
Lovin' los libros

A book blog dedicated to young adult and new adult novels

The Monday Musts- The Song of Achilles, Chris Stapleton, and SNOW!

By 1:00 AM

The Monday Musts is a new weekly meme I started and will be doing instead of Music Monday. This way I can combine my love of music to fit better with my book blog.

Thank you to Tonya for making me the above graphic to go with my new meme! <3

I would love for others to join me in doing The Monday Musts! I have included a Linky at the end of my post, so please share your Monday Musts!

It's super easy to do. What is a must read book? What album/song/artist is a must listen? And finally what has caught your eye that is a must see? (Can be ANYTHING. Other blogs, bookish things, pictures, etc.)

This week's MUSTS:

Must Read:

Oh goodness me, this book. It doesn't matter that I've read The Iliad and know Achilles' and Patroclus' fates. This book STILL gutted me. The book shows their growing up together leading up to the days of the Trojan War and how the impending war affects their lives together. It is such a beautifully written story and I absolutely loved seeing the two balance one another out.

Must Listen:

Artist: Chris Stapleton
Album: Traveller
Favorite Tracks: Tennessee Whiskey, Traveller, Parachute

Chris Stapleton is a singer/songwriter born in Kentucky, but has made a name for himself here in Nashville. This past year he has exploded onto the music scene and it was only after he won so many CMA's that I decided to give him a listen. I absolutely love his voice! He has a very bluegrass, folk, rock mix and it's definitely unique!

Must See:

Hello Winter Storm Jonas! I don't mind you so much here in Tennessee! We got a snow day out of you this past Friday and lots of pretty snow to look at!

Unfortunately Jack is NOT a fan of the snow. He kept trying to run/hop through it. It was quite amusing, but I felt bad for the little guy.

View from my balcony as the day wore on Friday. It started snowing at 9am and didn't stop until 5 or 6pm! They are saying this is the most snow Nashville has gotten since the Blizzard of '93!

Being stuck inside certainly makes for some good reading time! I read Shadow and Bone Friday night with a nice cup of hot chocolate and then started Siege and Storm Saturday night, but this time I finished off my bottle of wine!

What are YOUR Monday MUSTS?

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  1. Great post Jessica! Don't forget to add yourself to the blog hop. Now that I have the code, it is also on my post, so others can see the "hop" and check out the other posts. If we encourage everyone to get the code, word of the blog hop will spread faster. have a great week.

    1. Thanks Ardis! That's a great idea! I hope we keep growing!

  2. The snow is so pretty!!! Poor Jack, haha. Also i'm so happy you're reading that series. I can't wait until you get to R&R! :) Also I'm scared about the song of achilles now but I do have it and want to read it soon!

    1. Jack was SO not a fan. Poor guy. He is so picky. I'm so glad I am finally reading it! I really love the world! I can't wait to start R&R either! And The Song of Achilles is SO worth the pain. :)

  3. The storm you guys all got was supposed to make it's way in my neck of the woods over the weekend but for whatever reason it passed us right by! Since when do Canadians get the short end of the stick with storms?! LOL! Pretty pictures anyway, I love how snow is the perfect excuse for staying warm inside with a good book or two :) Oh and I want to read The Song of Achilles too!! It sounds amazing! Have a great week xx

    1. That's so crazy it ended up passing y'all by! I am still surprised that it didn't us! Usually it's like there this dome around where I live and everything misses us. The Song of Achilles is SO good! I hope you get to read it someday!

  4. This blizzard was good for you, wasn't it! :) Aww poor, Jack! I would have told you to get him cute fuzzy dog boots but if it doesn't always snow, then that would be a pointless. I need to read Song of Achilles! Your raving has gotten me really interested.

    1. It was! I will never pass up a 4 day weekend! Haha! I am ready to get back to my routine though. Jack would never let me put boots on him. When I take that sweater off he goes bat shit crazy. LOL. And I definitely rec TSoA!

  5. The snow is so pretty! I had a blogger friend in Tennessee who was always saying she wished it snowed, so I know that's a lot for you guys! We had a bunch last weekend and a little bit more yesterday, but we haven't had nearly as much as we usually do.

    The Song of Achilles sounds really good! I'll have to recommend it to my bff, it sounds like something she'd love, too.

    Have a great week! :-)

    1. Yes! We never get this much! We were out for a week last year but that was because of an ice storm, so it was nice to get the actual snow as well!

  6. I am a tiny bit jealous of your snow...though I'd only want it for like a day then it can go away. And I REALLY wanna read The Song of Achilles even though I knew it will destroy my emotions.

    1. That's really all we had it for. It was pretty much melted yesterday, but today it was like 55. Haha. It will so destroy your emotions and I was surprised by how impacted I was even knowing how it would all end.

  7. Looks like you had a chilly weekend! Nothing beats snuggling up with a book with a warm cup of cocoa! I've had Shadow and Bone for a while now, and I really need to pick it up. :)

    Happy reading and I hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. I love those kinds of weekends! They are my favorite in the winter! Oh Shadow and Bone is so good! I think you'll really like it Magen!

  8. The snow looks pretty! And cozy too.

    Majanka @ I Heart Reading.

  9. I have to check out that must listen! Your blizzard beverages of choice are amazing and I totally had some wine myself during it :)

    1. If you listen to Chris, definitely let me know what you think! :) I saw you had wine too on IG! I do love reading time with a glass of vino in my hand! LOL.

  10. We were luckily in Syracuse because those big snowstorms didn't hit us. But We get plenty on our own! :)

    1. That's what my mom said! She was up there visiting and was supposed to come home, but had to push back her flight because she was afraid she'd get caught in Charlotte. She sent me pictures of her shoveling and brushing off the car. So funny!

  11. GAHH I wish I had your snow! Walking to my bus this morning was HORRENDOUS. SO MUCH SNOW EVERYWHERE! But you have reminded me I need to catch up and read Ruin & Rising. I keep putting it off because I am scared but I need to finish up that series so I can read Six of Crows!

    1. Hahah! Yeah, we got Winter Storm Jonas Light! I confess it would be fun to play in up there but having to continue on with life like normal would be rough. We luckily get to shut down here. LOL. Oh read R&R!!! Do itttttt! I'm going to start tomorrow hopefully.

  12. Clearly I MUST read Song of Achilles... it's there in my list of books for my #RockMyTBR challenge because it's been sitting on my Kindle for quite a while... Maybe next month!!

    And YAY for snow when it is unusual and not bothersome! We're not getting any snow this year, it's a warmer winter than usual over here...

    1. Yes! You MUST! Pili! It's so good! :D Let me know when you get to it! We had a warmer than usual December. We were in the 60s and 70s over Christmas which is a rarity!

  13. This snow is hella intense, I've been checking out the East Coast from twitter and the news. I hope you're all snuggly with your books!

    1. Thanks! I definitely enjoyed being stuck inside! :)

  14. So, I tried to comment earlier on my phone, but I guess it didn't post. LOL

    I'd not heard of the Song of Achilles before you posted about it, but it sounds really good. It just might have a spot on my TBR. I wasn't sure what to think of Chris Stapleton when I first heard him on the CMAs but after that performance? Totally a fan. Your snow looks far more pleasant than what we dealt with in PA and what I'll be going home to in DC tomorrow!

    1. Oh weird! That happens to me sometimes too and I get irritated because I hate losing what I had to say! I wasn't sure what to think of him either! I was like, "who is this guy winning all these awards?" I see why now! LOL.


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My blog is an award-free blog, however, as I just do not have the time to follow-up.

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