Serving Size: 1 piece of chicken
Serves: 4
WW Smart Points: 5
Cook Time: 8-10 minutes
My Rating: 4 stars! I really enjoyed this one! It was super tasty!

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  1. That looks super tasty!! I love the website Skinny taste too. Her cookbook is really good too. I will have to check out the other website. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I've been wanting to check out Gina's cookbook, so I'm glad it's good! And Skinny Kitchen is really good too- very similar but I've found great stuff!

  2. Mmmm, sounds really yummy! I'll keep your recommendation in mind and skip the salt, I'm not into salty dishes myself!

    1. If you decide to make this Pili, make sure you do low sodium ham too. I feel like regular ham might be too salty too. Granted I didn't measure my salt out and just kind of sprinkled on the chicken. LOL.

  3. Once again....it's Tuesday morning and I want to eat your blog. This. Looks. Delicious! And it looks so easy! Yum, yum, yummmmm!

    1. Haha! I love it. :) And yes! It was super easy, which I loved!

  4. Ohh I love Cordon Bleu, but I usually like to make it unhealthy and add some breadcrumbs to the chicken lol

    1. Ooh I do LOVE me some breadcrumbs though. Haha.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Magen! It's one I'll be including in my rotation for sure!

  6. OMG this looks so yummy and delicious!! I may have to try it! This year I'm trying new things and cooking new stuff I haven't cooked before so this is perfect!

    1. Thanks Gen! I am trying to keep cooking new things too. I always got so used to cooking the same things and got bored. I love switching it up!

  7. That looks good - and easier than the version I have where you have to cut and stuff the chicken.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Oh yeah, I am all about the easy. Though stuffing the chicken does sound really yummy.


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